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Maintaining social distancing...Not!!!


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2010
Sorry for the off-topic, but I am the only one who is very annoyed when someone uses the expression "something-something .. Not" like the title of this thread?


Well-known member
Aug 30, 2005
What an idiotic comparison. Killing me with laughter. Lol. We also have a medication we can apply to dogs, which will prevent dogs from acquiring Lupus , if bitten by ticks , yet science has not as yet , unfortunately , found an anti tick medicine to prevent humans from becoming ill .

Sapere Aude, Carpe Diem
Jul 21, 2004
Just imagine the headlines around the World if that happened
Sarcasm never comes out right on these forums. I should know better


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2011
What an idiotic comparison. Killing me with laughter. Lol. We also have a medication we can apply to dogs, which will prevent dogs from acquiring Lupus , if bitten by ticks , yet science has not as yet , unfortunately , found an anti tick medicine to prevent humans from becoming ill .
Canadaman doubled down on conspiracy theories, he has the tinfoil hat on tight.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
All the "social distancing", closings, masks don't do shit....
I know it's only been repeated about 30 million times since this started but the plan (at least until an effective vaccine is created) is not to stop the disease but to spread out the impact, making sure that medical resources are available.


Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
I know it's only been repeated about 30 million times since this started but the plan (at least until an effective vaccine is created) is not to stop the disease but to spread out the impact, making sure that medical resources are available.
By your logic then, the lockdown needs to remain in place to slow the spread

If hand sanitizers, face covering and social distancing work there is no longer a need to maintain the lockdown as the spread of the virus will have been slowed as well


Well-known member
May 17, 2017
Sorry for the off-topic, but I am the only one who is very annoyed when someone uses the expression "something-something .. Not" like the title of this thread?
The Nineties called and they want their phrase back.


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
Sounds like many here have lost sight of the reason for the lock downs, closing borders, and social distancing in the first place. Since no one has immunity to this virus, they were trying to prevent overloading hospitals with COVID-19 patients. Which is exactly what would've happened. We aren't going to stop the spread, just control the rate of infections. I'm confident they'll find a treatment or vaccine but that's likely to take a year or longer.

You can debate all you want as to whether they went about it the right way, but clearly the elderly and people with preexisting health conditions are at serious risk. I don't remember cases of the flu killing 30-40 elderly at a time in dozens of retirement homes in the span of a few weeks. That would've been a big news story. So no, it's not the flu.

I'm still waiting for a vaccine for AIDS been killing people since 1980 when nature came up with that one.
HIV vaccine, no. Medication, yes. Antiretroviral medications work by stopping the virus replicating in the body. So people who would normally die from these disease, can lead long healthy lives. This is because HIV treatment can reduce the amount of virus (viral load) in the blood and other bodily fluids (such as semen and vaginal and rectal fluids) to undetectable levels. Progress!


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
At this point, politicians are catering to public perceptions of the virus rather than its reality. They do the same thing when it comes to crime. Most laypeople think that crime is constantly on the rise while in reality it's been declining for decades. But media portrayals give a different impression and politicians cling to those perceptions to get elected and stay in power.


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
All the lock down crusaders here and the world over are desperately trying to ignore that they can never put a lid on this thing. They'll kick and scream and cry, but the disease will keep spreading, and half the population will rightfully continue to scoff at dubious isolation methods for a new flu that happens to be twice as deadly as the one we've been living with forever already.

Seems to me that the kicking and screaming is coming from you and those snowflakes who feel they are being "locked down" and their "rights" are being infringed.


Well-known member
Aug 8, 2013
Why is it the default of the stupid and uneducated to, not only think they're just as smart as everyone else, but to also believe that they have tapped into some hidden knowledge that has some how eluded experts in the field, who's IQ is 3 times their own.

They know exactly how far aerosol droplets from speaking, which it is appearing is the primary vector of infection, carries. Multiple tests have been done on it, and 6 feet is the safe distance.

Being outside in the summer makes no difference if you are socializing within 6 feet of someone infected. Otherwise, places like Brazil, India, and Africa, wouldn't have any issues with Covid-19.

Social distancing is being done to reduce the number of infected. When we slack off, the numbers go up. Pretty simple math proves the effectiveness of the principle.

Corona virus is a family of Viruses. It is one of the most broad virus families out there. Having a vaccine for one specific type within this family, is just that. A vaccine for one specific type of virus. Covid-19 is a specific type of virus within the Corona Virus family, and it is new.

All these are scientific facts. Not opinions. Not theories. Not Conspiracy bullshit.

For the people out there trying to defend these morons in the park. Educate your obtuse, troglodyte, asses before you speak.
Either that or join these idiots, and then lock yourself in a room afterwards so the Covid-19 can kill you off, and help natural selection remove your stupid ass from the gene pool.


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
Either that or join these idiots, and then lock yourself in a room afterwards so the Covid-19 can kill you off, and help natural selection remove your stupid ass from the gene pool.
The likelihood of dying of covid after joining the 'idiots' is practically zero. Scientific fact.

Can't join them without risking arrest/fines. Remove the threat of arrest/fines and see what happens.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
The likelihood of dying of covid after joining the 'idiots' is practically zero. Scientific fact.

Can't join them without risking arrest/fines. Remove the threat of arrest/fines and see what happens.
The folks with your mentality are prolonging the lockdown. Congrats on the accomplishment.
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