Discreet Dolls

When isolation ends, which SP/MA will you try to see first .



Chloe Potter if she is still working. She seems to enjoy her work!



Do. Or do not. There is no try.


Active member
Apr 30, 2015
Keep wondering what a session with Julie @CMJ would be like. maybe I should just find out. any other suggestions welcome


Well-known member
Jul 19, 2018
I'm still debating with this, but Tara Parker or Elle at Brass may be the 1st one. After, I will probably rediscover the beauty of CMJ
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Well-known member
Apr 19, 2018
Jessica said on Twitter they'll be reopening soon after the state of emergency is lifted, and I think Tara will be available in early June. From what I've seen though most providers will have COVID-19 rules - those of you who go for the DFK experience are going to be disappointed, I think.


Well-known member
Jan 25, 2016
Let me guess... (Not asking you JF specifically, just continuing the discussion lol)

The rates will remain constant?
Or maybe increase again!?
While many clients will have less disposable income?
While getting less services (aka worth for money)?

I hope it doesn't come to this unsettling unsatisfying state.
You put it more succinctly than I would have, but you are probably correct. I took a look at Leolist and there is absolutely no lowering of rates that I have seen at all. I was only comparing the more established or consistent providers, but their rates are the same. I can't speak to the service because I didn't contact any of them, but I can only assume some will be more restrictive.

Some clients will appreciate it. Some won't.


Well-known member
Apr 19, 2018
The providers on Twitter are a specific demographic, of course. Those providers seem to be veering towards limited numbers of clients, restrictive services and either the same or higher prices. On the other hand, the ones who stayed active on Leolist throughout and the new ones too will probably still provide the same kinds of services at regular or cheaper prices. Hobbyists will have to decide which route to follow.

It'll be interesting to see what rules the spas put in.


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2010
From what I've seen though most providers will have COVID-19 rules - those of you who go for the DFK experience are going to be disappointed, I think.
If they'll do it, they'd better start offering BJ and FS: without DFK and DATY they will lose lots of clients. Only a few want to have just a bodyslide, lame massage, and HJ: some clients will move to SPs while some to semi-legit Asian places that offer decent massage. DFK and DATY with young girls is the reason they were able to charge almost SP rates. Brass Club needs a steady flow of clients to keep a decent pool of girls and clear sufficient income to pay the rent ans costs. Lower service -> less clients -> less girls -> less clients -> ... My guess, they will start allowing girls to offer SP services more openly for an extra fee


Well-known member
Apr 19, 2018
I've always viewed Twitter as a background marketing tool, whereas LL is foreground marketing tool. So LL would be like flyers that get mailed out with the latest sales, and Twitter is just the catalogs you can view with more detail about the product.
Marketing is just one aspect of it. Leolist isn't a community. Providers on Twitter connect with each other in groups like the OIC or through past experiences in spas, common complaints about clients, etc. A lot of the content on Twitter isn't directed at potential clients at all. It tends to create common pricing and policies. For the pandemic, what I've seen is a focus on:

- Fewer appointments with longer minimum times
- Screening
- Fever checks on arrival, hand washing, etc.
- Service limitations like no DFK

Obviously there's exceptions, but most of the ones I follow seem to be planning something like this when they "reopen".


Well-known member
Apr 19, 2018
If they'll do it, they'd better start offering BJ and FS: without DFK and DATY they will lose lots of clients. Only a few want to have just a bodyslide, lame massage, and HJ: some clients will move to SPs while some to semi-legit Asian places that offer decent massage. DFK and DATY with young girls is the reason they were able to charge almost SP rates. Brass Club needs a steady flow of clients to keep a decent pool of girls and clear sufficient income to pay the rent ans costs. Lower service -> less clients -> less girls -> less clients -> ... My guess, they will start allowing girls to offer SP services more openly for an extra fee
I was thinking more of the independents, but you're right, spas like CMJ and Brass have been focused on DFK-type services as they've become common. With the virus making that problematic, I'm not sure what they'll do. Hard to turn back the clock to the old (pre-2010 or so) ways of doing things.


Active member
May 29, 2015
I'm not going to say who im going to see after we get the all clear, but i will tell you (like others) ive been keeping in contact through DM on twitter, and texting with a few ladies and built a solid friendship with them, and they also assured me that their rates will not increase once we get the all clear and they feel comfortable meeting.

It sometimes isn't easy building friendships, but ive managed to do it. respect goes a long way :)


Oct 31, 2019
A very well known and hot SP contacted me to offer me her post COVID-19 virginity for a premium ? I am not sure whether I will hobby until there is a vaccine.

Just wondering has anyone else received a similar offer ?
This is something that might interest those clients that prefer to lower their risks, stats wise, from covid.

On a personal note, I remember my experience with a provider coming back from a two weeks midterm hiatus. In short, it was wet, aggressive and explosive. She's someone who I've met multiple times previously so it was definitely a noticeable change of pace.
Just the usual donation for me. No pandemic premium.


Well-known member
Apr 27, 2020
Yeah, or a bakery selling day old bread at the same price as their fresh from the oven loaves. I haven't been with a virgin since 1st year University, and even by that point, they were very rare. High School was productive for popping cherries. Thinking back, I think that the most important part of being a girl's first was to keep your mouth shut after the fact. Girls talk amongst girls, so word spreads that it wouldn't be spread around school. Wow, what would happen if we could go back in time, with our current knowledge lol.
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