I'm scheduled to leave this Sunday for 2 months, should I stay or should I go? Virus related.
Depends - I have a cautious adventure style and I say NO under current risk.
Note I have been kidnapped in Thailand in the past, seen several people bit the dust in my travels so I have in the past accepted high levels of risk. Mind you Mexico is off my list (my own risk assessment based on similar areas put the Canadian target rate too high for me) - Cuba is not.
Also are you trekking and avoiding crowds or are you going to high population Jones? Do you have a med kit and the funds for emergency extract? Do you have allies in the country or are you going cold? All these are risk factor assessments.
Are we talking a high risk now? Even if you get the virus the kill rate is only 1% thus far (about 5 times more likely than a Royal Flush in Poker) How many Royal Flushes have you played? Would you beat your life on not get a Royal Flush?
That being said your more adventurous than average for going so ... I have accidentally traveled into areas of much higher risk lived. But then it was my job at the time to get the photo so it was work.