In Additional above quote from kubeman, You need to testing for everyone , and keep social distance , also wearing a mask will help flatten the curve sooner will can also able to go back to work sooner.
A descriptive overview of how South Korea was able to flatten the curve without killing off their economy ....
Lesson 1: Intervene Fast, Before It’s a Crisis
Lesson 2: Test Early, Often and Safely
Lesson 3: Contact Tracing, Isolation and Surveillance
Lesson 4: Enlist The Public’s Help
After everything I've read, this make the most sense to me. Especially the part about viral load.
Three Reasons Everyone wears a Masks:
1. Stops infected people from expelling infectious particles.
2.Help you remind you not to touch your face.
3. If you infected anyway, much better chance of " starting small" low inoculum level= a much better disease outcome .
WIthout a mask you will get a large inoculum level ( someone cough at you) billions of viral goes into your face goes into your nose, mouth and eyes. You get sick faster and lessen the chance for your body to mount a properly defence ( Hours vs Days). Too large inoculum level in your body it overwhelms your body defence.
PS. It not rocket science that how you stop a pandemic!
Availability of masks wasn't an issue in the Czech Republic. There are more than enough for everyone:The simple commercial N95 mask will keep out 95% of the particulates. No mask keeps out 0%. Be that as it may, but if the progress of the virus is not arrested, our government will MANDATE anyone outside to wear one- just wait and see. The only reason they haven't called for this is because masks are simply not available. also have heard suggestions that widespread usage of masks in the West will be culturally impossible. The story of the Czech Republic debunks this notion. Social media influencers campaigning to encourage DIY mask creation catalyzed an extraordinary mobilization by nearly the whole population. Within three days, there were enough masks for everyone in the country, and most people were wearing them. This was an entirely grass-roots community effort.
When social distancing requirements forced a small bar in Prague to close, its owner, Štefan Olejár, converted Bar Behind the Curtain into a mask manufacturing facility. He procured sewing machines from the community and makes about 400 cotton masks per day. The bar employs 10 people, including a driver who distributes the masks directly to people who are not able to leave their homes.
There are “mask trees” on street corners around the country, where people hang up masks they have made so others can take them.
The most important message shared in the Czech Republic has been this: “My mask protects you; your mask protects me.” Wearing a mask there is now considered a prosocial behavior. Going outside without one is frowned on as an antisocial action that puts your community at risk. In fact, the community reaction has been so strong that the government has responded by making it illegal to go out in public without a mask.
When I first started wearing a mask in public, I felt a bit odd. But I reminded myself I’m helping my community, and I’m sure in the coming weeks people who don’t wear masks will be the ones who feel out of place. Now I’m trying to encourage everyone to join me — and to get their friends to wear masks, too — with a social media campaign around #masks4all.
Well, maybe I should call Karel in Prague and ask for some because there are none to be have here.Availability of masks wasn't an issue in the Czech Republic. There are more than enough for everyone:
DIY masks are being made at home by many using many materials, such as, for a few examples:
Paper towels
Duct tape
Vacuum bags
Other examples of masks available at home or obtainable in stores (e.g. Shoppers Drug Mart/ 7-11) or by online purchases:
Motorcycle helmet face shield
Halloween masks
Hockey mask w face shields