What do you think will happen in the sex business after Covid-19 Coronavirus is over?

What do you theorize?

  • No change in the market

    Votes: 21 20.6%
  • High demand for sex with low supply of escorts

    Votes: 13 12.7%
  • High supply of escorts with less demand for sex

    Votes: 41 40.2%
  • No idea

    Votes: 27 26.5%

  • Total voters


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2016
I think in the summer the cases may be limited due to the warm weather. Viruses, generally tend to be less active in hot weather. Theory is covid will act the same.
One thing I worry is that once people get out in the summer and see less cases. They'd think "see! no problem!" and come colder months in October/November with relaxed attitudes 2nd wave may hit hard.
hot weather theory does not fly - just look at early days in Australia in March. At one point they had same number of cases as us until they went into lockdown. Look at Iran now with warm weather now. its not the weather but the fact people go outside more that affects transmission


Seriously ?
Sep 25, 2015
I just don't get (why) the prices have gone up.
Fakers or otherwise - they have increased rates.
If there are fewer (or no) customers, then you would expect lower rates to entice.
It makes no sense.

Also, one ad made me laugh.
She is doing outcalls only.
Part of the ad says that she'll do things your wife won't do.
Lol, what ?! Everybody is stuck at home.
There are not going to be many married men who have the house to themselves to receive an outcall !!
Such stupidity in these ads sometimes.


The Big "O"
Dec 25, 2017
I think a lot of it is wishful thinking. A lot of ladies have been out of work for months now (just like everyone else), and now they think that they'll make up the lost time with higher prices. But prices were already coming down in Ottawa prior to the pandemic, for other economic reasons, and I don't see those factors changing in Ottawa, in fact the pandemic has accelerated those factors. Maybe an initial spike in prices, followed by a reality check drop in prices.
Prices could come down in a few weeks, who knows. Either way if the services and rates aren't to my liking I simply move on. No point in crying and coming off like juvenile. Besides, providers would not be the only service with a new surcharge.


Mar 1, 2018
Prices could come down in a few weeks, who knows. Either way if the services and rates aren't to my liking I simply move on. No point in crying and coming off like juvenile. Besides, providers would not be the only service with a new surcharge.
good luck with covid19 surcharge. for a few bucks sure beyond that some, mostly white knights, will accept but the rest won't.

read the news recently: hertz, jcpenny,airlines, cruises, restaurants, factories, etc

businesses will need to do a lot in bringing back the customers that still have jobs and disposable incomes. hard time is ahead. also erotic services are luxury, not a need. people reduce these services when hard time.

going to have a lot of supply with a large reduction in demand.


Well-known member
Feb 1, 2020
I think vulnerable people and those with families will find it easy to justify quitting the hobby till vaccine arrives. so perhaps Sp's will be half as busy, but they won't be desperate for clients. Negative news I believe every escort is going to get covid because the remaining clients clearly dont give a f about health. They're lost souls, slaves to their dicks forever.


Jun 11, 2019
I think vulnerable people and those with families will find it easy to justify quitting the hobby till vaccine arrives. so perhaps Sp's will be half as busy, but they won't be desperate for clients. Negative news I believe every escort is going to get covid because the remaining clients clearly dont give a f about health. They're lost souls, slaves to their dicks forever.
Why do I keep seeing people bringing up vaccines on this site? Is this the only site where so many people are unaware of what’s going on? You’re willing to take the most rushed experimental vaccine put on to mankind being pushed by the same man (Bill Gates) who not only has no medical degree but has always talked about getting rid of 1 billion from the earths population? But you all think he’s going to save you? Lmao right.


Well-known member
Feb 1, 2020
Vaccine or no vaccine doesn't matter to me from a health perspective. Covid won't kill me in my current olympian physical shape. My lungs will kick the shit out of Covid when I get it.

The problem with going to aspa is the deep shit you could be in if there's a Covid outbreak in that spa, and police get involved tracking everyone who was there. That knock on your door is the health nazis. If you have a family it's going to be embarrassing forever.

So why risk your career / marriage to bust a nut?

Why do I keep seeing people bringing up vaccines on this site? Is this the only site where so many people are unaware of what’s going on? You’re willing to take the most rushed experimental vaccine put on to mankind being pushed by the same man (Bill Gates) who not only has no medical degree but has always talked about getting rid of 1 billion from the earths population? But you all think he’s going to save you? Lmao right.


Well-known member
Apr 27, 2020
Yeah, we could call it the Thanos vaccine. I have not read a lot about the vaccine other than we have about 90+ teams working on it in Canada alone, and from that, we may have 1 or 2 of the 90 groups come up with something that could work in either capacity .... boost immune defense against covid, or immunize against it. However, I agree with Midguyy, that the vaccine may be a real problem, and I know I will let about 10 million or so test it out, before I will take it. It is funny that everyone is getting back to hobbying now, as previously, I stated that the shutdown period was the safe period. Right now is the time that we do not know how it will spread. A month ago, it would have been like a thief walking around a ghost town, stealing from empty stores. No action, and no cases in Kingston. Now, the numbers will spike, but for some reason, since Ford has opened up the economy (somewhat), it feels safer to hobby. I was never critical of anyone making decisions during the shutdown, and am not now, just throwing a logical look at risk level. I did state in a post previously, that I was going to contact a non-active regular, and see if we could figure something out. Well, it worked out, and now it pretty close to a safe as possible situation. She honestly is seeing 3 other of her regulars, as well as myself, and that limits her to covid trustworthy clients, and gets her through this period, in a relatively safe fashion. When the Thanos vaccine becomes available, then everyone will get real busy lol.


Mar 1, 2018
I read and watch the economy predictions, but I have to be honest, I don't see too many effects.

Vaccine is the condom of COVID
current usa and canada unemployment rate is around 15%. multiple companies are bankrupted or seeking for bankruptcy protections, many temp or perm layoffs, many local businesses are gone forever etc

governments can't just hand out money forever and when we are back to normal, taxes will be increased, services will be cut and government layoff in order to pay for all these subsidy


Well-known member
Apr 19, 2018
Rushing the vaccine may be a problem, but it won't be because Bill Gates is really a master villain. Next you'll be telling us that it's all because of 5G.


Well-known member
Aug 28, 2019
Yeah, and it's also not the only way to get immunity. Just getting the real virus itself and fighting off the symptoms with a strong immune system is also an option, in fact that's the way humans did it for millions of years before vaccines.
It sounds like you're uninformed about the history of infectious diseases. These kinds of hyper-contagious viruses were not a part of human life until after the domestication of animals; your "millions of years" comment is drastically off the mark.


Well-known member
Apr 27, 2020
I actually have thought about some economic issues of covid as well. I do not agree with ShowBizz ... all respect intended. I think things will be so bad, that the wave of depression will be worse than ever in history. We don't have industry, like in war times to use to recover. I am thinking that Trump is opening things up "saying that he is an expert", for no other reason than to cleanse the US. If he continues his measures, he will kill off the medically vulnerable, and elderly, thereby eliminating their healthcare issues, and whatever their Old Age Pension and CPP comparable is in the States. The cost decrease would offset debt to some degree, and I truly feel that Trump does not care about certain human lives, just the economy. Again, I have returned to hobbying with a relatively safe plan, I hope that I can trust the other 4 individuals involved, but the next 6 months of opening economy will tell us a lot about the future. Kingston is already showing many signs of "not returning to business" type. I think that the bars that have relationships to drug dispensing, and biker/mafia will be fine, as they will be funded to keep open. The honest guy, may have some trouble. The craft type "buy local" shops with $4000 per month rent to recoup, are screwed for a generation, if they stay open.


Well-known member
Apr 27, 2020
I think the history of human life, of some form has been dated back to about 60 000 years max, so yeah, millions of years is a bit of a stretch. Probably was embellished intentionally to make a point.


Well-known member
Apr 27, 2020
Good point, yeah modern man was past 40 thousand to 60 thousand, I think, but earliest human type existences were definitely millions of years ago. I appreciate the enrichment, and clarification. And, I am not being sarcastic lol, I actually do like to be factual.
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