Spa Openings


Well-known member
Sep 23, 2018
Posted on Toronto board by mistake. I’m not sure I’m ready to jump back in but must admit my curiosity has the better of me - was wondering if June 1 is the magic open door date for spas. I see Massage Adagio in Montreal is opening tomorrow.


New member
May 2, 2020
Spa Nordik is opening. LOL Girls have been using our Spas incognito anyways, it'll just be officially, any day now.


Active member
May 29, 2015
I respect what others are guessing when the spa's are going to be allowed to reopen, not judging at all. But it's basically a guessing game when it will be official when they can reopen.

I personally think in the Ottawa area they will open mid to late June. Reason for that is, it seems that Ottawa has been following health officials guidelines, and its working very well.

Don't jump the gun though, there are still lots of new cases of covid-19 popping up, but it's in other area's of the province.

So I'm going to guess mid to late June.

I'm also going to guess that "City officials" can reopen places without permission or direction of "provincial officials"

I could be wrong, or maybe I'm right??


Jul 18, 2017
I’d be surprised if they ever reopen.

They have huge infrastructure to maintain and commercial real estate rent is astounding. They are hemorrhaging money. Like most jobs/businesses that the government tells us will eventually reopen, there will, in fact be nothing to reopen. The jobs and businesses are done.

Only when the CERB (lol) money from Justin runs out, will the severity of this second Great Depression finally dawn on people (well to people outside of Ottawa and the protective bosom of the Federal Bureaucracy.)

I predict most spas will go bankrupt or try to stop the financial bloodshed and will shutter.

It will be a cleansing fire for a rotten industry run by a small cabal of price fixers and gougers.

Perhaps a new range of spas will take over, with a new business model, one that reflects the new reality. One that doesn’t involve $150/ half hour shower and handjob sessions.


Well-known member
Apr 27, 2020
So just to be clear, as I've never been there, but have driven by many times going to Meech Lake. Nordic Spa in Chelsea is just a health spa, correct?


The Big "O"
Dec 25, 2017
Wow lol who pissed in your cornflakes this morning ?

They will do fine. There is a huge pent up demand. They will open, with fewer attendants at the beginning, and then roar back to be as busy as ever. Guys think with their dicks and that will never change. Commercial rent in Ottawa is moderate compared to larger cities and landlords have been open minded.

The market dictates. Most clients have no problem with a $150 hh shower and rub and tug.

Walk back from the ledge my friend
RPAs and property management understand the situation. What else will they do? Take new tenants who couldn't pay rent elsewhere and spend hundreds of thousands for new fitups? No, it wouldn't make sense.


New member
May 2, 2020
They’ve been operating incognito since a week post lockdown. No fines and the Ciity knows.


Aug 29, 2017
Idk for Ottawa , but I’ve seen my first client since March 15th this evening.
Of course in order to respect a protocol, some rules had to be followed.

- Everything needs to be disinfected with a product called Barbicide. Door handles , light switches, tables , floors , washrooms, showers ect ...
(The spas , rmt , salon ect .. that are licensed are supposed to get their Barbicide formation in order to reopen.

- Everyone’s wearing a mask (At my incall I have disposable ones available for my clients and I am wearing one of course.)

- I am taking my clients temperature with a non-contact thermometer as soon as they get in.

-Shower’s mandatory (As usual so no change there.)

- I am not supposed to take Ontario clients (I don’t think I’ll respect that one).

My incall’s in Qc side so since we started our confinement earlier it’s natural that we reopen earlier.

According to Legault’s press conference today , we (spas , salons , small shops ) shouldn’t take Ontario’s clientele in order to avoid having all Ottawa crossing the bridge before the confinement is done in Ottawa , but I am seeing a very limited amount of clients/week and book only longer dates in order to keep that number very low so I think it’s not a big deal to take Ontario’s clients. I can’t imagine myself asking for proof of address in order to book anyways. That would be a breach to privacy.

I am aware that some clients won’t like the new protocole in place , but it’s for my safety as well as my client’s safety.
The no fluids exchange was always one of my restriction so it would obviously stay the same in that department ;)

I am not sure how other incalls or spas will operate, but this how Kim & I will be doing until it’s safe to work without that protocol.



Aug 29, 2017
You signed off with "kisses". I assume that was only a tease ... and you meant "no kisses" ?
Right ...
I need to adapt my signature as well lol !

Blowed kiss from 2m with a mask on ;)
Hahaha !

Bobbiz : It’s not an ad but a way to get people know that the industry will need to adapt to a new reality.
Masks , protocols and rules will be part of the reopening and some won’t like it unfortunately.

Long distance kiss


Well-known member
May 12, 2014
Sounds like a ad lol, good luck Ali :)
It's more of an explanation of how her particular spa functions during these pandemic times.

Once this pandemic passes, eventually things will ease. For now it is good protocol.


Well-known member
Mar 29, 2006
The Province has the final say at the moment as to which businesses/organizations can reopen and when.

Of course Ford is considering different timelines based on covid stats in various municipalities and health units. If he goes that route municipalities and health units will have a greater say, provided that the Province is largely onside.
Ottawa is still about 40% of active / unresolved cases per capita as Toronto. Most smaller cities in Ontario are at 0-10% of Toronto level per capita. I think many in Ottawa are simply comparing themselves to Toronto in making regional assessments, and not realizing that Ottawa is still one of the highest active regions per capita in the province.

If they go regional I am not sure Ottawa will get the jump like some are expecting.
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