The One Spa

Michael Moore exposes green energy as a fraud


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
You didn't answer the question. And while he founded Justice Dems he is no longer with them.

So again. Who do you think funds Kyle Kulinski?
I'm asking you if you checked.
If you think he's unbiased and independent, shouldn't you have checked?


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
I'm asking you if you checked.
If you think he's unbiased and independent, shouldn't you have checked?
I did. Same with others. I havent seen anything that says he takes money.

He makes from YouTube adverts, speaking engagements and Patreon type funding. 800,000 subs on YouTube means he has a following.

His motivation is the death of his father, who died due to not being able to afford to go to a doctor.

And his critisism of both parties is consistent with his world view and policy thoughts.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
I did. Same with others. I havent seen anything that says he takes money.

He makes from YouTube adverts, speaking engagements and Patreon type funding. 800,000 subs on YouTube means he has a following.

His motivation is the death of his father, who died due to not being able to afford to go to a doctor.

And his critisism of both parties is consistent with his world view and policy thoughts.
So you don't know if he's still getting money from that PAC, which was wall street funded or other sources.
You can agree or disagree with his views, but if you don't know who is funding them you don't know if he's really pushing someone's narrative or not.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
So you don't know if he's still getting money from that PAC, which was wall street funded or other sources.
You can agree or disagree with his views, but if you don't know who is funding them you don't know if he's really pushing someone's narrative or not.
He never recieved money from it. He founded it and LEFT because of the change in course.

Nice try. But you are playing the ol' prove a negative.

And that won't cut it. He is as home grown as it gets. Criticizes all. He even had harsh words for Sanders over his running of the campaign and endorsement of Biden after.

He is a true believer. It's you that are fake.

The LoLRus

Well-known member
Mar 30, 2009
There hasn't been a large discovery of oil in decades.
What they have been doing is getting better at getting the stuff thats deep in oceans, stuck in rocks or in the tar sands
You're so full of shit its not funny anymore.
But then most of this forum knows that already, which is why so many people have you on ignore.

Just last year Iran discovered a new oil field worth more than 50 billion barrels of crude oil:

This is a brandnew oil field, and not "stuff thats deep in oceans, stuck in rocks or in the tar sands" like you said


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
You're so full of shit its not funny anymore.
But then most of this forum knows that already, which is why so many people have you on ignore.

Just last year Iran discovered a new oil field worth more than 50 billion barrels of crude oil:

This is a brandnew oil field, and not "stuff thats deep in oceans, stuck in rocks or in the tar sands" like you said
That was downgraded to 2.2 billion barrels, which makes it fairly minor.
The only recent large discovery was in Kazakistan in 2000.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Renewables Threaten German Economy & Energy Supply, McKinsey Warns In New Report

A new report by consulting giant McKinsey finds that Germany's Energiewende, or energy transition to renewables, poses a significant threat to the nation's economy and energy supply.

One of Germany's largest newspapers, Die Welt, summarized the findings of the McKinsey report in a single word: "disastrous."

"Problems are manifesting in all three dimensions of the energy industry triangle: climate protection, the security of supply and economic efficiency," writes McKinsey.

In 2018, Germany produced 866 million metric tons of carbon dioxide, a far cry from its goal of 750 million tonnes by 2020.

If Renewables Are So Cheap Why Is Germany’s Electricity So Expensive?

The LoLRus

Well-known member
Mar 30, 2009
That was downgraded to 2.2 billion barrels, which makes it fairly minor
No, the oil field still holds about 50 billion barrels, but because of the US embargo they dont have the technology to extract the entire 50 billion


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
We should leave this thread to the green energy stuff.
I will say that Kulinski is the best of that list Butler 1000 put up for media commentary. (Not journalists.)


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
We should leave this thread to the green energy stuff.
I will say that Kulinski is the best of that list Butler 1000 put up for media commentary. (Not journalists.)
Matt Tahibi? Ryan Grim especially at the Intercept? They have broken significant stories without partisanship.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
I love it when a bunch of people who have dismissed everything Moore has ever said suddenly think he's the smartest man on Earth (even though they didn't actually pay attention to what he said).


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
The problem with any "green" conversation is that it is purely political and somewhat religious(with all them believers and deniers). There are some good questions out there that will never even be addressed outside a very small circle of researchers because of the fear of stepping on toes. Too bad. The way things are now, it's not a conversation worth having.


Court Jester
Oct 17, 2011
Not surprisingly, eco-activists were trying to get the film banned and then backed down.

I watched it on the weekend and the film is highly recommended.

I'm no fan of Moore and I don't share his anxiety about the future of the planet. But I will say the film does a terrific job exposing the green energy scam. Some of the key takeaways:

-- Renewable energy does not reduce carbon dioxide emissions. When you factor in everything that goes into the production of wind and solar power and the return, you get a net loss. As one eco guy says in the movie, it would have been better to leave the coal plants in place.

-- The battery supply for electric vehicles comes predominantly from burning coal.

-- The big corporations that are jumping on the green bandwagon are only gaming the system to make more money. There's nothing to suggest anything they're doing in partnership with environmental groups like the Sierra Club and will benefit the planet.

-- There is no corporation or organization anywhere that is powered 100 per cent by renewable energy. The ones that make that claim -- like Apple -- are lying.

As we can see from some of the posts in this thread, the documentary is particularly problematic for some leftists because the usual ad hominem attacks don't work.

Moore isn't a "denier," he isn't a shill for big oil (he actually exposes some of the leading environmentalists' close ties with the plutocrats) and he isn't a right-winger.

Much of the information in the documentary isn't news to right wingers. But you can bet it will rattle many of the lefties who make up Moore's audience.

Personally, as a free market neo-liberal type, I wouldn't have a problem with big corporations making money off this stuff it were actually profitable.

But it isn't. The rich are getting richer soaking up the billions upon billions being wasted by governments. And to repeat, none of it is making any difference to the environment.

Even if you believe there is an urgent need to reduce CO2 emissions, the reality is green energy isn't reducing a damn thing. In fact, it's almost certainly contributing to an increase in man-made CO2 emissions.


Well-known member
Feb 23, 2012
Moore's distributor pulled the movie for fucking with the facts.
The distributor is Films For Action. It's on their website as well as on Youtube where it was originally published. Care to elaborate on your claim that they have "pulled the movie for fucking with the facts"? (or are you just fucking with the facts...again?)

The LoLRus

Well-known member
Mar 30, 2009


Well-known member
Feb 23, 2012


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
They removed it for half a day before putting it back up:

As of right now its still on their site
Yes, its back up there on that link along with their statement on the film.
Hardly a ringing endorsement, but I guess you hardcore Michael Moore fans who trust everything he says, including his film on capitalism, have to stick with him even with the bad ones.

When Planet of the Humans first came out, we added it to the site before watching it because we trusted Michael Moore's track record of releasing quality films that are factually accurate. After we watched it, we had issues with the film but assumed it was at least factually accurate, since Michael knows his films will be rigorously fact-checked.

We are disheartened and dismayed to report that the film is full of misinformation (1, 2, 3, 4) - so much so that for half a day we removed the film from the site.

Ultimately, we decided to put it back up because we believe media literacy, critique and debate is the best solution to misinformation.

Taking the film down turns the issue into a rather confused debate about censorship and only half a day proved our gut feelings on this was correct. We say confused because the film is officially hosted by Youtube. We're an independent publisher that holds itself responsible to the 5 principles of journalism, and we can choose what content we want to feature on the site. Not promoting false info (as we can best discern) is a basic responsibility of publishers that value accuracy.

While it would be perfectly reasonable for us to remove the film if we think it contains too much misinformation, the act of doing that creates headlines, generates more interest in the film, and may even lead people to think we're trying to 'cover up the truth,' giving the film more power and mystique than it deserves.

Nothing drives interest and curiosity in something more than reports that people are trying to get the film "banned" or taken down, and we don't want to contribute to that.

Since Films For Action was founded in 2006, we've believed that media-literacy and critical engagement with all media is the best antidote to misinformation.

To us, that means acknowledging the film's merits as well as its severe flaws. It's not obvious how misleading the film is simply from watching it. Reading reviews and critiques of the film is pretty much required.

Now that the film has been out for a few days, the good points have been pretty well separated from the bad ones.

If you're short on time, we recommend reading the top 2-4 reviews below:

This review from Vote to Survive (which details both its merits and flaws).

This in-depth review from Ketan Joshi (focusing on how dated and misleading the film is on solar).

This review from The Solar Nerd (focusing on the scientific flaws mostly re: solar)

This review by EcoEquity (on why the bad stuff ruins the film as a whole, despite its good points)

This review from Neal Livingston.

Bill McKibben's response (to get his side of the story).

This review of Biomass (it is indeed awful)

The fact that this film requires so much additional reading to avoid being misinformed is a good illustration of how good propaganda works: Too many people either don't have time to fact check or won't take the time, and so the misinformation sticks while the finer points get lost.


Well-known member
Aug 13, 2019
The left loves censorship when it comes to what they believe regardless of how flawed it actually is. Green energy is one of their big ideas and has been exposed as a scam. They will go to great lengths to quiet the criticism of one of their ideals.
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