The One Spa

US Election 2020: The Shame of the Nation


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
US Election 2020: The Shame of the Nation

by Stephen Lendman

The US has been a fantasy democracy from inception, never the real thing, designed this way by the founders.

Of all US presidential elections in my memory since Franklin Roosevelt’s 1944 last hurrah and Harry Truman’s 1948 surprise triumph over Tom Dewey — our neighbor telling my dad “I told you so” — Election 2020 stands out as the most brazen of manipulated outcomes.

When losers are declared winners and legitimate winners mocked for crying foul, cracks in the system are beyond repair.

When establishment media across the board cheerlead the ruse — suppressing the truth — US hypocrisy, a fantasy democracy, tops the list of banana republics for its outlandish pretense.

When self-styled American exceptionalism, the indispensable state, a bastion of fundamental freedoms and moral superiority is exposed to be rotten to the core, banana republic designation isn’t strong enough to describe its total/irreversible fall from grace.

America never was beautiful. It’s always been a government of duplicitous/self-serving politicians, not laws.

They lie, connive, misinterpret and pretty much operate ad libitum in discharging their duties as they see fit for themselves and cronies.

The same goes for duplicitous media. Serving powerful interests and themselves over truth and full-disclosure, they long ago lost credibility.

From inception to now, “we the people” exclusively means its ruling class — ordinary people exploited, not served.

America’s 1776 revolution left things intact under new management.

Throughout US history, names and faces alone changed, dirty business as usual remaining as always before.

Today’s America is pockmarked by endless wars on humanity at home and abroad, criminality in the halls of Congress and corporate suites, rampant injustice for ordinary people, festering social problems left unaddressed, and fantasy democracy — duopoly rule and electoral fraud two of its defining features.

The nation’s supreme law of the land, its Constitution, is however deceitful politicians and judicial authorities define it — the rights and interests of ordinary Americans ignored.

Government of, by, and for everyone was never the law of the land.

US governance from inception was always about privileged interests exclusively, most others exploited to serve them.

Falsely called the father of the Constitution, James Madison later said the following:

“I am not of the number if there be any such, who think the Constitution…was a faultless work.”

It’s “the best that could be obtained from the jarring interests of the states.”

“Something, anything, was better than nothing.”

Other so-called founding fathers shared his view. Serving as envoy to France at the time, Jefferson didn’t think the nation’s supreme law of the land would stand the test of time.

He called for a new constitutional convention every 20 years to update it and correct flaws.

The nation’s framers were members of its privileged class, including bankers, merchants, slave-owners, and various other profiteers — what today we’d call a self-serving Wall Street/corporate predator crowd.

They created a system, similar to what existed under the British crown, monarchal wrappings removed.

Everything changed but stayed the same, colonial era lawyer Daniel Leonard saying:

“Never in history had there been so much rebellion with so little real cause.”

America was and continues to be run by self-serving monied interests that own it.

The nation’s first president, George Washington, had no party affiliation, ran unopposed twice, and was unanimously selected, not elected — a process resembling coronations.

From then to now, ordinary Americans have had no say over who’s chosen to serve in high places, no say over how the nation is run.

Outcomes of farcical elections when held pretend to reflect the popular will.

Reality is worlds apart from a process amounting to mass deception.

Biden/Harris were anointed Dem standard bearers — selected to prevent a second Trump term the old-fashioned way, by well-planned in advance election fraud.

It’s not the first time a US election was stolen. It’s perhaps the most brazen, establishment media supporting the anointment of losers Biden/Harris over winner Trump.

Even if he’s got hard evidence for multiple lawsuits that began in earnest on Monday, if deep state dark forces want Biden/Harris installed as president, Trump will leave office in January after one term.

While nothing is certain until things play out in the coming days or weeks, that outcome seems most likely.

What’s gone on already proves beyond a reasonable doubt that democracy in America is pure fiction, not fact.
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Class of 69...
May 19, 2002
Lewiston, NY
US Election 2020: The Shame of the Nation

by Stephen Lendman

The US has been a fantasy democracy from inception, never the real thing, designed this way by the founders.

Of all US presidential elections in my memory since Franklin Roosevelt’s 1944 last hurrah and Harry Truman’s 1948 surprise triumph over Tom Dewey — our neighbor telling my dad “I told you so” — Election 2020 stands out as the most brazen of manipulated outcomes.

When losers are declared winners and legitimate winners mocked for crying foul, cracks in the system are beyond repair.

When establishment media across the board cheerlead the ruse — suppressing the truth — US hypocrisy, a fantasy democracy, tops the list of banana republics for its outlandish pretense.

When self-styled American exceptionalism, the indispensable state, a bastion of fundamental freedoms and moral superiority is exposed to be rotten to the core, banana republic designation isn’t strong enough to describe its total/irreversible fall from grace.

America never was beautiful. It’s always been a government of duplicitous/self-serving politicians, not laws.

They lie, connive, misinterpret and pretty much operate ad libitum in discharging their duties as they see fit for themselves and cronies.

The same goes for duplicitous media. Serving powerful interests and themselves over truth and full-disclosure, they long ago lost credibility.

From inception to now, “we the people” exclusively means its ruling class — ordinary people exploited, not served.

America’s 1776 revolution left things intact under new management.

Throughout US history, names and faces alone changed, dirty business as usual remaining as always before.

Today’s America is pockmarked by endless wars on humanity at home and abroad, criminality in the halls of Congress and corporate suites, rampant injustice for ordinary people, festering social problems left unaddressed, and fantasy democracy — duopoly rule and electoral fraud two of its defining features.

The nation’s supreme law of the land, its Constitution, is however deceitful politicians and judicial authorities define it — the rights and interests of ordinary Americans ignored.

Government of, by, and for everyone was never the law of the land.

US governance from inception was always about privileged interests exclusively, most others exploited to serve them.

Falsely called the father of the Constitution, James Madison later said the following:

“I am not of the number if there be any such, who think the Constitution…was a faultless work.”

It’s “the best that could be obtained from the jarring interests of the states.”

“Something, anything, was better than nothing.”

Other so-called founding fathers shared his view. Serving as envoy to France at the time, Jefferson didn’t think the nation’s supreme law of the land would stand the test of time.

He called for a new constitutional convention every 20 years to update it and correct flaws.

The nation’s framers were members of its privileged class, including bankers, merchants, slave-owners, and various other profiteers — what today we’d call a self-serving Wall Street/corporate predator crowd.

They created a system, similar to what existed under the British crown, monarchal wrappings removed.

Everything changed but stayed the same, colonial era lawyer Daniel Leonard saying:

“Never in history had there been so much rebellion with so little real cause.”

America was and continues to be run by self-serving monied interests that own it.

The nation’s first president, George Washington, had no party affiliation, ran unopposed twice, and was unanimously selected, not elected — a process resembling coronations.

From then to now, ordinary Americans have had no say over who’s chosen to serve in high places, no say over how the nation is run.

Outcomes of farcical elections when held pretend to reflect the popular will.

Reality is worlds apart from a process amounting to mass deception.

Biden/Harris were anointed Dem standard bearers — selected to prevent a second Trump term the old-fashioned way, by well-planned in advance election fraud.

It’s not the first time a US election was stolen. It’s perhaps the most brazen, establishment media supporting the anointment of losers Biden/Harris over winner Trump.

Even if he’s got hard evidence for multiple lawsuits that began in earnest on Monday, if deep state dark forces want Biden/Harris installed as president, Trump will leave office in January after one term.

While nothing is certain until things play out in the coming days or weeks, that outcome seems most likely.

What’s gone on already proves beyond a reasonable doubt that democracy in America is pure fiction, not fact.

I told you so...


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
Continuity Follows All US Elections

by Stephen Lendman (stephenlendman.orgHome – Stephen Lendman)

Whenever US presidential and congressional elections are held, continuity always triumphs.

Names and faces alone change, the fundamental direction of the country doesn’t miss a bit.

Presidents are figurehead fronts for imperial governance of, by, and for privileged interests at the expense of world peace, stability, equity, justice and rule of law.

Empires demand everything, yield nothing, ordinary people exploited, not served — at home and abroad, notably in occupied countries.

Elections when held are farcical, not legitimate, popular sentiment ignored by powerful interests in charge.

In the US, it’s by one-party rule with two right wings, each taking turns running things.

On issues relating to war and peace, corporate empowerment, plutocracy and kleptocracy over democracy, police state harshness, and erosion of fundamental freedoms en route to eliminating them altogether — both wings of the one-party state are on the same page.

So are establishment media, most think tanks, academia, and the clergy.

Trump largely differed from other US presidents in style.

Throughout his tenure, he delivered hugely for wealth and power interests, ordinary Americans getting neoliberal harshness.

If Election 2020 vote-counting was accurate, not dishonest in key swing states, he won. Biden/Harris lost.

Instead it appears the other way around — proving once again that hypocrisy, not democracy, defines the American way.

It’s not the first time US elections at the federal, state, and local levels were stolen and won’t be the last.

Throughout US history, it happened repeatedly since the early days of the republic.

In 2020, deep state interests — or at least a US ruling class majority — favored Biden/Harris over the incumbent president, based on how things turned out with fourth estate support.

Whatever US dark forces want, they get.

Despite hard evidence of significant election fraud in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania favoring Biden/Harris over Trump — likely in Arizona, Georgia and Nevada as well — his legal challenges are likely to fail.

In 2016, US dark forces chose him over Hillary, perhaps by a split decision in his favor.

This year it’s the other way around.

With help from establishment media propaganda for Biden/Harris, deep state elements turned on the hands that fed them — choosing a Dem executive branch over the current one.

Most often, winning US presidents gain House and Senate seats, the so-called coattails effect.

While control of the upper body this time remains undecided (pending 2 runoff races), Republicans will likely to hold a slim majority when the dust settles.

Dems maintain control of the House but lost at least a net five seats, possibly more.

Pre-election, the Cook Political Report predicted a “10 to 15” gain in House seats by Dems.

Post-election, it admitted that Republicans are “on track to pick up between five and ten seats in the House.”

Looking ahead, Dems will likely control the executive branch and House by a lesser majority, Republicans controlling the Senate.

Because of large-scale pre-dawn vote dumps last Wednesday in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania — 100% for Biden, zero percent for Trump — Dems stole victories won by DJT.

Grand theft decided the election outcome — along with establishment media support — not popular sentiment.

As one analyst observed about a reported 89.3% Wisconsin voter turnout (30% higher than ever in state history), it was “a virtual statistical impossibility,” adding:

“The odds of this occurring are 0.00000189% or 1 in 52,910,052.”

James Fetzer reported the above information on his website, adding:

“Election officials in Michigan and Wisconsin could not explain (Dem) presidential nominee Joe Biden’s sudden and dramatic vote tally increase that occurred in both states (pre-dawn) Wednesday morning.”

In Dem strongholds New York and Chicago, Biden got less support than Hillary in 2016, while carrying NY state and Illinois.

Yet in key swing states, “he gained massively,” according to AP News.

On the stump campaigning pre-election, Trump drew huge crowds of supporters.

Turnout at Biden rallies was far less.

As reported on Fetzer’s website, “Trump let by almost 800,000 votes on election night” in Pennsylvania.

By Friday, it was less than 95,000. Last weekend, Biden was “project(ed) (to) carry the state by about 175,000 votes.”

In one Michigan county (Antrim) Trump won by 30 points in 2016, he lost to Biden by 29 points — possible only by election fraud.

Post-election, former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich was quoted, saying the following:

“In big cities where they control the political apparatus and they control the apparatus that counts the votes, and they control the polling places, and the ones who count the votes.”

“It’s widespread and it’s deep” — including votes cast by former state residents and deceased ones added to the count.

According to Judicial Watch, 352 US counties in 29 states have around 1.8 million more registered voters than residents of voting age.

Seven Milwaukee, Wisconsin wards had more votes cast than registered voters.

As Fetzer noted on his website, reliable evidence shows that Election 2020 was stolen for Biden/Harris over Trump.

US dark forces engineer regime change at home as abroad.

What they want, US courts, including the High Court, are highly unlikely to overturn.

As things now stand, Biden will be inaugurated US president on January 20, 2021 — even though if vote-counting was accurate, he lost. Trump won.

Looking ahead, the nation is sharply divided.

Geopolitically, Biden/Harris are likely to be more belligerent than Trump.

Obama bragged about bombing seven countries in eight years.

Something similar may follow over the next four years.

All nations independent of US control will continue being treated as adversaries.

Biden/Harris reportedly will demand unacceptable concessions from Iran for the US to rejoin the landmark JCPOA nuclear deal.

They’ll likely include curbs on Iran’s legitimate missile development, perhaps other military-related concessions as well, wanting the Islamic Republic weakened — what its ruling authorities surely won’t accept.

US relations with China and Russia will likely remain strained — the same likely true toward Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua, and North Korea.

Perhaps more US forces will be sent to Afghanistan, Syria and Iraq instead of withdrawing them altogether.

With likely protracted economic collapse affecting the US economy and majority of its people — along with a divided Congress — Biden/Harris may focus more on geopolitical issues where bipartisan consensus is likely.

Never one to be silent publicly, Trump may leave the political scene in January, but Trumpism will remain active — by him and his millions of supporters.

Looking ahead for ordinary Americans, things will likely worsen over the next four years, not improve under conditions of protracted economic collapse and hardline rule.

The nation I grew up in long ago no longer exists.


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
You need to format these better.

His argument is "Democracy is fake, we should just accept authoritarianism" I take it?


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
You need to format these better.

His argument is "Democracy is fake, we should just accept authoritarianism" I take it?
That is not what I read. I read: "American democracy is fake".


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
You still need to format these better because they are too tough to read.

"American democracy is fake" is not a useful take without explaining in what way.
It really does look like (at quick glance) that he is making the "both sides are the same" argument, which means he can be dismissed as a crank who doesn't understand anything. (Maybe he is making a more nuanced argument.)
"Both sides are the same" is an argument to support the current power structure, which is why it is pitched at dissatisfied "leftists" so often.
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