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There Will Be a One-State Solution


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Only the UN partition plan was a 'deal', even though that plan awarded Palestinians far less of their homeland then they should have had based on population.
The rest were not deals or real offers.

Like I said, Israel holds the gun to Palestinian's collective heads. Only Israel can decide when they will end the occupation.
Stop blaming the victims.
Look at all the excuses you have for the Arab/Palestinian leadership rejecting peace and groups like Hamas still refusing to be part of any peace talks.

p.s. if you want to talk about the UN, you need to accept that their solution is Two States, not the One-State farce that even the Palestinians massively reject.


Well-known member
Mar 21, 2003
Peel Commission - 1937
UN Partition plan - 1948
Camp David - 2000
Clinton Parameters - 2000
Olmert's offer - 2008

Meanwhile your Hamas terrorists openly vow not to be involved in peace talks.
What is never mentioned by right wing zionists:

“On 1 January 1969 Fatah’s central committee declared that it “was not fighting against the Jews as an ethnic and religious community. It is fighting against Israel, an expression of colonialism based on a racist, expansionist theocratic system, an expression of Zionism and of colonialism. ... Fatah solemnly proclaims that the final objective of its struggle is the restoration of the independent, democratic Palestinian state, in which all citizens, whatever their faith, will enjoy equal rights” (3).”

“This was a major turning point as it marked Palestinian acceptance, not of the legitimacy of the Zionist project, but, as a fait accompli, of the presence of several million Jews on Palestinian soil who, Fatah acknowledged, it was absurd and unjust to expect to “go home” or face the fate of Algeria’s pieds noirs. The fifth national council of the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) took place in January-February 1969 and elected Arafat president of its executive committee. A resolution confirmed that the PLO’s objective was “to establish a free and democratic society in Palestine for all Palestinians whether they are Muslims, Christians or Jews” (4).”

“Fatah encountered a difficulty which it could never overcome: the creation of a single state supposes the cooperation of at least some Israeli Jews. But, despite discussions which got under way with small anti-Zionist groups such as Matzpen, Fatah never succeeded in building bridges with significant sectors of the Israeli population.”


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Look at all the excuses you have for the Arab/Palestinian leadership rejecting peace and groups like Hamas still refusing to be part of any peace talks.
What peace talks?
Israel hasn't even pretended to have peace talks for years.
Instead all they want to do is take more Palestinian land through settlements.
Why do you support colonizing Palestine and blame Palestinians for being colonized at the same time?


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
What peace talks?
Israel hasn't even pretended to have peace talks for years.
Instead all they want to do is take more Palestinian land through settlements.
Why do you support colonizing Palestine and blame Palestinians for being colonized at the same time?
And still more excuses. It is funny that you condemn the lack of peace talks when one of the two governments (the one you support) refuses to be involved.

That also doesn't change the fact that the Palewstinian leadership have been choosing violence and rejecting the chance of peace for 80 years.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
And still more excuses. It is funny that you condemn the lack of peace talks when one of the two governments (the one you support) refuses to be involved.

That also doesn't change the fact that the Palewstinian leadership have been choosing violence and rejecting the chance of peace for 80 years.
You are the one excusing the side that has had a gun to the head of Palestinians for half a century, while blaming the victims for being occupied and ruled through apartheid.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
You are the one excusing the side that has had a gun to the head of Palestinians....
I know the 'gun' of peace deals scares you but that's what human rights pushes for and that's what the Arab/Palestinian leadership have been rejecting for 80 years (and do you ever consider why you are silent about Jordan and Egypt's role in stealing the Palestinian state in 1949?).


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
The 'gun of peace'?
Holy shit, is that what you call the one Israel uses to shoot so many civilians?
That's twisted.
Whatever you need to post to keep pretending you actually favour peace (while continually making excuses for Hamas who outright rejects being part of it). Maybe you should just go back to claiming Hamas and Islamic Jihad rockets are legal self defense.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Whatever you need to post to keep pretending you actually favour peace (while continually making excuses for Hamas who outright rejects being part of it). Maybe you should just go back to claiming Hamas and Islamic Jihad rockets are legal self defense.
You are the one that backs killing Palestinians regularly, excuses taking their land through settlements, backs apartheid and then blames Palestinians for not showing up to imaginary peace talks.


Well-known member
Jan 11, 2017
And still more excuses. It is funny that you condemn the lack of peace talks when one of the two governments (the one you support) refuses to be involved.

That also doesn't change the fact that the Palewstinian leadership have been choosing violence and rejecting the chance of peace for 80 years.
Same old lies.
Lies that have been refuted countless times here, yet you keep resuscitating them.
Nothing but lies, over, and over, and over again.
Nothing but an old, worn script, to defend the indefensible.
Nothing but a shell game, nothing but distraction.


Well-known member
Mar 21, 2003
Same old lies.
Lies that have been refuted countless times here, yet you keep resuscitating them.
Nothing but lies, over, and over, and over again.
Nothing but an old, worn script, to defend the indefensible.
Nothing but a shell game, nothing but distraction.
It’s called Firehosing.

“The characteristics that distinguish this technique from Soviet Cold-War era propaganda techniques are a large number of messages and channels, and a "shameless" approach to disseminating falsehoods and contradictory messages. The immediate aim is to entertain, confuse, and overwhelm the audience. The "firehose" takes advantage of modern technology, such as the Internet and social media, and recent changes in the way people produce and consume news.[1]”


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
You are the one that backs killing Palestinians regularly, excuses taking their land through settlements, backs apartheid and then blames Palestinians for not showing up to imaginary peace talks.
You are the one who outright lies to defend your immorality.

I am okay with using violence to stop violent people when there aren't other options (and your suggestion that it would be better for Israel to invade Gaza to arrest people is the stupidest I've heard). You are okay with Hamas and PIJ using terrorism and war crimes calling it "self defense".

But even after having your views denounced by numerous western governments as being based in racism, all you can do is double down and make accusations about others.

And the Hamas terrorists you constantly back have never been willing to be involved in peace talks.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Same old lies.....
So which parts of my list is false?

Did the Palestinian secretly accept any international deals? Have they ever made any official offers? Did Abbas or Arafat simply forget to announce the peace deals they signed? Has Hamas ever been willing to be part of peace talks?


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
I am okay with using violence to stop violent people when there aren't other options .
Unless they are Palestinian, in which case you declare them 'violent' and therefore deserving of death.
Mind you, you also say that when they protest peacefully or use boycotts.
Pretty much every option they pick you declare justification for killing them, don't you?

Israelis regularly kill 10 times as many civilians, yet you still only consider Palestinians violent.
Its just like Phil's Muslim terrorism thread, really.


Well-known member
Jan 11, 2017
So which parts of my list is false?

Did the Palestinian secretly accept any international deals? Have they ever made any official offers? Did Abbas or Arafat simply forget to announce the peace deals they signed? Has Hamas ever been willing to be part of peace talks?
Chase your own tail.
Pure nonsense, perpetual lies, unconditional support for an apartheid system that throws families out of their homes,
demolishes their homes,
steals their land,
slaughters innocent people,
imposes degradation on the living.

It's beyond disgusting, and the unconditional support of this depravity is vomitous.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Chase your own tail.
Pure nonsense, perpetual lies, unconditional support for an apartheid system that throws families out of their homes,
demolishes their homes,
steals their land,
slaughters innocent people,
imposes degradation on the living.

It's beyond disgusting, and the unconditional support of this depravity is vomitous.
So you have absolutely no way to argue against what I said but simply feel your disgust with Israel is more important than any facts. Nice.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Unless they are Palestinian, in which case you declare them 'violent' and therefore deserving of death.
Mind you, you also say that when they protest peacefully or use boycotts.
Pretty much every option they pick you declare justification for killing them, don't you?

Israelis regularly kill 10 times as many civilians, yet you still only consider Palestinians violent.
Its just like Phil's Muslim terrorism thread, really.
More of your pathetic lies to cover your immorality.

Why is it you have more sympathy for terrorists such as the PIJ rocket head being killed than you do for actual random civilians who were doing nothing more than living their lives? And I'm still waiting to explain how you rectify your support of Palestinian war crimes as self defense and your claims to support human rights.
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