Sexy Friends Toronto



Mar 19, 2020
Please only add SCAMMERS and POOR SERVICE sp's (Girls that should be totally avoided, don't start adding girls that do not fit this description)
IMPORTANT..Please..keep adding to the original list and repost the whole list each time you add and post.
This is so we have one long list that continues to grow.
Lets keep this list easy and simple, it will only benefit us men.

I will start the list..please add and repost the entire list

- Layla - poor service
-Angel Rose - poor service


Tiny Spinner Patrol
Apr 20, 2007
Durham Region
I wouldn't put Angel Rose on this list at all so I agree with stedon on the service being subjective. While I agree that the fake eyelashes are gawdy and her fake nails can sometimes be too long for ball play, I have never had a session that I didn't enjoy. Maybe it's a ymmv thing, but I consistently get much better mileage than the OP of the thread on her did. Jack is a well respected reviewer on this board, so I don't doubt his experience with her and if I would have received the same kind of service as he did, I wouldn't go back either.


New member
Feb 8, 2019
I wouldn't put Angel Rose on this list at all so I agree with stedon on the service being subjective. While I agree that the fake eyelashes are gawdy and her fake nails can sometimes be too long for ball play, I have never had a session that I didn't enjoy. Maybe it's a ymmv thing, but I consistently get much better mileage than the OP of the thread on her did. Jack is a well respected reviewer on this board, so I don't doubt his experience with her and if I would have received the same kind of service as he did, I wouldn't go back either.
I would have to agree. I saw Angel Rose last winter and had a positive experience. I wouldn't say she is someone to completely avoid although ymmv. A list of pure scam artists is a good idea


Active member
Feb 12, 2008
I wouldn't put Angel Rose on this list at all so I agree with stedon on the service being subjective. While I agree that the fake eyelashes are gawdy and her fake nails can sometimes be too long for ball play, I have never had a session that I didn't enjoy. Maybe it's a ymmv thing, but I consistently get much better mileage than the OP of the thread on her did. Jack is a well respected reviewer on this board, so I don't doubt his experience with her and if I would have received the same kind of service as he did, I wouldn't go back either.
Much love, Indy ?

And totally agree, there’s definitely a subjective aspect to everyone’s experience. I’ve given a share of positive reviews on providers others find disagreeable *cough*Kara Winters*cough* and I’ve had experiences with renowned providers that I just didn’t enjoy (Savannah/Jenna, Crystal at PA).

I’d keep this limited to straight up scammers. People who take your money and don’t provide a service or who egregiously break menu promises.
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Active member
Apr 26, 2019
Definition of terms is important. Does a false menu classify as scam or poor service? Layla/Ava/Asia was a real person on the other side of the door. She did provide some service, but not what she advertised.

Scam or shit service? I can see the argument for either definition.
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Jun 23, 2020
Where would providers who take out their frustrations of the day on you fall I wonder? Was speaking with my buddies girl about my experience last night that went pretty poorly (she called her a scammer). Booked an hour, drove buy and the place was swamped with cops. She told me to come anyways so I did (perhaps a novice mistake on my part). With the thought of the cops preoccupying me I wouldn't focus to keep it up (I too was tired, like her) and halfway through she said I either had to do something or leave. Said it was her call and she jumped up and showed me the door. Didn't even lay a finger on her.

I wouldn't call her a scammer, but it's a bit disingenuous of her to tell you she is pissed off (if you were her only caller of the day). I jotted down notes for a review, but wasn't sure about posting or not. I'm sure all guys have had one of those nights where it just wouldn't work, but so much for her ad saying she was non-judgmental. She seemed sweet otherwise and I put blame on my side too. She seemed eager, but I can't say if that meant it would have been enthusiastic.

I think like others though, this could end up being way too subjective when it comes to the performance side of things.
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Active member
Feb 12, 2008
Where would providers who take out their frustrations of the day on you fall I wonder? Was speaking with my buddies girl about my experience last night that went pretty poorly (she called her a scammer). Booked an hour, drove buy and the place was swamped with cops. She told me to come anyways so I did (perhaps a novice mistake on my part). With the thought of the cops preoccupying me I wouldn't focus to keep it up (I too was tired, like her) and halfway through she said I either had to do something or leave. Said it was her call and she jumped up and showed me the door. Didn't even lay a finger on her.

I wouldn't call her a scammer, but it's a bit disingenuous of her to tell you she is pissed off (if you were her only caller of the day). I jotted down notes for a review, but wasn't sure about posting or not. I'm sure all guys have had one of those nights where it just wouldn't work, but so much for her ad saying she was non-judgmental. She seemed sweet otherwise and I put blame on my side too. She seemed eager, but I can't say if that meant it would have been enthusiastic.

I think like others though, this could end up being way too subjective when it comes to the performance side of things.
Just a helpful word to the wise - invest in Viagra/Cialis if you’ve got benefits or deep pockets. I suffer from anxiety-driven ED with SPs and to get that burden off your brain is a real nice relief.

Another word to the wise - if cops are crawling the area, fuck politeness get the fuck out of there. Your priorities should be evading arrest over upsetting someone.

Lastly - I don’t think you necessarily got a “scammer” either but I do think you paid someone for their time and she should have honoured that. I understand she had probably had a frustrating day capped off by having to deal with a guy who can’t perform (no offense) and there’s plenty of debate to be had over honour in hobbying but a good one wouldn’t have kicked you out.Once I got an hour and couldn’t perform for my second shot so we chilled on the bed and talked for the rest of the time.
Jun 23, 2020
Just a helpful word to the wise - invest in Viagra/Cialis if you’ve got benefits or deep pockets. I suffer from anxiety-driven ED with SPs and to get that burden off your brain is a real nice relief.
It is good to hear I am not the only one with this situation. My issue is I know I'm not whichever heartthrob gets them all hot and bothered. I found a source for some generic Viagra for an extremely reasonable price so I'll pursue that. I only have 2 visits under my belt now and while one was slightly better than the other, there was still issue. Perhaps I'll review now given that I don't believe either showed up on the board (although one travels out west a lot of the time and just has stints locally).

Another word to the wise - if cops are crawling the area, fuck politeness get the fuck out of there. Your priorities should be evading arrest over upsetting someone.
I should have known better honestly. Clearly this was about getting a couple hundred in her pocket, which I get. Lesson learned and thankfully not the hard way...pun slightly intended if only to poke fun at myself, haha.

Lastly - I don’t think you necessarily got a “scammer” either but I do think you paid someone for their time and she should have honoured that. I understand she had probably had a frustrating day capped off by having to deal with a guy who can’t perform (no offense) and there’s plenty of debate to be had over honour in hobbying but a good one wouldn’t have kicked you out.Once I got an hour and couldn’t perform for my second shot so we chilled on the bed and talked for the rest of the time.
I don't feel she was out to scam anyone either. I do feel that she shouldn't have given someone the boot simply over it not being what she expected. I suppose in my mind I figured she might be happier to not have had to do the deed. I could have asked for DATY, but last thing I needed was possibly more disappointment on her end. Not the end of the world, but it seems that I might not find a SP who would be understanding and take a gentler or subdued approach with someone who will freely admit they are new to the hobby and in this realm in general.

Long story short, I avoided the fairer sex in my teens and 20's. I was a big dude and figured I didn't want to deal with rejection. So I got a late start. In my person life I don't have the performance issue and going into this I thought I'd likely just have to contend with the difficulty getting off issue. I've had days where I'd go 6 hours with someone giving her breaks as she needed and I wasn't even close.

After last night I was ready to quit this. However your first paragraph has helped a lot. Now if the pharmaceuticals help with one problem, than the next is figuring out how to just get out of my head and be assertive in what I want, lol.

Oh and I requested a name change as I thought maybe it best not to use a personal handle that is rather unique, lol.


Active member
Feb 12, 2008
I contend with myself on being assertive in a session to this day and I’ve been at it since 2007 and I think it costs me a lot of missed opportunity.

Paying for a guaranteed erection (Viagra) will get you far. Big hurdle off your mind to give you space and time to think about what you want her to do with it or what you want to do to her with it.

Don’t worry about how the girl perceives you and your size and face. The key (KEY) thing is that you’re clean and nice. These girls deal with young guys old guys fat guys thin guys all day every day. They don’t give a fuuuuuck about any of that as long as you smell nice and you taste nice and you treat them nice (and you pay them). Granted, there is a line. If you’re 500lbs I’m maybe gonna back peddle on my advice. But if you’re just a big dude then whatever.
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Jun 23, 2020
And here I thought everyone had it all figured out and had no issues. You've again put my mind at ease and that is appreciative. This is the sort of discussion I suppose I was looking for, but seems to be non-existent. I know I bugged a couple of posters privately when just inquiring about an SP, but I don't like to intrude on people. Although I will say Rebelinbed was awesome with his response to me.

Missed out opportunity is what drives me nuts, like last night, lol. It's not the financial aspect. Granted the donation was still a fair amount to me (I'm not well to do JUST yet, lol).

As long as the guaranteed erection works I should be at least better off, lol.

Well I'm not 500lbs (anymore at least, lol). I was once closing in on 800lbs. I wasn't quite what you see on television as I could still walk and function, but it was getting labourious. I now hover in the 250-280 range (6'3 and built like an offensive lineman or linebacker), but some cosmetic surgery would likely take a good 30-40lbs off that. My hold up is partially a body dysmorphia issue. When you drop to a third of your size there is a lot of stretched out skin. I liken it to being like a deflated balloon. I digress on myself, lol. I do like to believe I show up clean. My routine is to shower, put on some coconut oil, get dressed, and head out. I'm courteous to a bloody fault. I guess though this is one of the only times I've glad to be slightly above average in the endowment given what I've read, lol.

I sincerely appreciate your candor. It is helpful as I said to know that even seasoned vets have the same sort of issues. In my head a lot of my issues are more just to not have to traumatize the provider. I literally said that to the one last night when she asked about my getting undressed, lol. I think that was the first thing that made her raise an eyebrow. I think she probably feels I just didn't like what I saw, which wasn't true. I am one of the least shallow people I know (not to say others are shallow here). Some extra fluff in the abdomen isn't going to bother me.

Sorry, sometimes I never know where to draw the line. I'm just a friendly, personable individual.


Well-known member
Feb 20, 2008
Unfortunately, you can probably put 90% of Leo ads on your list. If they are not outright scamming, they are not providing services promised and the majority use fake pics.
I hope the honest providers read this and start advertising on terb!
It’s rare now to see a review/post in the Durham section that is positive. All the links provided are from LeoList. You also don’t see very many negative reviews from terb advertisers.
If you are professional provider wanting to advertise don’t get mixed in with all the scammers and poor providers.


Senior Turgid Member
Nov 13, 2003
Durham Region, Den of Iniquity
Ashley Cobb. Two ads on Leolist, two different girls in the respective photos. I don’t have the links handy at the moment, sorry. However, email is
and she also advertises forbidden fruit.

Update, I reported both ads and they are gone. Good!
Last edited:
Jun 23, 2020
I'm sort of baffled that some providers would be somewhat non-concerned I suppose when it comes to their services. I realize not all clients will be repeats, but if you're hoping for that you'd want to put your best foot forward. Meanwhile clients have their own responsibilities to adhere too as well, so it's a bit of a tit for tat situation. I see it sort of like porn where you have producers and directors who won't shoot with certain performers due to them being divas and vice versa where performers say some producers or directors are chauvinistic or don't provide a safe working environment.

Of course not everyone is going to go seeking out reviews or information on a girl so perhaps that is why some may simply not care. Not saying they should tell every client they are the best they've ever had (most can tell when smoke is being blown up their asses), but at least fake some enthusiasm ?‍♂ or ensure you're space is presentable. I could be both right and wrong in my thinking, who knows, haha.
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New member
Apr 5, 2020
I seen this one almost a year before in Scarborough one of the rudest and poorest service provider.

She is now in an apartment off Gibb Street. Complete waste of time and garbage, even though she is kinda hot.
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Active member
Feb 12, 2008
She is now in an apartment off Gibb Street. Complete waste of time and garbage, even though she is kinda hot.
Good to know! I'd been eyeing her for a while because she did get a positive review a while back. Can you expand on your bad experience?


Astute Observer
Aug 8, 2005
On the highway of life
What about ladies with multiple ads and using different numbers even though the pics are 100% them? Scam or nah?
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