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How do you protect yourself from girl with regret?


Active member
Jul 19, 2013
While I do agree there are real cases of rape which cannot be condoned, we know girls will get with guys to access a specific lifestyle, have a one night stand (or even play hard on multiple dates until they have sex) and then regret it and claim rape to feel better about themselves. I don't get it - the guy probably had women throwing themselves at him to get access. It's easy for a girl to say "I blacked out...i don't remember anything..he must have drugged me after making me drunk" and not have to prove it.
Granted it sounds like he was a dick people and women who know him claim he was an egotistical asshole...but it got me thinking...the whole Sugar baby lifestyle is based on this paradigm of having access to money, gifts and experiences and there's nothing stopping a girl in the Sugar bowl later claiming a guy had sex with her and it was non-consensual as he manipulated her.

I've had a situation where I dated a girl for a couple of months and it was amazing. But when she found out I really don't want to get married or have kids when we talked about it...well her instant response was to get angry and say "so you are using me for sex and all I am is a piece of meat to you?"

So what do you do to protect yourself from the girl who thinks to herself "You used me for sex...well i'll just go to the cops and claim rape and lets see how you like that"?

Now that I think about it, the device to record "I consent to this" in the Amazon show "Upload" is a great idea
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Time Zone Traveller
Jul 27, 2002
La la land
The problem is not her, It's you.
On the first date you should have said to her within 20-30 minutes ... " my goal is not to get married, have kids, pets and please people".

Don't use the word agenda, don't have sex with her. Let her decide from there.

If she still wants to see you then you say..." so I see and sense that you agree with my lifestyle and you want to have fun, and you will look for marriage and kids with someone else down the line".


Well-known member
Jan 4, 2005
Directly above the center of the earth
A few years ago I saw an condom that required four hands to remove it from the wrapper. I don't know how this was achieved. But it means that everybody must be able and willing for what comes next.

|2 /-\ | /|/

Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
Well never initiate. Always let her guide you.

We are like ready for sex 99.999999% of the time. Best is just to wait and let them tell you, show you, when they want it.


Jun 29, 2019
Here is some good advice:

"Anything that drives, floats, flies or fucks, should be rented and never bought."

In the end it will be much cheaper and safer.

It only takes one Karen to ruin your day or your life.
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Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Pay em to leave.....

Knuckle Ball

Well-known member
Oct 15, 2017
A lot of guys worry about this but it does not happen very often. I recall posting a study about this ages ago that ascertained that fake allegations occur in a small minority of sexual assault reports and that they tended to be fairly easy to spot by investigators for a variety of reasons (eg the woman has a history of grifting; high-conflict custody/access disputes; etc).

The point is that it should be recognized that most of the time women coming forward with these reports are not lying and there are not hordes or angry, vindictive women looking to fuck us guys over with fake accusations.

Even in the OP’s example, his ex-gf didn’t accuse him of sexual assault; she just said that she felt used by him. Okay...fine...that’s how she felt. I happen to think she’s the victim of her own bad choices but that’s neither here nor there- she is entitled to feel any way she likes. So...I don’t even understand why this is a thing to the op in the first place?


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
Even in the OP’s example, his ex-gf didn’t accuse him of sexual assault; she just said that she felt used by him. Okay...fine...that’s how she felt. I happen to think she’s the victim of her own bad choices but that’s neither here nor there- she is entitled to feel any way she likes. So...I don’t even understand why this is a thing to the op in the first place?
Me neither.


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
Just stay abstinent until the wedding night and
you won't need any protection from your girl.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
If you have any doubts it's consensual, don't do it, especially if you just met and drugs or booze are involved.

But the example you gave is just an angry woman. I can't see any police charging you for two months of rape unless you kept her chained up.


Well-known member
Jul 19, 2017
If you are well off, don't have sex with anyone whose not sober unless it's your spouse. Especially older unattractive males.

I recently met up with someone, they were high and had a "baggy." I took her back home. She insisted we fuck, but she was too high.

If you're one of the asshole good looking younger guys (the alpha males that are hated on these boards), women tend to flock to you. You can get away with murder with them. These types tend to have multiple girlfriends as well.


Fabulously Full Figured
Supporting Member
Jul 14, 2020
North Whitby Incalls
I get this topic is important to you guys but this man was convicted of multiple counts of sexual assault for raping multiple women. It is said he purposely got these women drunk, they say he also drugged them. He used his platform to pray on women. He is a Cosby

And I don’t see how all of them are regret sex. So maybe you shouldn’t be linking a case like this to this type of topic.

The guy is a rapist and should have got more time. I mean getting assaulted in jail should not get you time off your sentence.
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Well-known member
May 3, 2011
A lot of guys worry about this but it does not happen very often. I recall posting a study about this ages ago that ascertained that fake allegations occur in a small minority of sexual assault reports and that they tended to be fairly easy to spot by investigators for a variety of reasons (eg the woman has a history of grifting; high-conflict custody/access disputes; etc).

The point is that it should be recognized that most of the time women coming forward with these reports are not lying and there are not hordes or angry, vindictive women looking to fuck us guys over with fake accusations.

Even in the OP’s example, his ex-gf didn’t accuse him of sexual assault; she just said that she felt used by him. Okay...fine...that’s how she felt. I happen to think she’s the victim of her own bad choices but that’s neither here nor there- she is entitled to feel any way she likes. So...I don’t even understand why this is a thing to the op in the first place?
How does this principle work for you if you replaced "false allegations" with 'rape'.

Like this -
A lot of women (guys) worry about this but it does not happen very often. I recall posting a study about this ages ago that ascertained that (fake allegations) rapes actually occur in a small minority of (sexual) assault reports and that they tended to be fairly easy to spot by investigators for a variety of reasons (eg the man (woman) has a history of grifting; high-conflict (custody/access ) disputes; etc).

The point is that it should be recognized that most of the time men (women) coming forward (with) in these reports are not lying and there are not hordes or angry, vindictive men (women) looking to rape (fuck) us women (guys over with rape fake accusations).

Lets not get too carried away with minimizing the brutality of false allegations of sexual assault........... nor true ones.


Well-known member
May 3, 2011
I get this topic is important to you guys but this man was convicted of multiple counts of sexual assault for raping multiple women. It is said he purposely got these women drunk, they say he also drugged them. He used his platform to pray on women. He is a Cosby

And I don’t see how all of them are regret sex. So maybe you shouldn’t be linking a case like this to this type of topic.

The guy is a rapist and should have got more time. I mean getting assaulted in jail should not get you time off your sentence.
You do realize his custodial sentence, the lawful penalty for his crime, does not include rape under the supervision of the state. Rather the same court would do everything in it's power to protect people from every crime, including, maybe even more so those who are in the direct custody of state institutions. Understanding that the state is incapable of preventing him from being continually raped, do you think it's a good idea to leave people in the position of such vulnerability? Maybe the point you're making is that we don't have the sentence right in the first place and rape should actually be part of the court sentence.

Knuckle Ball

Well-known member
Oct 15, 2017
How does this principle work for you if you replaced "false allegations" with 'rape'.

Like this -
A lot of women (guys) worry about this but it does not happen very often. I recall posting a study about this ages ago that ascertained that (fake allegations) rapes actually occur in a small minority of (sexual) assault reports and that they tended to be fairly easy to spot by investigators for a variety of reasons (eg the man (woman) has a history of grifting; high-conflict (custody/access ) disputes; etc).

The point is that it should be recognized that most of the time men (women) coming forward (with) in these reports are not lying and there are not hordes or angry, vindictive men (women) looking to rape (fuck) us women (guys over with rape fake accusations).

Lets not get too carried away with minimizing the brutality of false allegations of sexual assault........... nor true ones.
False allegations are a serious concern. What I am stating, though, is that these claims are a small minority (between 3-8%, depending on which study you read) of all sexual abuse reports and they almost never lead to criminal charges even being filed, much less a criminal conviction. Moreover, the data set we are looking at involves all sexual assault reports- I don’t have any data on this but I think it is fair to say the average guy will live his life without ever being accused of sexual assault and, if he does get accused, it’s probably because he did it.

On the other hand, 1 in 5 women report having suffered a sexual assault at some time in their lives...and most of these assaults never get reported to the police.

This idea that men are being persecuted and locked up in jail by vindictive women who are trying to destroy their lives is a dystopian fantasy that exists in the minds of Incels and Men’s Rights Activists.
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The Chiseler
Jan 4, 2008
The problem is not her, It's you.
On the first date you should have said to her within 20-30 minutes ... " my goal is not to get married, have kids, pets and please people".

Don't use the word agenda, don't have sex with her. Let her decide from there.

If she still wants to see you then you say..." so I see and sense that you agree with my lifestyle and you want to have fun, and you will look for marriage and kids with someone else down the line".
He did use her like a piece of meat.


Well-known member
Jul 19, 2017
I get this topic is important to you guys but this man was convicted of multiple counts of sexual assault for raping multiple women. It is said he purposely got these women drunk, they say he also drugged them. He used his platform to pray on women. He is a Cosby

And I don’t see how all of them are regret sex. So maybe you shouldn’t be linking a case like this to this type of topic.

The guy is a rapist and should have got more time. I mean getting assaulted in jail should not get you time off your sentence.
A lot of the guys on here believe the woman saying e everytime.


Well-known member
May 3, 2011
False allegations are a serious concern. What I am stating, though, is that these claims are a small minority (between 3-8%, depending on which study you read) of all sexual abuse reports and they almost never lead to criminal charges even being filed, much less a criminal conviction. Moreover, the data set we are looking at involves all sexual assault reports- I don’t have any data on this but I think it is fair to say the average guy will live his life without ever being accused of sexual assault and, if he does get accused, it’s probably because he did it.

On the other hand, 1 in 5 women report having suffered a sexual assault at some time in their lives...and most of these assaults never get reported to the police.

This idea that men are being persecuted and locked up in jail by vindictive women who are trying to destroy their lives is a dystopian fantasy that exists in the minds of Incels and Men’s Rights Activists.
Sometimes false allegations of rape are conflated with unsubstantiated allegations. The number of unsubstantiated claims is far, far higher than knowingly made false claims.

These allegations are always made by women and always against men. They date back to biblical times, Samson was acussed by Delilah. They persist today, Kavanaugh being accused by Ford, or even Biden by Reade. In todays environment it's hard to forget the Emitt Till story. A black kid accused by Bryant, a white woman, as result he was was mutilated beyond recognition then dumped into a river. Bryant, decades later, confessed to lying.

Many cases are not simply a matter of hire alawyer, get out of town for a few years, then come back and try to stitch your life back together. If that doesn't scare the pants off you, know that many cases wind up with guys in jail for decades, or never coming out alive.

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Active member
Jul 19, 2013
Just to clarify, the reason I asked was because of the fear of an angry woman making a false accusation to try to get even. With social media and MeToo, a guy's life can be destroyed with one accusation even if he is innocent. For some reason I have a feeling that this is a bigger risk now more than ever. A friend of mine had a girlfriend who he broke up with a few months ago - she went to his shop and he happened to be alone at the escalated where she yelled, screamed and slapped him, probably trying to provoke a reaction...long story short she called the cops and claimed he hit her. Lucky for him he had video surveillance in the shop which proved his innocence and they arrested her.

Interestingly after I posted my question, I did a little more digging and found 3 apps for consent that have been created for this reason exactly for both partners to document their consent to sex....but comments from lawyers state such agreements are not admissible in court...and one app from what i saw was removed from Apple and Google stores for Adult content violation.

People used to laugh at prenups (Many still do) - if you trust your partner, you can trust they won't take you to the cleaners if things go south. Not everyone agrees with the concept of a prenup but I think its essential, especially if you have everything to lose. I think this should still be a real concern for men, now more than ever.
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