Telling an Escort to Raise Her Rates

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New member
Jan 12, 2018
When I got back into the industry in 2017, I started my rates at 220/hr. Many of my clients told me (very reluctantly at that) to raise my rates. Why? It wasn't to win my favour or because they're stupid. It's because they honest to God felt that my level of service was worth way more than I was charging. Why is that a bad thing? Why is he a jackass for that? I thank those gents for telling me to raise my rates. Because of them I see better quality gentlemen that treat me very well at 300/hr than I was at 220/hr. Next year I will be raising my rates again as my services continues to steadily improve.

I dont see anything wrong with a guy telling a girl that she deserves more for her efforts.
This is your point of view as a provider but not the customer's point of view. If you go to the garage to fix your car, will you tell the guys that he didn't charge you enough and he should raise his prices? Come on Melissa, no you wouldn't. An escort may decide to raise her rates by herself if the demand for her services increases or a friend could suggest her to do it, but not a customer. It's illogical!


Active member
Mar 18, 2014
the amount of brokeass energy the same 2 or 3 men here spend on bitching about other people's business and rates is apparently endless. i'm sure you guys dry up all the pussies that have ever been near you. certain rates are constructed specifically to exclude certain client demographics. this is especially the case when this is just our fun side gig. this whole business is separating the wheat from the chaff.


Well-known member
Feb 20, 2004
Not necessarily. They can raise the price and still make more money than before because the extra that the fewer customers pay still is more in total than the total before the price hike. So there is an optimal amount.

If a girl were to raise her rates to $450 an hour, than she woule see very clients. However, the clients that do see her would tend to be wealthy, and they may be more generous. They may have a better experience too (staying a a 5 star hotel vs motel, getting bigger tips).

The price right now is $240 an hour for fs. This is the industry market rate. Anyone who charges $450 an hour is seeking out a higher end clientele and therefore must be much more attractve or offer services that are not usually offered and rare.
A lot of rates are going up these days a lot of ladies also asking for 2 hr minimum. If you have the time and $ they will get business . They would probably like dealing with less people that pay more and there are plenty of guys that will pay


May 7, 2019
So you can’t start your own little boys club on Twitter to take down the stuffy Prima-donnas????? Come on. You guys are smart bunch. I am sure you could figure out how to actually go toe to toe instead of hiding over here on TERB. LOL
Not worth it or my time lol. I like hiding on here and banging sweet young no attitude babes. :rockon:
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Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Not worth it or my time lol. I like hiding on her and banging sweet young no attitude babes. :rockon:
She would just block anyone who confronted her off her Twitter page in any event. She likes an audience of lickspittles, grovellers, yes-men, lapdogs, white knights and toadies, not guys who answer back.


Well-known member
Aug 3, 2015
Every time there is a rate thread you have the usual suspects of 2-3 guys here complaining about the rates. Anyone who disagrees is automatically a “shill lapdog”.

It is very simple, if you think a rate is too high just don’t see the girl ; if the rate is too low then you can book longer get gifts etc. The providers set the price and the customers respond through their actions..... no matter how much we yell and scream in here or Twitter actions speak louder. If you didint like a service then provide a review.

I just find it hypocritical the same people complaining that guys should not be telling girls to raise rates (which I agree with , that’s the girls decision) are the same guys who are always on here telling people to lower rates. What makes you guys an expert in SP rates ? Do you see the cliental?

At the end of the day I find it disrespectful to tell girls what they are worth it’s their body their time and I also don’t go around acting an expert on rates. Why should people Listen to you guys , you cant pretend you represent all the clients I doubt you guys book more than 2 hrs a week between all of you and don’t even see ladies more than 300/hr.

I agree with you guys in that I also am not a big fan of these twitter accounts praising every post by girls. It’s funny I think those guys and some guys on here are ends of the extremes , both very vocal and entitled one bashing the girls one complementing for no reason but both most likely not booking anything. I know I’m generalizing but it’s probably true.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
Every time there is a rate thread you have the usual suspects of 2-3 guys here complaining about the rates. Anyone who disagrees is automatically a “shill lapdog”.

It is very simple, if you think a rate is too high just don’t see the girl ; if the rate is too low then you can book longer get gifts etc. The providers set the price and the customers respond through their actions..... no matter how much we yell and scream in here or Twitter actions speak louder. If you didint like a service then provide a review.

I just find it hypocritical the same people complaining that guys should not be telling girls to raise rates (which I agree with , that’s the girls decision) are the same guys who are always on here telling people to lower rates. What makes you guys an expert in SP rates ? Do you see the cliental?

At the end of the day I find it disrespectful to tell girls what they are worth it’s their body their time and I also don’t go around acting an expert on rates. Why should people Listen to you guys , you cant pretend you represent all the clients I doubt you guys book more than 2 hrs a week between all of you and don’t even see ladies more than 300/hr.

I agree with you guys in that I also am not a big fan of these twitter accounts praising every post by girls. It’s funny I think those guys and some guys on here are ends of the extremes , both very vocal and entitled one bashing the girls one complementing for no reason but both most likely not booking anything. I know I’m generalizing but it’s probably true.
Jillian, is this you? Sorry but I couldn't resist. You sound a bit like a female. The 2 or 3 guy line is the same line Violet Deny used in another thread, hmmmm.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Jillian, is this you?
Ben, how are you a "wealthy doctor" when you make numerous spelling mistakes in every post and about as many grammatical mistakes? No one believes you spend thousands of $$$$ on girls every week, as you claim. No one believes you have a university degree.

As far as I can remember, I have posted in a thread on rates twice in my TERB career. Once in the recent Cupids thread and in this thread. How does this make me "an expert on rates" or "the same guys who are always on here telling people to lower rates" or "the usual suspects of 2-3 guys here complaining about the rates"?

And I've never told anyone to "lower their rates".

And this thread isn't even about rates. It's about doofy guys on Twitter sniffing around the girls and not booking.

And you damn well know I book a ton of girls. So why are you BS-ing about me?

Go find some examples of the stuff you accuse me of or post an apology, Ben.


Well-known member
Aug 3, 2015
Only a matter of time before Ben19 suddenly shows up in these threads. Pure coincidence, I'm sure.

Ben, how are you a "wealthy doctor" when you make numerous spelling mistakes in every thread?
I have a problem I couldn’t resist again not to jump in lol there are two sides to each argument I’m trying my best to present my side without name calling (albeit I failed a bit) but I ask you guys to try it as well so we can have more civil discussion and this thread also doesent get locked (sorry admin/ mod dude looks like it’s headed that way again )

I was never advertising to be a wealthy doctor, who told you that are you speaking to some of the girls cause I know someone has on here. I thought you said I’m a driver , I guess a female one by squeezers account. what I do is none of anyone’s business on here. And yes I do have issues with typing and spelling it’s a form of adhd/dyslexia

Edit : sorry I disint see all your post. I never said I spent thousands on girls a week and how much I spend again is irrelevant.

Also yes I did generalize a bit too much so I do offer an apology. It’s just in the recent past the same people have been vocal on rates and advocating for lower rates (maybe that’s a better term than telling girls to have Lowe rates ). Look guys all I am saying is the best way to get our voices heard is through actions and no one as a client can be in here giving expert opinion on rates. I think we can agree on that point and move on lol

Euro Male

Well-known member
Nov 30, 2004
concrete jungle of toronto . . .
Hmmmm . . . . . . gut-check time fellas, time to man-up and look within! Is the issue really about SP’s raising rates? (biz-is-biz)


If we think about it, The Root, the R-E-A-L issue is the NO COCK! -- NO BALLS! losers on the board, twitter, instagram etc.

Where do you think some of these SP’s get their false sense of entitlement? The very same losers that juice them up . . . . . .ALL DAY! --- EVERY DAY!

Our primal, animal instincts tell us the ‘white knights’ around here are desperate and fuckin pathetic!


Terb, Twitter, Instagram . . . . . . catch a spray shorts geek-boy acting like a bitch --- treat him like a bitch!

Call these lame-ass mofos out on their shit!

Our Tribe’s R-E-A-L enemy . . . . . . ass-sniffers and boot-lickers!!!


Well-known member
Aug 3, 2015
Hmmmm . . . . . . gut-check time fellas, let’s look within. Is the issue really about SP’s raising rates? (biz-is-biz)


If we think about, The Root, the R-E-A-L issue is the NO COCK! --- NO BALLS! losers on the board, twitter, instagram etc.

Where do you think some of these SP’s get their false sense of entitlement? The very same losers that are juicing them up . . . . . .ALL DAY! --- EVERY DAY!

Our primal, animal instincts tell us the ‘white knights’ around here are desperate and fuckin pathetic!


TERB, TWITTER, INSTAGRAM . . . . . . catch a spray shorts geek-boy acting like a bitch --- treat him like a bitch!

Call these guys out on their shit!

Our Tribe’s R-E-A-L enemy . . . . . . ass-sniffers and boot-lickers!!!
I’l be honest I didint really understand what your saying but I dig it since it’s on a spectrum of its own.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
I have a problem I couldn’t resist again not to jump in lol there are two sides to each argument I’m trying my best to present my side without name calling (albeit I failed a bit) but I ask you guys to try it as well so we can have more civil discussion and this thread also doesent get locked (sorry admin/ mod dude looks like it’s headed that way again )

I was never advertising to be a wealthy doctor, who told you that are you speaking to some of the girls cause I know someone has on here. I thought you said I’m a driver , I guess a female one by squeezers account. what I do is none of anyone’s business on here. And yes I do have issues with typing and spelling it’s a form of adhd/dyslexia

Edit : sorry I disint see all your post. I never said I spent thousands on girls a week and how much I spend again is irrelevant.

Also yes I did generalize a bit too much so I do offer an apology. It’s just in the recent past the same people have been vocal on rates and advocating for lower rates (maybe that’s a better term than telling girls to have Lowe rates ). Look guys all I am saying is the best way to get our voices heard is through actions and no one as a client can be in here giving expert opinion on rates. I think we can agree on that point and move on lol
You spent most of your career calling yourself "BenMD" and you continually tell everybody that you book every Cupids girl and multi hours and yet you never write a full review.

And then you stride into this thread and insult guys who only spend $300 per hour?!

90% of TERB spends $300 an hour or less. I guess we're not in the same league as a millionaire doctor who never actually reviews the girls he claims to see.

Maybe you should tell Mirage to raise their rates, so they don't have to deal with loser, cheap clients like me?!

Jasmine Raine

Well-known member
Jul 28, 2014
I’l be honest I didint really understand what your saying but I dig it since it’s on a spectrum of its own.
He is trying to get the Bro Code going.

Saying it is men vrs woman. Men need to stick together to dominate and control the market so women have to do what men want.

He has not figured out that

A) TERB represents 10-15% of TOs community and it gets less the further out of city you go.

B) men will lie, cheat and steal to get pussy and the attention of women. So therefore they will not stick to some bro code if they think they will get a leg up on another man when it comes to getting in the panties and yes that is even for paid sex.

Face it guys. You are in a losing battle among yourselves. Women still will make bank at the end of the day. And lots of it as the rates continue to rise.


Well-known member
Aug 3, 2015
You spent most of your career calling yourself "BenMD" and you continually tell everybody that you book every Cupids girl and multi hours and yet you never write a full review.

And then you stride into this thread and insult guys who only spend $300 per hour?!

90% of TERB spends $300 an hour or less. I guess we're not in the same league as a millionaire doctor who never actually reviews the girls he claims to see.

Maybe you should tell Mirage to raise their rates, so they don't have to deal with loser, cheap clients like me?!
There is a difference between having MD in your online nick name and advertising to be a millionaire doctor, the latter is n assumption. I did say in a post once that I’ve seen most the girls of a particular agency on my review thread and that was true at the time now it’s probably less than 50%, I don’t book as much. Also I am not a good reviewer, I don’t like giving numbers 1-10 or talking about every detail I simply mention the highlights and what stood out to me. As I mentioned in my reviews I discuss things in PMs more if anyone has more questions and many have. I wish this site had a way I could anonymously prove my self as a valid customer to an admin just for my own entertainment to see your reactions.

I also was not making fun of guys that spend less than 300. All I was trying to say is that it is hypocritical that some are so invested in coming in and commenting on rate threads when to their own admission they don’t and have not seen certain priced providers yet they comment on them.

I’m trying to get at the hypocrisy and entitlement of a few guys on here who attack providers and any guy that disagrees with their notions.

My main point now which I was hoping we can agree on and have somewhat of a closure is m that bitching about things on here won’t change things. We need to respond with actions (ie not seeing SP who you think are overpriced) or specific review based comments vs just general inflammatory statements.


Tamil and proud
May 12, 2014
Didn't go thru the thread. But I guess this is like telling a friend or someone you know they can get a better salary at x or z company/firm.

Hey, that company pays their employees better. You should go there. You are basically doing the same thing. They value their staff more, better benefits, vacation etc. etc.

Or it could be because a certain provider is always booked up and this dude wants her to raise rates so he can book her more easily. LOL :D

Can be multitude of reasons. Some with motives, some are real talk. Depends on perspective.

Euro Male

Well-known member
Nov 30, 2004
concrete jungle of toronto . . .
'Some', crusty old pony's d-e-s-p-e-r-a-t-e-l-y just keep projecting their own shit over and over and over and . . . . . . over again! (predictable and pathetic)

Some $harks are Sexy!!! Hustling . . . . . hitting it hard, Cool!

On the flip, NOT cool! Good guys having their wallets torn to shit! (along with..........self-esteem -- self-respect)

I've gotten burned by a so-called dependable Indy. Stood me up 1 hour before our date at a restaurant and held my $2000 dinner date


Oct 4, 2016
He is trying to get the Bro Code going.

Saying it is men vrs woman. Men need to stick together to dominate and control the market so women have to do what men want.

He has not figured out that

A) TERB represents 10-15% of TOs community and it gets less the further out of city you go.

B) men will lie, cheat and steal to get pussy and the attention of women. So therefore they will not stick to some bro code if they think they will get a leg up on another man when it comes to getting in the panties and yes that is even for paid sex.

Face it guys. You are in a losing battle among yourselves. Women still will make bank at the end of the day. And lots of it as the rates continue to rise.
Have you seen "A Beautiful Mind"? Men can gain more from cooperating. Unfortunately most hobbyists aren't rational actors.
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