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Why Doesn't Biden Just Answer The Question?


Well-known member
Feb 28, 2020
I’m trying to picture a voter who hasn’t quite figured out yet if he is for trump or against trump, but when he hears about packing a Supreme Court he’s gonna realize who he needs to vote for.
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Fun For All

Well-known member
Feb 9, 2014
He isn’t president yet so there’s no need to...I think Republicans are getting nervous that this slimy SCOTUS nominee process will get negated by Biden possibly naming two of his own to increase the court to 11.


Well-known member
May 3, 2014
And....will you accept the outcome of the election? Both sides dodging..


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
He isn’t president yet so there’s no need to...I think Republicans are getting nervous that this slimy SCOTUS nominee process will get negated by Biden possibly naming two of his own to increase the court to 11.
That's exactly it.

The whole idea of altering the court came up as a response to the GOP trying to ram through a judge in conditions where most of the US thinks that's a bullshit move.
There is no answer to "do you support it" because the whole idea is to leave the threat of it there to force the GOP think twice about what they are doing.

As I have said repeatedly, I am all in favor of sweeping Article III reforms.
I'm less in favor of pure escalation hardball, but that is sometimes necessary (and has a long tradition in American politics) and throwing a brush back pitch isn't a bad play.
I'd like the actual move to have a longer-range thought process of course.

Fun For All

Well-known member
Feb 9, 2014
Sure there is, its a policy and people would like to know his position.
Policies are what voters usually base their ballot on.

Just like a straight answer on Climate/Green new deal or Fracking. He bounces a lot on the two.
Biden did say he would bring the US back into the Paris Agreement, and I respect giving a straight answer like that.
Now a voter knows his position, and if they too want the US back in, they have more reason to lean Biden.

But, waiting until after an election to know someone's position is like test driving a car after you bought it...lol
I think his answer on packing the SCOTUS depends on if the senate approves the nominee...political posturing without making a threat.

Fun For All

Well-known member
Feb 9, 2014
But, waiting until after an election to know someone's position is like test driving a car after you bought it...lol
Do you think if the US knew in 2016 what they know today he’d have won the election...Trump crashed his test drive...


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
Sure there is, its a policy and people would like to know his position.
Policies are what voters usually base their ballot on.

Just like a straight answer on Climate/Green new deal or Fracking. He bounces a lot on the two.
Biden did say he would bring the US back into the Paris Agreement, and I respect giving a straight answer like that.
Now a voter knows his position, and if they too want the US back in, they have more reason to lean Biden.

But, waiting until after an election to know someone's position is like test driving a car after you bought it...lol
But no one in the GOP cares.
They have run on "trust us we have a magic health care plan but we won't tell it to you" for a decade now.
Trump had a "secret plan to defeat ISIS".

The only reason this is a big deal to the GOP right now is they have put all their eggs in the "we can't win elections fairly so we need the court to be our way forward on minority rule" and they are worried all that work is going to get undone.

Every race has some things which are nailed down and some which aren't.
You include the uncertainty in your voting considerations.
Sometimes that becomes "I trust him to make the right decision" - a lot of Sanders voters were like that as he skated constantly on how he would accomplish anything, what his real policy was (versus a goal), and his complete lack of a coherent foreign policy (in 2016, he upped his game seriously in that area for 2020, hiring good people and had some real meat on the bones there which hopefully will be a guide for future progressive candidates in the future. All those people in his foreign policy team are still around and will probably be available to future pols making a run.)
Sometimes it becomes "man, this guy never answers anything" and you decide it is all bullshit.
Sometimes it becomes "I like what he is saying on A, B, and C but I don't like that he won't commit on D and E." and then you have to decide how much that weighs on you.


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
And....will you accept the outcome of the election? Both sides dodging..
Who's dodging that on the Dem side.
They've answered clearly that they would accept the outcome if all the votes are counted and there is no sign of interference.
Trump/Pence have said they will only accept it if they win and also refused to rule out violence in response. That's pretty different.

Knuckle Ball

Well-known member
Oct 15, 2017
Saying the voters don't have the right to know is the wrong strategy.......By not answering you are in fact answering!

The right wing are going to hammer on this till election day.
So then I guess he’s answered the question...and if you ask him again he’ll tell you the same thing. What else do you need to know?

No different than the press’ asking Trump if he supports white nationalism- He has already given us his answer. We all heard it. I don’t understand why the media keeps asking the same question as though they are hoping for a different answer?


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
So then I guess he’s answered the question...and if you ask him again he’ll tell you the same thing. What else do you need to know?

No different than the press’ asking Trump if he supports white nationalism- He has already given us his answer. We all heard it. I don’t understand why the media keeps asking the same question as though they are hoping for a different answer?
They keep asking because they need to keep the narrative front and center.
The problem is that while it seems a lot of the voting public doesn't like Trump's support of white nationalism (the US likes its racism more subtle - this kind of vulgar in-your-face racism upsets people who want to go about being quietly racist) they mostly don't care about the Supreme Court. That too many people who vote Dem haven't paid attention to the courts has been a problem that the Right has taken advantage of with laser focus. So close to victory, they got cocky and started spiking the football and that got a lot of people to pay attention but most aren't reading it the way the GOP wants, which is "we totally pushed the rules that were in place (violating the spirit) and were winning - its totally unfair to use the constitutionally mandated powers you have and now beat us by playing by the rules as well!".

That's why they are trying to act like this would be unheard of or shocking and not completely within historical norms and explicitly allowed under the Constitution.

Fun For All

Well-known member
Feb 9, 2014
But asking Biden if he will stack the SC will be like Democrats asking Amy Barrett this week, her thoughts and views on abortion.
Both deserve a straight answer, neither side will hear what they want.

No, the purpose of the democrats or republicans asking Amy Barrett questions is to determine how they vote in the senate...knowing her position matters on how they vote.

The senate vote could happen this month, packing the SC can't happen until January 21...first things first.


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
Do you think if the US knew in 2016 what they know today he’d have won the election...Trump crashed his test drive...
This kind of thinking is a disaster in the making. Pelosi once said the ACA had to be passed first before discovering what it actually contained and rammed it through on a party line vote. A gift that kept on giving for the Republicans that gave the Congress to them, gave birth to the Tea Party and the remaking of the American conservatism into blue collar populism and the Trump presidency. Voters hardly ever get clear answers from the political class, but they want to be the part of the process. What Biden is doing is following the crazy walk that Nancy used in the past. It will backfire just like it blew up in her face.


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
But asking Biden if he will stack the SC will be like Democrats asking Amy Barrett this week, her thoughts and views on abortion.
Both deserve a straight answer, neither side will hear what they want.
I'm not sure why they are asking Barrett her views on abortion, she's written about them repeatedly and they aren't in question.
She wants RvW overturned, Trump promised to only nominate judges who would overturn it. This doesn't seem like it needs further elaboration.

It is a big deal, because aside from all the judges Trump has already appointed, he has two SC justices now, with a chance of a third.
Unless the election is a landslide, the courts will be key in resolving the disputes.
The courts have no Constitutional place in resolving election disputes. The fact that the GOP wants to find a way to circumvent the actual system to try and get it decided in the courts because they think they have succeeded in packing them is just another sign of how little they respect law and order and constitutional process.

You said the situation of Barrett is a BS move. Forget what happened in 2016 because the Republican's had the Senate.
My question, is do you really think if the Democrats had both the WH and Senate, and the opportunity for three SC justices, that they would not take full advantage,
even if it meant right to the last day? Tell me you think they would pass on such a situation.

If the GOP were to confirm Barrett, it would be very hypocritical of both Lindsey Graham and Mitch McConnell, but not wrong of Trump or the Senate.
Of course the Dems would. But they weren't the ones who insisted, loudly, that the reason they were blocking in 2016 wasn't raw power but due to a higher principle that should be the new norm.
They WON that argument, people believed them. That means that when they say "Ha Ha, you fucked up, you trusted us." people are upset. If you argue for a new norm and you win, its your own damn fault that people think this should be the new norm.
That's why they are trying so hard to undo the norm they argued for and say "Actually, it is all about raw power. We are doing it because we CAN do it."

Only there is a problem. The Biden camp and others have pointed out that if that is the only norm, then "We are doing it because we CAN do it" means they can add judges to the courts.

The GOP response has been "NO! NO! That's totally unfair! WE can do things for raw power, but not you guys!"

Most people rightly see this as bullshit.

If you want the norm to be "Do whatever you have the power to do" then the GOP can't complain when the Dems reform the courts.
The constant GOP whining that it is ok for them to do things but not fair if the Democrats do those things too is pathetic.
If you don't like it, then back off and propose a compromise that both sides can agree to instead of escalating.

The Khanna Kennedy bill is one such de-escalation option. (https://www.scotusblog.com/2020/09/...oduce-new-bill-for-supreme-court-term-limits/)
I would like to see a stronger reform (Re-balance the Federal districts to more evenly reflect population and either expand them to 15 or preferably reduce to 12, go back to the historical practice of 1 judge per district, make the SC work like an appeals court with 3-justice panels and the possibility of full en banc review if the justices deem it important, and either a 24 or 30 year transition to senior justice position like in the K-K bill) but I know I am in the minority.
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Fun For All

Well-known member
Feb 9, 2014
This kind of thinking is a disaster in the making. Pelosi once said the ACA had to be passed first before discovering what it actually contained and rammed it through on a party line vote. A gift that kept on giving for the Republicans that gave the Congress to them, gave birth to the Tea Party and the remaking of the American conservatism into blue collar populism and the Trump presidency. Voters hardly ever get clear answers from the political class, but they want to be the part of the process. What Biden is doing is following the crazy walk that Nancy used in the past. It will backfire just like it blew up in her face.
As I said before...it'sTrump vs anybody but Trump, and I'm for anybody.


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
This kind of thinking is a disaster in the making. Pelosi once said the ACA had to be passed first before discovering what it actually contained and rammed it through on a party line vote.
Ahh, the right wing myth machine works again.

A gift that kept on giving for the Republicans that gave the Congress to them, gave birth to the Tea Party and the remaking of the American conservatism into blue collar populism and the Trump presidency. Voters hardly ever get clear answers from the political class, but they want to be the part of the process. What Biden is doing is following the crazy walk that Nancy used in the past. It will backfire just like it blew up in her face.
We will see.
The GOP job now is to explain why when they pack the courts through power moves using Article II it is fine, but the Dems aren't allowed to counter.
They need to sell the narrative.
Right now, the Dems are using the narrative "we don't want to do this, but if the GOP ignores the will of the people and rams through a judge instead of letting the new president decide, we will have to do this in regret more than anger".
Maybe people won't buy it, but for the most part right now people want the Supreme Court to appear fair and they think it isn't because the GOP is trying to get away with shit.

You may be right about the outcome. The GOP successfully lied their assess off about the ACA and it got them the 2010 midterms. Of course, Pelosi's comment that people would need to actually experience the ACA to get it and understand that it was better also turned out to be true and the GOP has been unable to repeal it and got their clocks cleaned in 2018 because of it.

These movable understandings of what is going on and the narratives they sell are part of what it is to live in a democratic republic. What's happening now is that by overreaching, the GOP has brought the Supreme Court and its role into contention as a narrative.
Rather than being able to consolidate power quietly like they've done for the last 50 years, suddenly it is being discussed in the open. As usual, the GOP hates honest discussion of these sorts of things and so are demanding that nothing can be changed because they might lose the argument. But the argument is here now, and it is mostly their own fault for celebrating so much.


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
Ahh, the right wing myth machine works again.

We will see.
The GOP job now is to explain why when they pack the courts through power moves using Article II it is fine, but the Dems aren't allowed to counter.
They need to sell the narrative.
Right now, the Dems are using the narrative "we don't want to do this, but if the GOP ignores the will of the people and rams through a judge instead of letting the new president decide, we will have to do this in regret more than anger".
Maybe people won't buy it, but for the most part right now people want the Supreme Court to appear fair and they think it isn't because the GOP is trying to get away with shit.

You may be right about the outcome. The GOP successfully lied their assess off about the ACA and it got them the 2010 midterms. Of course, Pelosi's comment that people would need to actually experience the ACA to get it and understand that it was better also turned out to be true and the GOP has been unable to repeal it and got their clocks cleaned in 2018 because of it.

These movable understandings of what is going on and the narratives they sell are part of what it is to live in a democratic republic. What's happening now is that by overreaching, the GOP has brought the Supreme Court and its role into contention as a narrative.
Rather than being able to consolidate power quietly like they've done for the last 50 years, suddenly it is being discussed in the open. As usual, the GOP hates honest discussion of these sorts of things and so are demanding that nothing can be changed because they might lose the argument. But the argument is here now, and it is mostly their own fault for celebrating so much.
In the "democratic republic" the President presents his choice and tbe Senate votes on it. Regardless of the outcome of the election the term of the President ends January 20th, 2021. To deny the sitting President his Constitutional right to appoint the judge based on political considerations is what banana republics are made from.
Oh, here's your myth. Feel free to spin and/or defend Nancy all you like


Well-known member
Feb 28, 2020
In the "democratic republic" the President presents his choice and tbe Senate votes on it. Regardless of the outcome of the election the term of the President ends January 20th, 2021. To deny the sitting President his Constitutional right to appoint the judge based on political considerations is what banana republics are made from.
Oh, here's your myth. Feel free to spin and/or defend Nancy all you like
and sure enough it's taken out of context to serve garbage right wing propaganda
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Well-known member
Aug 13, 2019
He answered by not answering. That means yes he will pack the court
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