Ah - but she wouldn't actually notice with her purse, because any decent escort will easily replace the money she'd lose with one regular. If she notices at all, she's going to notice that a familiar person is missing, not because she's earning less money suddenly because one guy stops seeing her.
As sweetiepieexo notes, this is a "pay for play" arrangement. As clients we're indulging in a fantasy, as escorts the girls are providing the fantasy. And, as I said, many (probably most and possibly the vast majority of) girls very successfully compartmentalize things and keep their feelings out of it. But not all. I've had enough experiences over the last 25 years to know that real friendships and feelings can develop between an escort and a client. I've never been "in love" with an escort. That, to me, is a fool's game. But I have had off the clock friendships with escorts long after they've left the business. It happens. I'm simply in favour of treating escorts like real human beings and perhaps extending them the courtesy of believing that they actually have real feelings and acting accordingly. So, if you're a regular with a girl (and have been for a long time) I'd extend the courtesy of telling her if I was going to stop. I wouldn't just disappear.
By the way, the problem with using analogies is that people who disagree with your position insist on taking the analogy (which by definition is figurative) far too literally and choose to pick apart the details. Analogies are never perfect. Analogies aren't about the details - they simply try to make a point using familiar imagery. Picking apart analogies is a defensive reaction.