StatsCAN has tons of stats on things like crime ratesPlease post evidence to support your claims.
The other laughable side of this equation, is the fact more than 50% of cops are minorities
Yet these same equal opportunity minorities are obviously being indoctrinated to also harass, arrest, convict, and sentence other minorities
Also whats up with your white pedo kick? (the vast majority of pedo in Canada are native indians, look it up)
I know you are trolling but just in case you are serious and need the obviousness spelled out for you; street cops rarely meet a pedophile on the street
They sit at home browsing porn on the internet (or do you propose random searches of peoples houses now?)
For that matter the majority of blacks screamed murder last spring claiming that the Covid teach at home programs were racist because the majority of blacks in ON do not have the same level of hardware (technology) or internet access for their own kids
I would argue the mere fact the black community is so much less likely to have blacks on the internet is a major cause for why they cant commit pedo crimes in the first place
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