Like wearing a condom, wearing a mask is just common sense


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2012
You are missing my point. Home made condom made out of an old sock. I can make a mask out of an old sock and it will be good according to the rules. I'm giving you an example, you are ok with me making my own mask out of an old sock why not the condom?

OP is "
Like wearing a condom, wearing a mask is just common sense"

There are no guide lines as to what home made masks have to be made from!!!

Actually there are guidelines regarding masks from many sources:

BTW, speaking of masks, i've noticed Shoppers Drug Mart in Canada is now selling KN95 masks. And for weeks now i've seen medical masks available in other stores.


Jun 29, 2019
Actually there are guidelines regarding masks from many sources:

BTW, speaking of masks, i've noticed Shoppers Drug Mart in Canada is now selling KN95 masks. And for weeks now i've seen medical masks available in other stores.

According to the Government of Canada guide lines home made mask made out of an old sock is fine:

"Non-medical face masks or face coverings should:

  • allow for easy breathing
  • fit securely to the head with ties or ear loops
  • maintain their shape after washing and drying
  • be changed as soon as possible if damp or dirty
  • be comfortable and not require frequent adjustment
  • be made of at least 2 layers of tightly woven material fabric (such as cotton or linen)
  • be large enough to completely and comfortably cover the nose and mouth without gaping"

It will be just as effective against a virus as a home made condom made out of an old sock is against STD or preventing pregnancy. But it's better than nothing, right???

BTW from Government of Canada web site:

"Medical masks, including surgical, medical procedure face masks and respirators (like N95 masks), must be kept for health care workers and others providing direct care to COVID-19 patients."
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Well-known member
Jan 18, 2012
It will be just as effective against a virus as a home made condom made out of an old sock against STD or prevent pregnancy. But it's better than nothing, right???
Will it?

Who, in the history of the universe, - ever - used an "old sock" for a condom. lol


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2012
BTW from Government of Canada web site:

"Medical masks, including surgical, medical procedure face masks and respirators (like N95 masks), must be kept for health care workers and others providing direct care to COVID-19 patients."
KN95 masks are not N95 masks. I saw the former being sold in SDM the other day. They are reportedly about as effective as N95 masks. KN95 masks are also available online.

Furthermore, i've seen masks very similar to medical masks being sold in a couple places within a few blocks of where i live.

Well made cloth masks, purchased on Amazon, etc, or made at home, are also very effective.


Jun 29, 2019
Will it?

Who, in the history of the universe, - ever - used an "old sock" for a condom. lol
Now you see the silliness of your original post.

"Like wearing a home made condom, wearing a home made mask is just common sense."

Same people that think that home made mask will keep them safe from a virus!
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Well-known member
Jan 18, 2012
Now you see the silliness of your original post.

"Like wearing a home made condom, wearing a home made mask is just common sense."

Same people that think that home made mask will keep them safe from a virus!
What a ridiculous line of reasoning.

My original post said nothing about using an old sock. Neither did it sanction using a cum filled piece of kleenex as a mask.

People that are informed know what types of masks are effective.
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Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario

The public has come to realize that they have been lied to about many statements concerning the covid 19 pandemic. They were told to “flatten the curve” for 15 days with the lock down (house arrest) and everything would be good. That was 3 months ago. The curve has been bull dozed , and now you are being told to wear masks in public , or be denied basic human necessities such as being able to buy food. A crime against humanity actually!Some have joked that after flattening the curve, being asked to wear a mask is like bringing condoms to the baby shower. However; its not funny when people die.Not funny at all.

One of the most blatant lies promoted is that YOU are selfish bad person if you don’t wear a mask. Wearing a mask means you are protecting the weak and OLD! If you could save just ONE life, if you wear a mask, other wise you are evil and mean.ONE LIFE! Repeat that, save one life. FACT: as of the 15th of July 2020 , a 73 year old SENIOR in Minden , Ontario ,Canada was shot to DEATH by the police for refusing to wear a mask when he went to buy food.YOU MISERABLE HYPOCRITES : a 73 year old needs food to live and YOU have him shot to death for not wearing a mask. Food is a human NECESSITY ! People can not live without food ! And you would deny a 73 year old man the right to live, to walk about and buy food. You would take away his HUMAN RIGHTS so a lie can be promoted. As far as I’m concerned ,this 73 year old man shot to death by the police is a MARTYR for HUMAN RIGHTS versus a POLICE STATE!He gave his life like any soldier at war to preserve Human Rights and Freedoms. Rights are RIGHTS not gifts nor privileges granted at the discretion of some petty despotic elite politicians violating the Rule of Law. As described in the media , the SENIOR engaged in an argument with the grocery store owner because he wouldn’t wear a mask. The police were called and given his licence plate number .They followed him home .WHY NOT LEAVE HIM ALONE ? Then they shot him dead.

If they will shoot a SENIOR for not wearing a mask, what will they do to YOU if you refuse the covid 19 vaccine ? Think about that. FACT: A 73 year old senior was shot dead for refusing to wear a mask. FACT!!!

Masks don’t work! JAMA,NEJM, BMJ and other medical experts have stated as much. I have submitted legal medical science documents documents stating the same to municipal council and will refer to their content: 1. and 2. These were legal notices to council.

One point, supposedly, repeat that, supposedly, the bylaw require people to wear masks UNLESS they have health issues and you do not have to wear a mask nor explain. It is a human rights violation to ask about the medical condition. As explained by Rocco Galati who is heading up a Constitutional Challenge of the mask bylaws states, “if refused entry, or service , EVEN AFTER you provide a medical note (which you are NOT required to do ), or you state that you are exempt, then make a complaint to your Provincial Human Rights Commission and ask for monetary damages.” end quote.Please Note: the 73 year old senior was denied entry to buy food ( a basic human necessity) and then shot to death. What does that tell you about the bylaw? Are we missing something?

What pressures are the business owners under? In another news article, the mayor of a Quebec city, Montreal is threatening to fine the businesses $6000.xx dollars if they do NOT enforce the bylaw and force the public to wear the mask ( or deny them service and force them to leave). Was that the case in Minden,Ontario? Small businesses can not afford thousands of dollars in fines. Are the politicians TERRORIZING small businesses with PUNITIVE penalties. Such acts are a clear violation of the Rule of Law (explained to Council in 1). And as explained to Council , each council member MUST be held personally liable for damage. In the case of the WRONGFUL DEATH of the 73 year old senior in Minden, Ontario, ALL the Council members who voted for the bylaw must have their (personal) properties, investments, and bank accounts used to pay for ALL monetary settlement that may be awarded. Only by enforcing personal liability/accountability of mayors and councillors can the Rule of Law be upheld, and tragedies such as Minden may be prevented. ALL politicians must be PERSONALLY LIABLE AND ACCOUNTABLE to protect the public and human rights. They must be EXPOSED AS THE LITTLE TYRANTS AND BULLIES THEY ARE! And they must pay from their own pockets! And it is a if each council member when they voted yes pulled the trigger and killed the senior themselves.

Arbitrary laws violate he Rule of Law, and refers to my (1) first submission to Waterloo Regional Council ,so look at the dates 8th/12th of July 2020 when the submissions were made with the vote taken later. Then the bylaw was enacted of the 15th July .AND all the business had NOTICES up and posted in place! Just mere days after the vote was passed. THOUSANDS of notices were up and in place all over Waterloo Region. Logistically, when were ALL the THOUSANDS of notices , printed to be shipped and distributed to be up on the very FIRST DAY of the bylaw imposition. When was the order placed?Do you understand? If the order was placed BEFORE the vote was even taken , so they could be quickly distributed, THEN THIS IS EVIDENCE PROVING THAT THE WHOLE VOTE WAS A FRAUD! Therefore, the bylaw is illegal . The mask bylaw is then proven a CRIMINAL FABRICATION and a complete violation of Human and Civil Rights . Is this a proven fact? It is an allegation requiring a criminal investigation .And it follows that maybe ALL the bylaws passed in Ontario may be complete criminal fabrications.

And what do we know as a FACT about these criminal mask bylaws ? A 73 year old senior was shot to death because of the mask bylaw.A TOTALLY WRONGFUL DEATH caused by a criminal bylaw passed by arrogant and uncaring council members who must be held personally liable and accountable.

There is more to this criminal fraud than first meets the eye. Whatever your opinion, the fact is that there has been an economic collapse and governments have had to borrow money to keep operating. People are out of work and the tax base has collapsed. Municipalities have to get grants from the province who have to get money from the federal government. No one has disclosed who is loaning the money, nor the terms of the loans,nor the time line of the loan distribution etc. As a summary , the Waterloo government has publicly declared a deficit of at least $17 million dollars (much of which is due the LRT see submission 1 above). A news article has outlined the MILLIONS of dollars taken in across Canada by the many lock down etc fines. Observed Fact: Covid 19 fines are a form of LUCRATIVE TAXATION . Repeat that : covid 19 fines are not what they appear,but rather a a form of taxation/revenue that government can use at their discretion similar to a “gasoline” tax. Another “fraud.”

Allegation : Premier Ford has has stated that he would not mandate masks, but leave it up to the municipalities , which are in more or less the same shape as Waterloo: bankrupt and need monies. Council has said that they will”ease” in the bylaws and the officers will be discrete. BUT what happens in week TWO? Under the house arrest/lock down many fines were collected : a punitive criminal taxation.Premier Ford by not mandating mask laws himself does not have to enforce the fines ,and will not dirty his hands. He does not collect money/taxes nor redistributes it. With each region enforcing their “own” bylaws , they collect their taxes directly. The evidence appears to support the allegation that bylaws were a DONE DEAL from the get go. The mask bylaws appear to have been proven to be a criminal act to enforce a punitive taxation. A violation of the Rule of Law. A violation of Human and Civil Rights.

In summation, the evidence appears to support the allegation that the mask bylaws are complete criminal frauds foisted on the public , not for health and safety, but to generate taxation revenue. A criminal punitive taxation that violates human and civil rights. And the ultimate proof: a 73 year old senior was shot to death trying to buy the basic necessities of life, for not wearing a useless not medically supported mask. And YOU are next unless you help expose the criminal acts behind the mask bylaws. Tell everyone if you value your life and human rights and freedom.


Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
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Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Public Health Ontario has been “confirming COVID-19 cases” based on 1 PCR test for an RNA sequence (not a virus!), i.e. the E gene. The E gene is said to be part of the genome of various viruses, and never proven to be part of the never-proven-to-exist “COVID-19 virus”. (You can verify this for yourself here:

these PCR tests are false and unreliable the ontario deputy health minister on TV admitted that 50% of these tests are false positives. they are doing these tests to keep the lockdowns and restrictions.
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts