Playmates Dancers

Kilt Boy

Jul 12, 2017
Moncton NB


Active member
Mar 7, 2014
When Mandy first was at Playmate about 4 years ago she had that young and slim look. Quite attractive, although she was always a bit hyper. Always friendly though. For a period of time she put on some weight and then I didn't see her there for awhile. I ran into her on a Sunday night 4-5 months ago and she had slimmed down quite a bit and looked pretty good. She said that she had also had some personal issues but was dealing with it. If the girls become very skinny though I get concerned about their health and wellbeing.


Well-known member
Feb 28, 2016
Wednesday afternoon (11/6) and the 'Mate was fairly busy, at least in comparison to my last few visits - but it was also one of the very few times I've been at the PM during the afternoon and did not see Ashley in the club.

Noticed Delicious, Ruby, Adora, Sarah, Mia, blonde Bianca, Annika and a very striking ebony dancer (Shayla?) who looked just stunning in a tiny orange bikini - just a really curvy, lovely look but surprisingly she did not appear to spend any time in the CR from 2:00 to 4:00 while I was present. In addition to the noted ladies, there were at least four others not known to me by name.

Adora spent the whole two hour period with one admirer, includng a very long CR session with him. Was hoping to have some time with Annika, but she appeared to be spending a lot of time catching up with 'old friends' and I did not see her visit the CR either.


Active member
Mar 2, 2017
Is the Barefax any safer? There is a stabbing in the Byward Market every week. I never have any problems in Vanier or the Playmate. Just like any city, keep your eyes open and your head up.
Eh...I'd take the market over Vanier any day.


Well-known member
Feb 28, 2016
In to the 'Mate on Thursday (12/19) for a pre-holiday visit and the club was moderately busy - not really hopping but not dead either.

Noticed Ruby, Delicious. Lana, Ashley and some of the other regulars. Mia was nothing less than stunning on stage and off (with due respect to the other ladies of the 'Mate, Mia must present the best combination of pretty and well-built at this venue) and Adora looked great after emerging (didn't think she was in at first) from a lengthy CR visit.

After thawing out a bit, what to my wondering eyes should appear but a tall, curvy, busty, blonde from days of yore - yes, after seeing her in the club on my last visit it was lucky (I guess) that Annika happened to be there and while she spent a good deal of time with a particular gent (same as last time if I recall correctly), another dancer was kind enough to relay my interest - I will never, ever approach a dancer when she is sitting with or speaking with someone.

Did not see Shayla, Tamika or Sarah - in fact no ebony ladies were around while I was there. Nor did either of the Biancas appear to be present.


Well-known member
Feb 28, 2016
Just when a certain dancer (Vegas) was getting to be a fave at the 'Mate, she gets 'banned'. More recently, the lovely Mia was becoming a new fave at the 'Mate. Now I'm told - guess what? - Mia has been banned. Seems like it's always the pretty, well-built ladies who get kicked out. What is happening at this place? Where does it end?

Kilt Boy

Jul 12, 2017
Moncton NB
Just an FYI: Adora would prefer to not be reviewed online. I have no way of policing this, but am simply relaying her wishes. I won't get into why.


Well-known member
Feb 28, 2016
Stopped by the 'Mate on a Wednesday afternoon (2/26) around 1:30 and found the club sort of slow - not many patrons and few apparent dancers. By 2:15 - 2:30 or so there were quite a few more patrons and a number of dancers materialized from the CR, dressing room or coming in down the stairs. Many of the regulars were in attendance - noticed Ashley, Lana, Domino, Ruby, Gemma, Sol (Soul?) from Montreal and dark-haired Bianca. Blonde Bianca was seen to-ing and fro-ing in civvies but she never appeared in her dancer outfit. Domino seemed surprisingly tame/conservative in the CR, but Ruby provided a more typical 'Mate CR experience.

Did not see Delicious or Adora and none of the usual ebonies seemed to be in - no CiCi, Sarah, Tamika or Shayla. (Maybe these ladies are not so frequently in the club lately.)


Well-known member
Jun 29, 2010
Visited Playmate recently tho it's always hit and miss there. There were only about four or five dancers and not a lot of customers. Got about five nice dances from one girl, then went with another a bit later. After 3 dances she said, time to put some money out now for the 3 dances. I ended the dances there and then, politely and firmly, saying no dancer had ever asked me tthat before and she told me they always ask for money after 3 dances. I gave her her $60 and walked away with her haranging me and being rude as I went. I don't think I'll be going back to Playmate. I have been to dozens of clubs and gone with probably hundreds of dancers and no one has ever ask for money before we were done.


Active member
Jun 30, 2011
Visited Playmate recently tho it's always hit and miss there. There were only about four or five dancers and not a lot of customers. Got about five nice dances from one girl, then went with another a bit later. After 3 dances she said, time to put some money out now for the 3 dances. I ended the dances there and then, politely and firmly, saying no dancer had ever asked me tthat before and she told me they always ask for money after 3 dances. I gave her her $60 and walked away with her haranging me and being rude as I went. I don't think I'll be going back to Playmate. I have been to dozens of clubs and gone with probably hundreds of dancers and no one has ever ask for money before we were done.
I would have done the same as you. Would you care to name her so other customers are aware of this policy. Any girl who blatently has poor counting skills etc is a no for me. If I intend to get say 7 or 8 dances after about 3 I confirm how many we've had and my counting are her counting are aligned I continue. I find at some clubs the songs blend together and to be brutally honest many of them sound the same.....

Which girls were there when you visited.


Well-known member
Jun 29, 2010
I would have done the same as you. Would you care to name her so other customers are aware of this policy. Any girl who blatently has poor counting skills etc is a no for me. If I intend to get say 7 or 8 dances after about 3 I confirm how many we've had and my counting are her counting are aligned I continue. I find at some clubs the songs blend together and to be brutally honest many of them sound the same.....

Which girls were there when you visited.
Thanks for your response. Just to be clear, she didnt miscount. She had asked me after the second song if I wanted to go upstairs and seemed a little miffed that I didn't and then came the request for money before song 4. Too bad for her because I liked her dances and would've kept going for at least two or three more. Since she wasnt trying to rip me off I won't mention her name. She was just rude and yelling "This is on you!" and ruder things as I walked out.


Active member
Mar 7, 2014
I would blame it on the girl, not the Playmate. I have been going there for 20 (maybe 30?) years and that has never happened to me. By and large it is a friendly club and most of the girls are honest, especially the regulars. Maybe the odd time I have had a disagreement about song count (not too often) but thats usually when it gets to the 8-11 song range. Usually I keep track as we go (eg -"so thats 3 songs") and if it gets off track then it ends there. I would hate to see Playmate and the girls lose business because of 1 bad report.


Aug 29, 2007
Since she wasnt trying to rip me off I won't mention her name. She was just rude and yelling "This is on you!" and ruder things as I walked out.
Even if she didn't "miscount" or try to rip you off, the unpleasantness, rudeness, and yelling that you go on to describe is a scene most of us would like to avoid. Even just a description of her would be helpful if you don't want to leave a name.


Sep 28, 2011
Thanks for your response. Just to be clear, she didnt miscount. She had asked me after the second song if I wanted to go upstairs and seemed a little miffed that I didn't and then came the request for money before song 4. Too bad for her because I liked her dances and would've kept going for at least two or three more. Since she wasnt trying to rip me off I won't mention her name. She was just rude and yelling "This is on you!" and ruder things as I walked out.
I had a similar experience but with a different girl, while I was at my table. A thin French girl with long dirty blonde hair and a great ass came up to me and immediately explained to me that I could go upstairs with her, and rattled off some really high numbers. I was a bit stunned so she made another, lower offer. I appreciated the honesty but she was coming after me so aggressively that I got a bad vibe. She dropped the price again, and almost as quickly as I declined, she angrily spun on her heel and stormed off. Very pushy!


Active member
Jul 6, 2019
Yeah, the push to go upstairs is turning me off the place. I have had very similar experiences. Most of the time I say no to the offer and the next song they say “I have to go on stage soon so this will have to be the last one” or “I’m not feeling well so we will have to finish after this song”. I go to a strip club for the talk and the tease. If I was in the mood for sex there are better providers for a better price.

Now if I go I try to stick to dancers I know and that don’t push to go upstairs. Ruby, for example.

Kilt Boy

Jul 12, 2017
Moncton NB
I've been promising to make some of those 3-sided desk plates like you would always see on the principal's desk. Each side would have different wording:

Maybe one could have a chalkboard section where you could write the name of the girl you were waiting for.
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