Anti vaxx nutjobs protest at City Hall over ending of non medical exemptions


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2017
The Anti-vaxxers will sue. A liberal leftie judge will rule this is a gross violation of an Anti-vaxxers's Charter rights.


Active member
Aug 18, 2001
The way i see it - you want your child in class, vaccinations are a requirement...

Now to extrapolate to those parents who can't see through their beliefs...

If you want to drive, get a licence.,,

Expect to get caught if you violate either.

I would NOT send my son to a school infiltrated with anti-vaxxers... it is their right to get sick, not to force it on me and my family...

And at this point, here starts the flame wars...

Fire away


Jun 29, 2019
Not sure why you guys want to force something on others. If you feel you need a vaccination to be protected then go ahead and get it. If I choose not to get vaccinated and then get sick why do you care? I can't make you sick because you are already vaccinated. What is the problem?

The Oracle

Pronouns: Who/Cares
Mar 8, 2004
On the slopes of Mount Parnassus, Greece
Not sure why you guys want to force something on others. If you feel you need a vaccination to be protected then go ahead and get it. If I choose not to get vaccinated and then get sick why do you care? I can't make you sick because you are already vaccinated. What is the problem?
Unfortunately just because you are vaccinated doesn't mean that you can't get sick. It only lessens the probability.

I contracted the measles in my last year of high school even though I had all of my shots. It happens. The funny thing is I don't remember my doctor or my parents being worried about it in the least. I recall beinging the waiting room at my GP's office with about 20 other people waiting to see him. Probably highly contagious as hell. I'll ask the populace here. Would they do that today?


Well-known member
May 15, 2018
Not sure why you guys want to force something on others. If you feel you need a vaccination to be protected then go ahead and get it. If I choose not to get vaccinated and then get sick why do you care? I can't make you sick because you are already vaccinated. What is the problem?
Because some people can’t be vaccinated due to having a compromised immune system. The way we protect these people is by making sure everyone else is vaccinated to create herd immunity. That’s why anti-vaxxers are assholes. I don’t care if they put themselves at risk, but they actively endanger others for no reason other than because they don’t understand science.


Jun 29, 2019
Because some people can’t be vaccinated due to having a compromised immune system. The way we protect these people is by making sure everyone else is vaccinated to create herd immunity. That’s why anti-vaxxers are assholes. I don’t care if they put themselves at risk, but they actively endanger others for no reason other than because they don’t understand science.
Is it possible to have compromised immune system and not know it? To what degree my immune system has to be compromised before I get an exemption? How about young children and their immune system, is it fully developed? Are we testing people for compromised immune system before we vaccinate them?


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
Is it possible to have compromised immune system and not know it? To what degree my immune system has to be compromised before I get an exemption? How about young children and their immune system, is it fully developed? Are we testing people for compromised immune system before we vaccinate them?

Not going to waste my time to explain it to you.. but you have a fundamental misunderstanding of vaccination and the immune system.

Problem is that others like you make such important decisions with such conviction that you know what you are talking about. You wouldn't try to understand a 3 phase 550 volt alternating current electrical system, navigate a boat by celestial navigation or for someone to do your (skilled) trade. So why do so many people think they can understand something so complex as the human immune system? And then dismiss educated scientists and medical doctors as if they are more knowledgable and smarter than they are? If any layman thinks they are more knowledgable about medicine than a medical doctor, then that is bona fide proof of their lack of intelligence.


Senior Member
Oct 2, 2001
In a place far, far away
For those ignorant enough not to get vaccinated they should read this

People think gun deaths are common ponder this

Nearly 1 to 3 of every 1,000 children who become infected with measles will die from respiratory and neurologic complications. For those who are mathematically challenged that is 30%.

About 1 in 5 unvaccinated people in the U.S. who get measles hospitalized. This is 20%.

About 1 child out of every 1,000 who get measles will develop encephalitis (swelling of the brain) that can lead to convulsions and can leave the child deaf or with intellectual disability.

If you don’t want to get vaccinated go live in Antarctica. Some people can’t get vaccinated due to medical reasons you unvaccinated morons are potentially killing that person.



License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
For those ignorant enough not to get vaccinated ...

About 1 child out of every 1,000 who get measles will develop encephalitis (swelling of the brain) that can lead to convulsions and can leave the child deaf or with intellectual disability.

This happened to the child of a neighbour of mine. I kept seeing her in the elevator with her 6 year old daughter who was obviously severely mentally disabled and physically spastic. Finally one day she said to me, "I bet you are wondering what happened to her".

I said I was sorry to see it but I did not want to be nosy. She replied that she was trying to tell everyone should had the courage to tell that she was an anti-vaxxer, took her daughter to an "alternative" medicine practitioner when she developed a rash (who attributed to non-organic laundry soap and prescribed some natural remedy salve) ) started feeling bad and running a fever etc etc. Until she finally had to call an ambulance when her daughter began convulsing one night. She was diagnosed with rubella (German measles). Upon further investigation, 2 other kids in her class at school got it too. Both "consciously" unvaccinated. She was the only one to develop meningitis. So sad to see her stumble along and not know what is going on around her.

Anyways, this woman's spirit is broken now. Her and her husband split up over it. He still supports her very well but she admits she feels so ashamed that she cannot bear to see him. Her mother now lives with her full time to take care of the (grand)daughter.

So now she tells anyone who will listen to not be so stupid to not get their child vaccinated. She said it sounds so smart to be non-GMO, anti-vaxxer, anti-establishment etc but she now realizes it was jsut her insecurity trying to take control of something she had no idea of. And fwiw, she is a university educated (former) career woman in banking.


Jun 29, 2019
Not going to waste my time to explain it to you.. but you have a fundamental misunderstanding of vaccination and the immune system.

Problem is that others like you make such important decisions with such conviction that you know what you are talking about. You wouldn't try to understand a 3 phase 550 volt alternating current electrical system, navigate a boat by celestial navigation or for someone to do your (skilled) trade. So why do so many people think they can understand something so complex as the human immune system? And then dismiss educated scientists and medical doctors as if they are more knowledgable and smarter than they are? If any layman thinks they are more knowledgable about medicine than a medical doctor, then that is bona fide proof of their lack of intelligence.
For those ignorant enough not to get vaccinated they should read this

People think gun deaths are common ponder this

[FONT=&]Nearly 1 to 3 of every 1,000 children who become infected with measles will [/FONT][FONT=&]die from respiratory and neurologic complications[/FONT][FONT=&]. For those who are mathematically challenged that is 30%.

[FONT=&]About 1 in 5 unvaccinated people in the U.S. who get measles [/FONT][FONT=&]hospitalized[/FONT][FONT=&]. This is 20%.
[FONT=&]About 1 child out of every 1,000 who get measles will develop encephalitis (swelling of the brain) that can lead to convulsions and can [/FONT][FONT=&]leave the child deaf or with intellectual disability[/FONT][FONT=&].
If you don’t want to get vaccinated go live in Antarctica. Some people can’t get vaccinated due to medical reasons you unvaccinated morons are potentially killing that person.

I don't think 30% means what you think it means. 3 out of a 1000 is 0.3% not 30%.

Some people feel the need to insult others to make themselves feel superior. So easy to do on the internet.

I simply asked 4 questions. All of them were about the statement that people with weak immune system should get an exemption from vaccination.

I hope that we can have an informative discussion on this topic because it is very important and very controversial. And at the same time avoid insulting others.

I really do not know where I stand on this issue. I do agrees with the argument that we should get vaccinated for the good of the community. But I absolutely do not trust " The government, the Big Pharma, Joe Cressy and certainly hamermill and ShlongConery" to tell me what I should do.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
The Anti-vaxxers will sue. A liberal leftie judge will rule this is a gross violation of an Anti-vaxxers's Charter rights.
New York State has already done it.

And I would expect it to be a righty judge looking poorly on it, saying that it violates religious freedoms (though that's a weak argument since very few people follow a religion opposed to medical treatments).


Well-known member
May 15, 2018
Is it possible to have compromised immune system and not know it? To what degree my immune system has to be compromised before I get an exemption? How about young children and their immune system, is it fully developed? Are we testing people for compromised immune system before we vaccinate them?
Yes, children are tested. Adults generally only have a compromised immune system if they have a disease (like HIV) or are undergoing chemotherapy or using an immunosuppressant (like, say, if they were an organ transplant recipient). Some people are unable to get vaccinated due to an allergy.

If you’re thinking about it in terms of “how can I get an exemption?”, then you’re thinking about this issue the complete wrong way.


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
Is it possible to have compromised immune system and not know it? To what degree my immune system has to be compromised before I get an exemption? How about young children and their immune system, is it fully developed? Are we testing people for compromised immune system before we vaccinate them?

Since you expressed an interest in understanding why I said you don't understand vaccination/immunity I'll try to explain it.

Exposure to vaccines creates a natural immune system response that creates anti-bodies with a specific memory to fight off that infection when exposed to the actual disease.

In some people with a weak immune system, an insufficient immune response does not create sufficient antibodies with this memory.

Generally you find out you don't have immunity either by getting sick when you get exposed to the real disease some day in the future, or by getting an anti-body test specific to that disease. Hepatitis is one disease that you should get tested for to see if the course of vaccinations created an immunity.

But the idea that if you have a weak immune system, that you should not get vaccinated is a misapprehension of the principles of vaccination. In fact, if you have a weak immune system, all the more reason to get exposed to the vaccine rather than hoping your weak immune system can fight off the real infection. Hence the recommendation for the elderly and children to get vaccinated.

About the only people who should not get vaccinated are those who are undergoing active immunosupression therapy. Like for multiple sclerosis or other autoimmune diseases in which the disease modifying therapy is killing off B and T cells to try to supress their overactive immune system

One other thing that I hear that is pure marketing bullshit from the GREEDY Big Natural Pharma/Supplement industry. There are no supplements to "boost" your immune system other than dirt, bacteria, virus' and their dead and/or attenuated / lookalike vaccines.

I sincerely hope this helps.


Well-known member
Jul 19, 2017
The Anti-vaxxers will sue. A liberal leftie judge will rule this is a gross violation of an Anti-vaxxers's Charter rights.
Anti-Vaxxers tend to be right wingers and it is the left fight against them. Joe Cressy was the one going up against them in city hall. The mainstream GOP even has anti-vaxxers in it.

Big Sleazy

Active member
Sep 13, 2004
Anti-Vaxxers tend to be right wingers and it is the left fight against them. Joe Cressy was the one going up against them in city hall. The mainstream GOP even has anti-vaxxers in it.
Do you believe this or do you make this stuff up ? I asked months ago for someone to provide a peer reviewed study on the effectveness of vaccines. Crickets. Why ? It doesn't exist. Corporations own your Governments. Surprised people haven't come to understand this yet. Even the UN pays the Rockefeller's some 7-8 million dollars rent per year. Corporations are the same folks that got our Governments to tell us fluoride is safe, spraying chemicals on your food is safe, smoking is safe, GMO's are safe. I could go on. A little know fact is that Pharmaceutical companies have paid out over 1 BILLION in fines from Lawsuits based on vaccine damage. This is a fact. And if your so pro vaccine. Why would you care if someone else doesn't get vaccinated ? If your vaccines are so effective then get them. You'll be safe if they're effective. But forcing people to do something against their will is blatant tyranny.


Well-known member
May 15, 2018
Do you believe this or do you make this stuff up ? I asked months ago for someone to provide a peer reviewed study on the effectveness of vaccines. Crickets. Why ? It doesn't exist. Corporations own your Governments. Surprised people haven't come to understand this yet. Even the UN pays the Rockefeller's some 7-8 million dollars rent per year. Corporations are the same folks that got our Governments to tell us fluoride is safe, spraying chemicals on your food is safe, smoking is safe, GMO's are safe. I could go on. A little know fact is that Pharmaceutical companies have paid out over 1 BILLION in fines from Lawsuits based on vaccine damage. This is a fact. And if your so pro vaccine. Why would you care if someone else doesn't get vaccinated ? If your vaccines are so effective then get them. You'll be safe if they're effective. But forcing people to do something against their will is blatant tyranny.
And we explained that of course there are no peer reviewed studies not funded by the government, a university, or a pharmaceutical company, because who the fuck else is going to fund a peer-reviewed study relating to the medical/pharmaceutical field? Conor McGregor? You really should be smarter than this.

We’ve also explained many times that just because payouts were made doesn’t mean anything. Often the companies will settle simply because they feel like it will be easier/cheaper, even if they did nothing wrong.

You are not a hero, you are not a rebel fighting the good fight for all us ignorant sheep who don’t see the tyranny oppressing us. You’re an ignoramus who is actively endangering people (especially children) around him simply because you like feeling smug and superior. Don’t argue, there have been countless studies on the psychology of conspiracy theorists. It is a form of narcissism. Please keep your dangerous nonsense to yourself.
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