Supporting your favorite gal during this crisis

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Well-known member
Oct 21, 2019
I could come out and let everyone know why your blacklisted
OMG Another blacklisted scumbag on TERB Ottawa forum chiming in with terrible opinions, and spewing hatred/disrespect for women whom are simply trying to earn a living.

I will never see that diseased whore again
Yeah - you'll never see her again because you're blacklisted.

Do you know how pathetic and toxic you must be as a person for a provider to not accept your money, and blacklist you? I feel bad for your "SO" if she actually exists.


This is just a hobby
May 1, 2002
Serenity now! OMG I can't wait until this is finally over and I can go see me gal and dato & daty her until the cows come home and then we'll get down to business! OMFG how I miss her but yeah, I am not going to do anything stupid and suggest that you do the same.

Support your favorite gal boys because when this is all over and done with, they will remember those who stuck by them during those tough times.

My 2 cents. Be safe everyone and looking forward to catching up all my faves on day soon! Miss all of you ladies but for now the TDL is on hold! :bounce:
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Mar 18, 2013
Fact is most escorts do not know how to save and will always fall back on clients to dig them up from their mess. Only a handful few escorts are smart enough to managed on thier own. That's merely a 15%. The rest are doomed. What will they do when lockdown is held up till August? Or more???
Just thought I'd point out that 53% of Canadians live pay check to pay check. Not just SWers struggle financially


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2010
I think, given new government policy providing $2000 a month to anyone who lost work (regardless of EI contribution and including self-employed) and the ban on eviction, I think the "support" argument is mute as anyone can survive on $2000 a month sitting home.


Active member
May 29, 2015
sorry to the ladies, but there's no chance that i will "help them out during this pandemic" ive been screwed over before, and refuse to do it again.

As some have said, you need to manage your money better for things like this, it was bound to happen sooner or later.

But thumbs up to the very few that are good with their money


Active member
May 29, 2015
I've never publicly seen or heard of a hobbyist suggesting an advance on a session.

It's just not the right thing to do, and chances are you'll get declined.

It should work both ways in my mind

Yeah but if a hobbyist is in distress, would the escort support him?

There's a possibility that this pandemic will last several months (year?), How long does an escort expect to be supported for? I'd say it's time to make alternate arrangements maybe?

Also, most hobbyists have immediate family, secondary family, close friends that may need help too. If an escort comes before all of them...

Let's not forget that a lot of hobbyists are suffering too during this pandemic.

Jasmine Raine

Well-known member
Jul 28, 2014
Yeah but if a hobbyist is in distress, would the (any?) escort support him?

There's a possibility that this pandemic will last several months (year?), How long does an escort expect to be supported for? I'd say it's time to make alternate arrangements maybe?

Also, most hobbyists have immediate family, secondary family, close friends that may need help too. If an escort comes before all of them...

Let's not forget that a lot of hobbyists are suffering too during this pandemic.

Don't forget that during "normal" times, "many" escorts don't really care about their clients (ATM?).
Come on, you know the dynamics are different. You know that, so you cant really play that card.

Now I get that hobbyist are suffering as well. I agree that hobbyist have actual family to care for and I agree that escorts shouldn’t be “supported” by just being handed money month after month, ladies should be looking at alternative forms of money. It is sad that the the support ladies onlyfans, etc thread got deleted as that would be a better way that hobbyist can support and get something in return.

I believe and agree that this type of client/Sp relationship is transactional and therefore should for the most part stay transcational which means ladies should be offering something in return via pics, videos, webcam shows, etc.

Now I can’t say I have ever let a client money, but one time a monthly regular who basically does gig work, was between pay checks from one job to the next so I let him have his normal session and got paid double on the next to make up for it. Some of us don’t think of guys as ATMs. I know you said many, not all, but I just wanted to put out my experience.


Fantasy fulfiller 💫
Dec 7, 2019
Hey babes hope you’re all keeping safe!! Just wanted to say a big thank you to those going out of their way to support their favourite ladies! No it isn’t necessary and should not be expected but it’s super appreciated!! It’s just so refreshing to see positivity for once, yes everyone is is entitled to their own opinions...but I really hope my path crosses with some of you gems on this thread once this is all over, and maybe give you some well deserved good karma ??!! Xoxo stay safe everyone


Well-known member
Apr 6, 2012
Hey babes hope you’re all keeping safe!! Just wanted to say a big thank you to those going out of their way to support their favourite ladies! No it isn’t necessary and should not be expected but it’s super appreciated!! It’s just so refreshing to see positivity for once, yes everyone is is entitled to their own opinions...but I really hope my path crosses with some of you gems on this thread once this is all over, and maybe give you some well deserved good karma ����!! Xoxo stay safe everyone
Yes! This! Good karma! You go Maddie!


Active member
Sep 16, 2006
To answer the OP's question:

I have an ongoing arrangement with one lady who I continue to support as usual, even though we are not meeting these days. I offered to send money to another long time regular but she declined saying that she's doing fine. I have also prepaid a few sessions with one lady and tried out a couple online services.

I did a Skype session for the first time a few days ago. Honestly not something I ever would have done if it weren't for COVID, but I had fun and can see myself doing it again. I never understood the appeal of cam girls before but now I see why some guys do lol. If you've never tried, it might not hurt to give it a shot.

As far as the question - would an escort support a client?

The first memory that crossed my mind was a lunch date when I had to return to work and realized I had locked my keys in my car. It was too late to call a cab or CAA. The lady I was with lent me her car so I was able to get back to work on time. She really saved my ass, especially given how work was going at the time. I returned her car after work was over. She was also kind enough to let me hang out at her place while waiting for CAA to arrive.

This same lady offered to give me no charge sessions at one point, when she knew things were cut back at work, saying that I could just pay her later after things picked up.

My other long time regular also offered me no charge sessions a few years ago when she knew I was spread a bit thin financially.

I never took either of them up on it, btw, but it was nice to know they "had my back" so to speak. Both are long time regulars who I have been seeing for years.

There are definitely generous SPs who do go above and beyond for clients. I remember a story on here about a guy who was really sick in hospital and how his regular lady would visit him and helped him through the situation (not asking him for money I mean).


New member
Dec 12, 2019
To answer the OP's question:

I have an ongoing arrangement with one lady who I continue to support as usual, even though we are not meeting these days. I offered to send money to another long time regular but she declined saying that she's doing fine. I have also prepaid a few sessions with one lady and tried out a couple online services.

I did a Skype session for the first time a few days ago. Honestly not something I ever would have done if it weren't for COVID, but I had fun and can see myself doing it again. I never understood the appeal of cam girls before but now I see why some guys do lol. If you've never tried, it might not hurt to give it a shot.

As far as the question - would an escort support a client?

The first memory that crossed my mind was a lunch date when I had to return to work and realized I had locked my keys in my car. It was too late to call a cab or CAA. The lady I was with lent me her car so I was able to get back to work on time. She really saved my ass, especially given how work was going at the time. I returned her car after work was over. She was also kind enough to let me hang out at her place while waiting for CAA to arrive.

This same lady offered to give me no charge sessions at one point, when she knew things were cut back at work, saying that I could just pay her later after things picked up.

My other long time regular also offered me no charge sessions a few years ago when she knew I was spread a bit thin financially.

I never took either of them up on it, btw, but it was nice to know they "had my back" so to speak. Both are long time regulars who I have been seeing for years.

There are definitely generous SPs who do go above and beyond for clients. I remember a story on here about a guy who was really sick in hospital and how his regular lady would visit him and helped him through the situation (not asking him for money I mean).
That's very rare in the industry. 1 in a thousand or more Id say.


Active member
Nov 19, 2018
Gentlemen if you are looking for a SP to support during these tough times I highly recommend you give this young angel a little follow just to help her during these tought struggling times, nobody really knows when the clubs will be back running and its safer and better for society if we just admire from afar and she provides a lot of intimate one on one fantasy services that can meet different budgets! Give her a shot and let her surprise you with a one on one fantasy experience, following her on twitter will get you a lil reward and she is always down for custom content and updates frequently a few other recommendations I would suggest are and for some variety. Enjoy gentlemen I am bored as hell


New member
Dec 12, 2019
If an hobbyist is in distress, would the (any?) escort support him? I know the dynamic is different and I know there are very rare exceptions escort that may do it. This is just something to think about.

imo the average escort has a higher income than an average client, I would think that an average escort should have put aside an average sum of money to support herself for at least a couple of months. I find that too many live the luxury life on Twitter instead of planning for the essentials in life.

There's a possibility that this pandemic will last several months (year?), How long does an escort expect to be supported for? I'd say it's time to make alternate arrangements maybe?

Paying for future sessions, how many will you buy? How many other guys will buy some from the same escorts? How will she manage the backlog of MANY prebook sessions in the future. When will that be, in 6 months? 1 year?

For how long can you justify to pay for a naked Lady on a digital screen when there is an unlimited about of free videos online?

Also, most hobbyists have immediate family, secondary family, close friends that may need help too. If an escort comes before all of them...

Let's not forget that a lot of hobbyists are suffering too during this pandemic.

Don't forget that during "normal" times, "many" escorts don't really care about their clients (ATM?).

One thing to think about, this could go on for many many many months! Make sure you and your family is safe. May God bless us all.
Have you not read anything I've said recently?!!?

Average escorts ranging in the 200 to 600 per hour are doing just fine. Do they make more then the clients? Possibly. Twitter gave us insight of the many luxury pics that is evident of thier success (vacation, exotic getaways, jewelry ect..). The average escort has cash reserve to last them months. Their focus now is to shift the session to online. Although not as popular now, but slowly it will gain momentum. Madison Winter is offering 350/hh skype dates and we'll likely see more escorts follow in her steps. So the pandemic will hurt them but not by much. Although I can't never imagine myself doing this and find it awfully cringe, many men will resort to it. But that's not my concern! My concern is that after this is over, say in September, the demand for escorts will be so insatiable that the price for escorts will skyrocket! And I only have you to blame for it. You will be part of the many who go on binge spree that it will eventually lead to escorts raising prices and offering bbbjs as 60 to 80 extra! Is that what you want??!! They will make back the loss of income within a week! It's going to be insane! The ladies have nothing to fear. I hoped that this pandemic would minimize the amount of Johns in the future thus making escorting a niche market but this will only be the opposite! To answer all your questions at once - escorts will be fine in the short run, and prosper in the long run while clients suffer short and long!


Mar 1, 2018
wow $350 for hh of skype date. this put the old 1-800 phone sex charged 1 buck per minute to shame.

not really worry about rate increases when we resume to normal. market is always about supply and demand. my magic ball indicate same or more supply and definitely less demand. many clients will have no jobs or no money left to eat, pay their necessity stuffs. don't forget a recession means more will turn to sexwork for both local and out of town providers


Active member
Jan 8, 2008
Have you not read anything I've said recently?!!?

Average escorts ranging in the 200 to 600 per hour are doing just fine. Do they make more then the clients? Possibly. Twitter gave us insight of the many luxury pics that is evident of thier success (vacation, exotic getaways, jewelry ect..). The average escort has cash reserve to last them months. Their focus now is to shift the session to online. Although not as popular now, but slowly it will gain momentum. Madison Winter is offering 350/hh skype dates and we'll likely see more escorts follow in her steps. So the pandemic will hurt them but not by much. Although I can't never imagine myself doing this and find it awfully cringe, many men will resort to it. But that's not my concern! My concern is that after this is over, say in September, the demand for escorts will be so insatiable that the price for escorts will skyrocket! And I only have you to blame for it. You will be part of the many who go on binge spree that it will eventually lead to escorts raising prices and offering bbbjs as 60 to 80 extra! Is that what you want??!! They will make back the loss of income within a week! It's going to be insane! The ladies have nothing to fear. I hoped that this pandemic would minimize the amount of Johns in the future thus making escorting a niche market but this will only be the opposite! To answer all your questions at once - escorts will be fine in the short run, and prosper in the long run while clients suffer short and long!
We’ll have to wait and see, but my feeling is that your forecasting model is seriously flawed.
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