Alek Minassian police interview


Well-known member
Jul 27, 2006
It must be amateur psychiatrist night on Terb again. To say that, incels believe this or women expect that is just grasping at straws. None of us really have any idea of what motivates other people. These stereotypes just serve to drive people further apart and part of the reason why people like this exist in the first place.

Technology is certainly part of this discussion, but it's just plain lazy to put the blame on it. We're using technology after all to talk about this issue.

The Oracle

Pronouns: Who/Cares
Mar 8, 2004
On the slopes of Mount Parnassus, Greece
We do deal with incels on a regular basis though. Many men troll escort adds to literally just belittle them. They want to cause emotional pain on us so they can get that rush of putting us down to make themselves feel better.

Ask any sex worker how many texts they get that are like:

Him: Hi
Her: Hello
Him: You’re a fucking whore, why don't you get a real job. No one wants to pay for your rotten pussy. Etc etc etc.

They will go on and on until you block them and then they will either just move on to the next girl or get a different number from their text app and start all over again.

It is one of the reasons that women don't want to be contacted on text apps.
I'm truly sorry that you have to endure that.


A voice of common sense.
Sep 15, 2008
A few people have pointed out that according to "incels", SWs "Don't count".

They want the "validation" of a woman wanting to sleep with them, not because they're providing a donation.

Besides, why would you want to subject these ladies to a potentially violent misogynist who's going to resent paying for sex?


Well-known member
May 15, 2018
It must be amateur psychiatrist night on Terb again. To say that, incels believe this or women expect that is just grasping at straws. None of us really have any idea of what motivates other people. These stereotypes just serve to drive people further apart and part of the reason why people like this exist in the first place.

Technology is certainly part of this discussion, but it's just plain lazy to put the blame on it. We're using technology after all to talk about this issue.
No, I say that because I was a bit of an old-school internet troll back in the day and came up on the same sites that spawned incel culture. I’ve been around these people, I saw the movement develop. I know what sort of people these are from observation, this is not speculation on my part. I’m just saying the same things they, themselves, have said in their manifestos. You can see the narcissism from Minassian. He honestly believes that what he did was a huge thing that shook society to its core. It doesn’t even remotely occur to him that what he did accomplished absolutely nothing, save for cutting short some innocent lives. These incels attackers believe that they can topple society and force women to be subservient to them by killing off all the “Chads”. Minassian said exactly that. I am not grasping at straws, I assure you. These people really are that pathetic.


Well-known member
May 15, 2018
We do deal with incels on a regular basis though. Many men troll escort adds to literally just belittle them. They want to cause emotional pain on us so they can get that rush of putting us down to make themselves feel better.

Ask any sex worker how many texts they get that are like:

Him: Hi
Her: Hello
Him: You’re a fucking whore, why don't you get a real job. No one wants to pay for your rotten pussy. Etc etc etc.

They will go on and on until you block them and then they will either just move on to the next girl or get a different number from their text app and start all over again.

It is one of the reasons that women don't want to be contacted on text apps.
That is absolutely pathetic and disgusting. I really don’t get why people get so bent out of shape over this stuff. Sex work is work. No different than any other job. If you don’t like it, don’t see sex workers. They’re discreet, you’re never going to be affected by sex workers in any meaningful way unless you choose to seek them out. If you’re so disgusted by sex workers, why would you willingly put yourself in contact with them, simply to send some insulting texts that are just going to be ignored anyway?

I feel for you ladies, some of the shit you put up with. Call me a white knight, I don’t give a fuck. That’s absolutely deplorable behavior, and no worthwhile man would ever act that way.


Active member
Jan 20, 2004
The reason these incels can't get sex or even women to talk to them is because they're fucking mentally retarded, sick in the head , workers at the puzzle factory , bonkers. They need to be locked up at a mental institute and throw away the key. Preferably before they hurt some one or some people.

Don Draper

Cufflinks & Cognac
Nov 24, 2009
Sex work is work. No different than any other job. If you don’t like it, don’t see sex workers.

I feel for you ladies, some of the shit you put up with. Call me a white knight, I don’t give a fuck. That’s absolutely deplorable behavior, and no worthwhile man would ever act that way.
All things considered and "In Cel" talk aside, don't kid yourself, Sex work is ABSOLUTELY DIFFERENT from any other job.

Accounting, construction, what have you, none of these provide you with temporary physical intimacy.

It takes a unique person to provide it and subscribe to it.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Strange that smallcock hasn't posted on this thread, he's the only board member who regularly uses incel language like 'chads'.
His insight might be useful.


The Chiseler
Jan 4, 2008
he's busy thinking up another dad thread


Active member
Sep 22, 2010
Has anyone noticed how nice u feel after being rejected by a woman who is courteous about it


Well-known member
Jul 27, 2006
No, I say that because I was a bit of an old-school internet troll back in the day and came up on the same sites that spawned incel culture. I’ve been around these people, I saw the movement develop. I know what sort of people these are from observation, this is not speculation on my part. I’m just saying the same things they, themselves, have said in their manifestos. You can see the narcissism from Minassian. He honestly believes that what he did was a huge thing that shook society to its core. It doesn’t even remotely occur to him that what he did accomplished absolutely nothing, save for cutting short some innocent lives. These incels attackers believe that they can topple society and force women to be subservient to them by killing off all the “Chads”. Minassian said exactly that. I am not grasping at straws, I assure you. These people really are that pathetic.
How many people have you observed: tens, hundreds, thousands, or tens of thousands? How long have you observed them: minutes, hours, days, weeks, years or decades? The random and casual observations of people you come across online and offline can only tell you so much and why they behave the way they do. If we really want to know how negative behavior like this develops we have to dig much deeper into their entire lives and not assume that it's caused by a few factors like incel sites, violent video games, social media, women, etc.

If we really want to know he could do such a heinous act like this happen then we must also ask how other people treated him in school, his brief stint in the army, etc. It's been reported he has Aspergers and was in special needs classes. I would expect that people avoided him because he was "pathetic" as you say and likely had few friends. What happens when people are shunned or isolated like that for years or decades? That feeling of isolation coupled with his disorder, the rigid structure of the military and many other things all contributed to how he ended up deciding to do this heinous act.

I think the root cause of negative behaviors like this come from how we treat people that are different from us. The more we view people that are different from us a "losers", "pathetic", etc the more we isolate them. The more we isolate people the more we cause groups like incels to form and drive people like Aleck right into their arms.

I also think that part of the remedy to these issues are to try to include people that seem isolated (sitting alone at lunch, awkward, quiet etc.) into your social circle. You come across people like this all the time at school, work, events, etc. It's obviously not a magic bullet or a one shot deal that will solve everything, but it should certainly help. More importantly, it's a decent and kind thing to do for a fellow human being. We definitely need to teach our kids to do the same thing.


Well-known member
May 15, 2018
How many people have you observed: tens, hundreds, thousands, or tens of thousands? How long have you observed them: minutes, hours, days, weeks, years or decades? The random and casual observations of people you come across online and offline can only tell you so much and why they behave the way they do. If we really want to know how negative behavior like this develops we have to dig much deeper into their entire lives and not assume that it's caused by a few factors like incel sites, violent video games, social media, women, etc.

If we really want to know he could do such a heinous act like this happen then we must also ask how other people treated him in school, his brief stint in the army, etc. It's been reported he has Aspergers and was in special needs classes. I would expect that people avoided him because he was "pathetic" as you say and likely had few friends. What happens when people are shunned or isolated like that for years or decades? That feeling of isolation coupled with his disorder, the rigid structure of the military and many other things all contributed to how he ended up deciding to do this heinous act.

I think the root cause of negative behaviors like this come from how we treat people that are different from us. The more we view people that are different from us a "losers", "pathetic", etc the more we isolate them. The more we isolate people the more we cause groups like incels to form and drive people like Aleck right into their arms.

I also think that part of the remedy to these issues are to try to include people that seem isolated (sitting alone at lunch, awkward, quiet etc.) into your social circle. You come across people like this all the time at school, work, events, etc. It's obviously not a magic bullet or a one shot deal that will solve everything, but it should certainly help. More importantly, it's a decent and kind thing to do for a fellow human being. We definitely need to teach our kids to do the same thing.
Oh, I agree with this. We definitely need better mental health care in our society, and we definitely need to look at how we treat one another. It’s not a simple issue, there are a lot of factors, and there are absolutely people who we allow to fall through the cracks because of perceived differences.

The issue here, though, is how people deal with these things. I have an anxiety disorder (particularly social anxiety), I’m a pretty extreme introvert, and growing up, I was always picked on for being “weird”, and didn’t have a ton of friends. I never once considered committing a horrible violent act. This is where the narcissism comes in. The sense of entitlement. This isn’t just about being bullied, this is about feeling like you’re being bullied because people won’t give you what you want (in this case, sex). That’s different than just feeling bad because people are shitty to you. That’s feeling bad because you feel like the world owes you something. Bullying is awful, but the incel mentality, to me, is less about being bullied and more about feeling entitled, and feeling cheated by society.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Oh, I agree with this. We definitely need better mental health care in our society, and we definitely need to look at how we treat one another. It’s not a simple issue, there are a lot of factors, and there are absolutely people who we allow to fall through the cracks because of perceived differences.

The issue here, though, is how people deal with these things. I have an anxiety disorder (particularly social anxiety), I’m a pretty extreme introvert, and growing up, I was always picked on for being “weird”, and didn’t have a ton of friends. I never once considered committing a horrible violent act. This is where the narcissism comes in. The sense of entitlement. This isn’t just about being bullied, this is about feeling like you’re being bullied because people won’t give you what you want (in this case, sex). That’s different than just feeling bad because people are shitty to you. That’s feeling bad because you feel like the world owes you something. Bullying is awful, but the incel mentality, to me, is less about being bullied and more about feeling entitled, and feeling cheated by society.
@Grimnul - loving your contribution to the thread any your insight into trolls and incels. Thanks for contributing.


Well-known member
Jul 27, 2006
Oh, I agree with this. We definitely need better mental health care in our society, and we definitely need to look at how we treat one another. It’s not a simple issue, there are a lot of factors, and there are absolutely people who we allow to fall through the cracks because of perceived differences.

The issue here, though, is how people deal with these things. I have an anxiety disorder (particularly social anxiety), I’m a pretty extreme introvert, and growing up, I was always picked on for being “weird”, and didn’t have a ton of friends. I never once considered committing a horrible violent act. This is where the narcissism comes in. The sense of entitlement. This isn’t just about being bullied, this is about feeling like you’re being bullied because people won’t give you what you want (in this case, sex). That’s different than just feeling bad because people are shitty to you. That’s feeling bad because you feel like the world owes you something. Bullying is awful, but the incel mentality, to me, is less about being bullied and more about feeling entitled, and feeling cheated by society.
I think if people need mental health care then it's almost too late. They have already gone down the path towards self destruction or violence. I'm not suggesting it's impossible to rehabilitate someone in that position, but it's very difficult path requiring years or decades of therapy and drugs.

I don't think you transfer your life experiences onto other people and assume they would act in a certain way. There are countless things in your life that form your personality and the potential of seeking out harmful people and being violent. Even if it were possible to duplicate all your life experiences into another person they might still commit violence.

I realize that this issue is a lot more than bullying. That being said, I haven't read anything to suggest that Aleck was bullied. I'm just trying to look at this situation from a holistic perspective. In other words, we can't just look at bits of a person's life and conclude that they are the root cause of his problems. All of Aleck's life experiences taken together were contributing factors to why he chose to seek out incels and choose violence.

Not sure if you noticed, but the detective that was interviewing Aleck was extremely calm and professional. Like it was just a casual conversation with someone. Why do you think he behaved that way? He needs to be as calm as possible to gather the correct information. It would be extremely difficult if he has preconceived notions of how Aleck is supposed to be.


A voice of common sense.
Sep 15, 2008
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