There Will Be a One-State Solution


Well-known member
Mar 21, 2003
Are you seriously trying to blame the family that got blown up? Shit, you are even worse than Franky who tries to dress his hatred up in pretty clothes. Also nice to see you stand up to the racist Palestinian terrorists who set of their bomb simply because they were Jews.

p.s. After seeing you pretend to argue for equal rights, it's enlightening to see you argue that Jews don't have any right to be there.
“This Place Is Only for Jews': The West Bank's Apartheid Springs
Settlers have taken over dozens of springs in the West Bank, all of them on private Palestinian land, and are keeping the owners away. Rina Shnerb, a Jewish teen, was murdered last week at one of them

Etkes explains that the seizure of the springs is part of an ambitious plan of a far larger scope – to take control of the remaining open spaces in the West Bank. This is being done by way of creation of bathing areas and hiking trails, designation of graves of Jewish spiritual figures as “holy sites,” and development of picnic sites, all on Palestinian-owned private land. The aim: to isolate the Palestinian villages, instead of isolating settlements, and of course to seize more and more land.”

We asked the soldiers who is banned from coming here. “Arabs,” one of them replied immediately, adding, “This place is only for Jews.



Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
“This Place Is Only for Jews': The West Bank's Apartheid Springs...

Nice of you to justify bombing a family on a picnic. You are a role model for your viewpoint and part of the reason why more and more democracies are condemning BDS and anti-zionism as racism.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
You're lying.
I said this:
Gaza rockets are war crimes...
Do you get embarrassed when you get caught contradicting yourself in the same thread?

As usual you defend Israel firing missiles into Gaza for political assassinations and then claim any similar actions by Palestinians not not expected through Israeli aggressions.
You're claiming that Israel is justified in assassinations but not Palestinians who you deny have a right to self defense?
Typical racist colonial crap, basketcase.
In this thread you have argued Palestinians self defense includes war crimes and the 61% who support blowing up a family is a normal response to "lack of hope". You are a true advocate for obsessive hatred.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Of course, it's anti-Semitism, the old ace up the sleeve every time....
And 100% true in this case. Hamas and the other militant groups are quite open about blaming Jews, not just Israelis. You are just as bad as people who defend people accused of rape because there have been a few false accusations.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Do you get embarrassed when you get caught contradicting yourself in the same thread?
Israeli rockets are war crimes and Hamas rockets are war crimes.
Where did I say I support either?
All I'm doing is calling you out for supporting war crimes that kill Palestinians because they kill Palestinians.

Just as you seem to think that a military occupying army has a right to self defence but not the people who are under military occupation.
Your morals are fucked.

Both sides should stop the violence and Israel should give all under their rule full human rights or end the frigging occupation and leave.


Well-known member
Mar 21, 2003
Nice of you to justify bombing a family on a picnic. You are a role model for your viewpoint and part of the reason why more and more democracies are condemning BDS and anti-zionism as racism.
You mean the Jewish equivalent of the KKK. Perfectly described first hand. Or like those you run interference for..the JDL and the Soldiers of Odin.

Didn’t turn out well for them.


“This Place Is Only for Jews': The West Bank's Apartheid Springs
Settlers have taken over dozens of springs in the West Bank, all of them on private Palestinian land, and are keeping the owners away. Rina Shnerb, a Jewish teen, was murdered last week at one of them”

Etkes explains that the seizure of the springs is part of an ambitious plan of a far larger scope – to take control of the remaining open spaces in the West Bank. This is being done by way of creation of bathing areas and hiking trails, designation of graves of Jewish spiritual figures as “holy sites,” and development of picnic sites, all on Palestinian-owned private land. The aim: to isolate the Palestinian villages, instead of isolating settlements, and of course to seize more and more land.”

“We asked the soldiers who is banned from coming here. “Arabs,” one of them replied immediately, adding, “This place is only for Jews.”


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
When you said Palestinian rockets are self defense (or is terb now part of an Israeli conspiracy to make you look bad by quoting you?).

p.s. How many hours a day do you spend here?
You are the one here that calls rockets that target and kill civilians 'self defense', not me.
You were the one defending a rocket attack that killed an entire family, not me.

‘No justification’ for attacks against civilians, UN envoy says on mounting cross-border violence in Gaza


Well-known member
Jan 11, 2017
And 100% true in this case. Hamas and the other militant groups are quite open about blaming Jews, not just Israelis. You are just as bad as people who defend people accused of rape because there have been a few false accusations.
Constant rambling, nonsense, defending the indefensible, on, and on, on.....


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
You are the one here that calls rockets that target and kill civilians 'self defense', not me....[/SIZE]
It is amazing that you can look at your own post where you defend war crime rockets as self defense and then claim it was someone else. You have also bragged that 61% of Palestinians support the blowing up of a family on a picnic and said that the 50% of Palestinians who support attacks on Israeli civilians inside Israel was not worth criticizing and justified it saying they need hope. Sorry but despite your joy at Palestinian attacks, blowing up civilians for being Jews in the West bank in no way helps the cause of peace or a Palestinian state.

p.s. Unlike you, the ICC acknowledges that Palestinian violence is a regular part of the Gaza border protests .
Much of the six-page status update on the preliminary examination focused on allegations of excessive force by the IDF in Gaza, including the firing of live bullets at unarmed demonstrators. But those points were followed by a recognition that not all protesters have been peaceful and that terror groups have been accused of hiding among civilians.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Constant rambling, nonsense, defending the indefensible, on, and on, on.....
Yes you are.

This family was bombed because they were Jews in the West Bank. You might like pretending that anti-semitism isn't a problem but Palestinian media is quite clear that they don't differentiate between Jews and Israelis.

p.s. You posts have even less content than liminal's.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
It is amazing that you can look at your own post where you defend war crime rockets as self defense and then claim it was someone else.
You're making shit up again, check the posts, I didn't say that.

You have also bragged that 61% of Palestinians support the blowing up of a family on a picnic and said that the 50% of Palestinians
More bullshit.

Sorry but despite your joy at Palestinian attacks
More bullshit.

blowing up civilians for being Jews in the West bank in no way helps the cause of peace or a Palestinian state.
More bullshit.

Israel is the occupying military and has been for half a century.
They regularly kill 9-10 times more people as they try to stifle any signs of rebellion from apartheid rule.

You refuse to support peaceful protest, boycotts, international law or international humanitarian groups.
You continue to defend shooting protesters you just now called 'violent'.

The only one here continually defending targeting and killing civilians is you.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
You're making shit up again, check the posts, I didn't say that.

As usual you defend Israel firing missiles into Gaza for political assassinations and then claim any similar actions by Palestinians not not expected through Israeli aggressions.
You're claiming that Israel is justified in assassinations but not Palestinians who you deny have a right to self defense?
Typical racist colonial crap, basketcase.
It is amazing how you can face the evidence and still claim you didn't say it. Your posting history is rife with it. When Jews were attacked for walking in the West bank you said they shouldn't have been there in the first place. When the Jewish kid was killed walking home from school, your only comment was to say it was in the West Bank. When Israel sent people to install cameras in Gaza, you said that hundreds of war crime rockets were justified (and still somehow pretend Israel should go into Gaza to arrest terrorists instead of killing them). When Israel killed the leader of PIJ's rocket program, you said Israel had no right and war crime rockets were self defense.

You are a complete fraud and are the exact viewpoint that has had BDS condemned by country after country.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005

You refuse to support peaceful protest, boycotts, international law or international humanitarian groups.
You continue to defend shooting protesters you just now called 'violent'.....
Even the ICC says the Gaza protests are regularly violent but you know better :der:

The sad thing is you believe your claims because you think Palestinians have a right to throw firebombs and explosives.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
It is amazing how you can face the evidence and still claim you didn't say it. Your posting history is rife with it. When Jews were attacked for walking in the West bank you said they shouldn't have been there in the first place. When the Jewish kid was killed walking home from school, your only comment was to say it was in the West Bank. When Israel sent people to install cameras in Gaza, you said that hundreds of war crime rockets were justified (and still somehow pretend Israel should go into Gaza to arrest terrorists instead of killing them). When Israel killed the leader of PIJ's rocket program, you said Israel had no right and war crime rockets were self defense.

You are a complete fraud and are the exact viewpoint that has had BDS condemned by country after country.
As usual, the post you quoted says nothing of what you claimed.
All I did was point out your racist, double standard, where you accept targeting of civilians by your 'chosen people' and call targeting of civilians of those you deem 'savages' to be just and deserved.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Really? Please explain how attacks on civilians by groups like Hamas or Islamic Jihad murdering random Jews helps create peace?
You accused me of saying bullshit about blowing up civilians.
That's bullshit.

And given that you just defended blowing up an entire family who were just sitting in their shack like home in Gaza, its you that should be telling us how blowing up civilians is going to bring peace.
I'm the one here who says both sides should be taken to the Hague and locked away until they act nice.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Even the ICC says the Gaza protests are regularly violent but you know better :der:

The sad thing is you believe your claims because you think Palestinians have a right to throw firebombs and explosives.
Even the ICC says that Israel is committing war crimes by targeting civilian protesters.
But you know better.....

And stop with this bullshit 'you believe' straw man crap, please.
Its pathetic.
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