There Will Be a One-State Solution


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
More of your pathetic lies to cover your immorality.

Why is it you have more sympathy for terrorists
Why is it that you declare every single Palestinian killed to be a terrorist?
To justify your slow ethnic cleansing, apartheid rule and concentration camp.

Why do you refuse to accept that Palestinians should have basic human rights?


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Why is it that you declare every single Palestinian killed to be a terrorist?
To justify your slow ethnic cleansing, apartheid rule and concentration camp.

Why do you refuse to accept that Palestinians should have basic human rights?
More of your clearly bullshit accusations to distract from your ridiculous world view.

And funny to hear you talking about Palestinian rights while you want to force them to be Israeli even though they overwhelmingly don't want to be. But I'm sure you think you know more than any non-white.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
More of your clearly bullshit accusations to distract from your ridiculous world view.

And funny to hear you talking about Palestinian rights while you want to force them to be Israeli even though they overwhelmingly don't want to be. But I'm sure you think you know more than any non-white.
Old man, you're out of touch.

Support for the two-state solution drops from 47% to 42% in three months
44% think armed struggle is the most effective means of ending the occupation and 24% think negotiation is the most effective
50% are in favor of a return to an armed intifada, 62% are in favor of non-violent resistance, and 32% support the one-state solution
61% support the armed attack that took place few weeks ago in an area west of Ramallah
83% support the local and international movement to boycott Israel

A majority of 63% believes that the two-state solution is no longer practical or feasible due to the expansion of Israeli settlements while 34% believe that the solution remains practical. Moreover, 78% believe that the chances for the creation of a Palestinian state alongside the state of Israel in the next five years are slim or nonexistence while 21% believe the chances to be medium or high. The most preferred way out of the current status quo is “reaching a peace agreement with Israel” according to 32% of the public while 37% prefer waging “an armed struggle against the Israeli occupation.” Only 10% prefer “waging a non-violent resistance” and 17% prefer to keep the status quo. Three months ago, 36% said that they prefer reaching a peace agreement with Israel and 34% said they prefer waging an armed struggle.

83% support BDS.
Most believe the two state solution dead, as I said.

17% back the present, apartheid, status quo.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Old man, you're out of touch.....
You should actually read the polling because opposition to the one state peace your colonial racism wants to force them into is higher than opposition to the Two State peace supported by Canada and the UN.

The same poling has 50% of Palestinians supporting "armed attacks against Israeli civilians inside Israel" (their words, not mine). Most people interested in peace would condemn 44% wanting armed struggle instead of negotiation or 50% wanting another intifadah. Most disgustingly, the "attack" that 61% support was a bomb attack on a family visiting a spring and here you are acting like it is a moral stance.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
You should actually read the polling because opposition to the one state peace your colonial racism wants to force them into is higher than opposition to the Two State peace supported by Canada and the UN.

The same poling has 50% of Palestinians supporting "armed attacks against Israeli civilians inside Israel" (their words, not mine). Most people interested in peace would condemn 44% wanting armed struggle instead of negotiation or 50% wanting another intifadah. Most disgustingly, the "attack" that 61% support was a bomb attack on a family visiting a spring and here you are acting like it is a moral stance.
Only 17% support the status quo apartheid system you back.
That makes the one state with equal right more popular then your apartheid choice.

And if you want to end support for violence you need to give them some kind of hope.
You could start with one of:
peace talks
equal rights
ending the occupation
stop killing protesters

Until then, you're are supporting brutally ruling another people, occupying their homeland by force and then acting surprised when they resist your military occupation.
That's why I support boycotts until Israel gives equal rights and ends apartheid, its the most peaceful way forward to a just solution.
Too bad you think equal rights are racist.

How can there be a two state solution when this is happening?
In Wag the Dog Move, Indicted Israeli PM Netanyahu Moves to Annex 25% of Palestinian West Bank
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Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Only 17% support the status quo apartheid system you back....
Lie #1 - Where do you get the idea that I support the status quo? I've been pretty clear that I only support a negotiated two State peace, just like Canada and the UN.
Lie #2 - The term "apartheid" isn't used in any of those questions. It is just more of your bullshit.

Too bad you think equal rights are racist.
If you feel rejecting a One State peace is racist, why don't you criticize the Palestinian people for rejecting it? Hamas is clear that they reject it specifically because they don't want Jews to have equal rights but you never criticize their views or even acknowledge it is the right of Palestinians to reject the idea your colonial elitism wants to force on them.

And if you want to end support for violence you need to give them some kind of hope.
And more of your disgusting excuses for violence while pretending to be pro-peace. Why do you think that violence from Palestinian terror groups and people's support for it is in any way beneficial? The only thing it does is keep corrupt terrorists like Hamas in power.

p.s. Netanyahu is an idiot and the Israeli Supreme Court won't let him annex anything. I have no issue criticizing specific Israeli policies. Too bad your criticisms always come down to Israel existing.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Lie #1 - Where do you get the idea that I support the status quo? I've been pretty clear that I only support a negotiated two State peace, just like Canada and the UN.
You refuse to call out Israel for the lack of peace talks, continuing settlements, apartheid rule and annexation plans.
You call out every Palestinian action to peacefully protest, boycott or use international law to bring about peaceful change.
You support the status quo, apartheid system.

Lie #2 - The term "apartheid" isn't used in any of those questions. It is just more of your bullshit.
That doesn't make it any less apartheid.

If you feel rejecting a One State peace is racist, why don't you criticize the Palestinian people for rejecting it? Hamas is clear that they reject it specifically because they don't want Jews to have equal rights but you never criticize their views or even acknowledge it is the right of Palestinians to reject the idea your colonial elitism wants to force on them.
Apartheid is racist.
Palestinians don't trust Israelis, so don't trust a one state solution.
That doesn't mean its still not the best option.

And more of your disgusting excuses for violence while pretending to be pro-peace. Why do you think that violence from Palestinian terror groups and people's support for it is in any way beneficial? The only thing it does is keep corrupt terrorists like Hamas in power.
Asking for hope is now 'disgusting excuses for violence'
Man, are you ever fucked up.

p.s. Netanyahu is an idiot and the Israeli Supreme Court won't let him annex anything. I have no issue criticizing specific Israeli policies. Too bad your criticisms always come down to Israel existing.
Except you don't.
In every post you pivot to demonizing Palestinians by trying to label them all as terrorists in order to justify killing them and continuing the apartheid rule.
Even in this post you all you do is criticize every option except the apartheid status quo.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
You refuse to call out Israel for the lack of peace talks,....
Your lies are quite pathetic. You should just go back to saying Gaza rockets are self defense and making excuses for the 61% of Palestinians who overtly support the bombing of a family on a picnic.


Well-known member
Mar 21, 2003
bombing of a family on a picnic.
Why don’t you tell us about the racist Rabbi with the incredible sense of religious entitlement that he thought it was his god given right to waltz onto any piece of a Palestinian land whenever the mood hit him.

It didn’t turn out well.

But I don’t think it will stop other racists treating Palestinians like 10th class subhumans or amalek. They’ve been raised on a religious ideology of fanaticism.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Your lies are quite pathetic. You should just go back to saying Gaza rockets are self defense and making excuses for the 61% of Palestinians who overtly support the bombing of a family on a picnic.
Gaza rockets are war crimes because they can't be aimed at military targets, Israeli rockets are war crimes because they can and are aimed at civilian targets.
Israel kills 10 times as many people.

So why do you only criticize one?


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
How colonial of you to tell the Arabs what they need to do.
Your zionism is the very definition of colonialism.
Nice try.

Ruling them for half a century, now under apartheid, is the epitome of telling 'Arabs' who you won't even call Palestinians, what they have to do or be shot.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Gaza rockets are war crimes because they can't be aimed at military targets, Israeli rockets are war crimes because they can and are aimed at civilian targets....
You claimed Gaza rockets are legitimate self defense, just like you claimed that the 61% of Palestinians who support blowing up a family on a picnic have justified anger. You have a disgusting and immoral view that runs contrary to all the rights groups you claim to support.

At the same time you justify and excuse terror attacks from Palestinian factions, you get upset every time Israel strike Hamas or PIJ leadership of their facilities and condemn Israel for targeting violent rioters. I do love seeing when you get backed in a corner over this and say Israel should arrest the violent protesters and terrorist leaders even though you have said that Israelis installing cameras in Gaza was wrong and justified war crime rockets.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Why don’t you tell us about the racist Rabbi with the incredible sense of religious entitlement that he thought it was his god given right to waltz onto any piece of a Palestinian land whenever the mood hit him.

It didn’t turn out well. ...
Are you seriously trying to blame the family that got blown up? Shit, you are even worse than Franky who tries to dress his hatred up in pretty clothes. Also nice to see you stand up to the racist Palestinian terrorists who set of their bomb simply because they were Jews.

p.s. After seeing you pretend to argue for equal rights, it's enlightening to see you argue that Jews don't have any right to be there.


Well-known member
Jan 11, 2017
Are you seriously trying to blame the family that got blown up? Shit, you are even worse than Franky who tries to dress his hatred up in pretty clothes. Also nice to see you stand up to the racist Palestinian terrorists who set of their bomb simply because they were Jews.

p.s. After seeing you pretend to argue for equal rights, it's enlightening to see you argue that Jews don't have any right to be there.
Of course, it's anti-Semitism, the old ace up the sleeve every time.
How about this, if it was Sweden instead of Israel doing the same thing, I guess Palestinians wouldn't react at all,
because they don't hate Swedes, it's all just a matter of anti-Semitism isn't it.
Maybe if Sweden was an apartheid state like Israel, Palestinians would hate them just as much.
But there wouldn't be an equivalent anti-Semitic card to be played, it would be much tougher to pull it off


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
You claimed Gaza rockets are legitimate self defense,
You're lying.
I said this:
Gaza rockets are war crimes

Stop the out and out lying, its disgusting.
You're turning into a Trump backing supremacist, who uses lies instead of arguments.

Israel kills 10 times as many people, the same people they occupy and rule through apartheid.
Stop blaming the victims.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Your anti-zionism is the definition of anti-semitism. At least that's what Canada and numerous other Western democracies have said.
You're backing the policies of the white supremacist, Trump.
Zionism is a form of supremacism itself, where your 'chosen' people believe they have more rights than the natives.

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'The biggest threat to the security of American Jews today is, incredibly, the president of the United States,' says ad
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