2020: Can this year get any worse?


Well-known member
Jan 9, 2017
Income replacement programs like the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) are, so far at least, keeping the debt wolf at the door.
“Government supports and payment deferrals for some of these debts are giving Canadians, to a certain degree, a false sense of security, which is actually allowing them to put off dealing with the debts, even though those debts may be just as bad, if not worse, when the situation ends,” said Keith Emery, CEO of the non-profit credit counselling firm Credit Canada.
But government supports are unlikely to last forever. The CERB expires after a recipient has been on it for four motnhs, for example. And bank programs to allow mortgage holders to defer some payments only buy a few months of relief.
“The mortgage payments are going to start again,” said Alexander. "And then we're going to find out what the real economic toll is because it's when the mortgage deferrals end that you're going to see whether or not there are Canadians that are having difficulty making their mortgage payments."
The Canada Mortgage and Housing Corp., the federal Crown corporation that provides mortgage insurance for most Canadian homeowners, recently told the House of Commons finance committee that it estimates 12 per cent of the country’s mortgage holders had already entered into a mortgage deferral agreement with their bank and that by September, that number could rise to 20 per cent, or one in five.
But those deferrals won’t last forever. Eventually, the bills will come due again.
"I think what we're looking at potentially is sort of what's being termed the deferral cliff, meaning that government supports and payment deferrals end while the economy hasn't fully recovered, or in some cases, for personal consumers, they haven't fully recovered,” said Emery.

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
It can, and I think it will. The economy is going to crash.
The economy already crashed and it's actually been more resilient than many predicted. But what will have a likelihood of crashing (or at least a significant correction) is the stock market. Just hope that occurs after Nov 3.

G.D. Gentleman

Spin Spin Sugar...
Jun 24, 2019
It can, and I think it will. The economy is going to crash.
Economy will crash again/not recover as hoped and the calls on all the debt the world generated in Q1/Q2 of this year will start coming due - Yep, I fully agree with you danmand, shit show is coming Q4 this year/2021 from everything I'm seeing. :/


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
Things are really looking up. The glass is always half full.

Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
Economy will crash again/not recover as hoped and the calls on all the debt the world generated in Q1/Q2 of this year will start coming due - Yep, I fully agree with you danmand, shit show is coming Q4 this year/2021 from everything I'm seeing. :/
It is coming sooner that Q4.

- The cost of the lock down will be revealed soon.
- GDP report will Q2 and Q3 will be a disaster.
- Cost to the government for CERB told.
- Tax not collected during shut down will take a toll on government spending.
- Unemployment will be 18-20% or more.

The whole world is in deep shit. This will be the worse economic disaster anyone alive has ever experienced. Then there is the prospect of the return of covid-19.

The shit show starts when figures for Q2 is revealed.


Well-known member
Jun 20, 2011
west gta
I can't believe people are crying about things like fake covid outbreaks and criminals being killed by police

Issues such as the economy are going to kill far more this year than anything else that has happened


Well-known member
Mar 14, 2004
I can't believe people are crying about things like fake covid outbreaks and criminals being killed by police

Issues such as the economy are going to kill far more this year than anything else that has happened
Your time will come, as with all of us. The pandemic was and continues to be a major game changer for most if us. If your only major concern is complaining about the " cries" of others at this period in time then continue to enjoy leaving in blissful ignorance!


Well-known member
May 23, 2010
It can, and I think it will. The economy is going to crash.
Between July and November is going to be very bad times, everything will happen in that timeframe. Results of the Coronavirus will start to show its full effect, along with very low consumer confidence and an upcoming American election will curb spending.

It is coming sooner that Q4.

- The cost of the lock down will be revealed soon.
- GDP report will Q2 and Q3 will be a disaster.
- Cost to the government for CERB told.
- Tax not collected during shut down will take a toll on government spending.
- Unemployment will be 18-20% or more.

The whole world is in deep shit. This will be the worse economic disaster anyone alive has ever experienced. Then there is the prospect of the return of covid-19.

The shit show starts when figures for Q2 is revealed.
Fully agree with this assessment. It's going to be a worldwide problem.


Active member
Jun 5, 2009

The whole world is in deep shit. .
This is when you and I, Mr. Cat, build the world's largest fecal treatment facility (metaphorically speaking), to cleanse the world, and reap excessive financial rewards. I've never felt better about the future.
Toronto Escorts