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Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
Robert Goulet. LOL I posted that in another thread. Apparently, he went through a lot of televisions. :clock:
While Elvis was away serving his country in the army, Robert Goulet ( the Canadian slacker ) was putting maple syrup into quite a few of Elvis's GFs. When Elvis got back from the army he found out he ate some sloppy seconds, to ad insult to injury Robert Goulet was a rising star at that time. Every time Elvis saw Goulet on the small screen he blasted it with a gun. A television set in the early 60s was the third most valuable thing people owned at the time after the house and the car.

Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009

Jimmy Carter gave the draft dodgers amnesty on compassionate grounds, the statute of limitations does not apply to fugitives.

Statutes of limitation generally require the criminal to remain in the state, gainfully employed and visible, seeming to necessitate that the criminal remain "catchable." If the authorities fail to discover a criminal living in the open within a specified amount of time, society has determined that at that point the criminal should be able to live free from the possibility of prosecution. If the criminal is a fugitive, out of the state in which the crime was committed or otherwise living in hiding, this tolls, or suspends, the statute.

Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009

Orson Wells was a well known star and very recognizable voice in the 50s, William Conrad took a lot of work away from Wells because he was the almost as good narrators voice but at 1/5 the price. In a drunken confrontation, Orson attacked Conrad and got smashed in the face.

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