Report: Don Cherry fired by Sportsnet over ‘you people’ rant
– National Post
By National Post Staff, The Canadian Press
Originally Published: Nov 11, 2019
Don Cherry sits down with Joe Warmington for a summer coach's corner on Tuesday July 16, 2019. Stan Behal/Toronto Sun/Postmedia Network
It was reported Monday afternoon that Don Cherry has been fired from Hockey Night in Canada over recent remarks that caused uproar.
Cherry, 85, had singled out new immigrants in Toronto and Mississauga, Ont., where he lives, for not honouring Canada’s veterans and dead soldiers.
“You people … you love our way of life, you love our milk and honey, at least you can pay a couple bucks for a poppy or something like that,” Cherry said Saturday night. “These guys paid for your way of life that you enjoy in Canada, these guys paid the biggest price.”
Sportsnet apologized Sunday for Cherry’s comments on “Coach’s Corner.” The outburst sparked a swift backlash from the public, politicians and the National Hockey League.
The Toronto Sun’s Joe Warmington tweeted Monday that he had been told by Cherry that he had been fired. Cherry is reported to have told Warmington that he was hurt to be fired today of all days, given it is Remembrance Day.
It emerged Monday that the Canadian Broadcasting Standards Council had been so overloaded with complaints about the hockey commentator’s rant that it hit the limit of the organization’s technical processing capacity.
“The CBSC has received a large number of very similar complaints concerning Coach’s Corner broadcast on CBC (Sportsnet) on November 9, 2019, exceeding the CBSC’s technical processing capacities,” the CBSC said on its website.
“Accordingly, while the CBSC will be dealing with this broadcast under its normal process, it is not able to accept any further complaints.”
The CBSC is a self-regulatory organization created by Canada’s private broadcasters to deal with complaints from viewers or listeners about programs they have seen or heard broadcast on a participating station.
Coach’s Corner is a popular segment on “Hockey Night in Canada,” which is broadcast on CBC in a sub-licensing deal with Rogers Media, which owns Sportsnet.
Cherry did not respond to phone calls seeking comment and has not publicly apologized. Segment co-host Ron MacLean apologized Sunday evening.
“Don Cherry made remarks which were hurtful, discriminatory, which were flat out wrong … I owe you an apology, too. I sat there, did not catch it, did not respond,” MacLean said. “Last night was a really great lesson to Don and me. We were wrong, and I sincerely apologize. I wanted to thank you for calling me and Don on that last night.”
Sportsnet president Bart Yabsley had provided a statement on Sunday morning.
“Don’s discriminatory comments are offensive and they do not represent our values and what we stand for as a network,” he said. “We have spoken with Don about the severity of this issue and we sincerely apologize for these divisive remarks.”
It wasn’t clear at that point if discipline might be forthcoming ahead of the next scheduled “Coach’s Corner” segment on Saturday.
A message left with a Rogers Media spokesperson requesting an interview with Yabsley and/or Rogers Media president Jordan Banks was not immediately returned.