Please provide some evidence for that?
The most obvious tell is the crime rates per thousand by province
But if you want some concrete numbers
Department of Justice Canada's Internet site
On-reserve crime rates were about three times higher than rates in the rest of Canada
The difference was even greater for violent crime, with an on-reserve rate that was eight times the violent crime rate of the rest of the country
National crime rates for Indian bands are available from the Department of Indian Affairs. According to the department, the national crime rate is 92.7 per 1,000 population, while the crime rate for Indian bands is 165.6 per 1,000 population (1.8 times the national rate). Nationally, the violent crime rate is 9.0 per 1,000, while for Indian bands the violent crime rate is 33.1 per 1,000 (3.67 times the national rate).
21% of Aboriginal people reported having experienced some form of physical or sexual violence by a spouse in the 5 years preceding the survey. This compares to 6% of non-Aboriginal people who experienced spousal violence over the same time period
Indigenous people accounted for 33% of people accused of homicide, at a rate which was 10 times that of non-Indigenous people
The rate of Indigenous females accused of homicides was about 31 times that of non-Indigenous females
The rate of Indigenous males accused of homicide was 8 times that of non-Indigenous males
The rate of violent victimization among Indigenous people was more than double that of non-Indigenous people
Indigenous females had an overall rate of violent victimization that was double that of Indigenous males and close to triple that of non-Indigenous females.
The proportion of Indigenous adults in custody was about 9 times higher than their representation in the adult population
The proportion of Indigenous youth in provincial/territorial custody was about 5 times higher than their representation in the youth population
But really they also have more poverty, more unemployment, more issues so the huge jump in crime rates is not exactly a surprise
You can quote thousands of diff stats, but criminal wise they are vastly over represented in the system
And seriously
We are discussing murder / rape / child abuse here
Only someone insane would discount they offend at much higher than normal rates