Why is Israel not expected to comply with UN Resolution 242?


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
That's probably what South Africa said as well.
The problem is that Israel has no viable plan forward except apartheid.

And of course, you totally back Sanders position on this issue, not Trump, right?
I doubt it. No one was invading them and telling them they didn't have the right to exist.

The South African Govt was on the wrong side if history.

In this case it's the Palestinians on the wrong side of history.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
It would be better to solve it. Jordan made peace with them. Egypt did as well. Lebanon is back and forth.

And even Saudi Arabia has pretty much given up, had cursory diplomatic relations and allows Israeli civilian planes to fly through Saudi air space.

The Israelis have to waste resources on the idiocy if the Palestinian leadership. All because of the stubbornness and regional aspirations of the Mullahs in Iran.
Sure, but which are you going to to do:

a) two state solution - in which Israel must give up settlements, which Netanyahu and Israelis say they will never do
b) one state apartheid - continue as they are now with half of the people living under Israeli rule live with zero rights
c) one state equal rights - which basketcase and others here call 'genocide'

Which one do you choose?


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Sure, but which are you going to to do:

a) two state solution - in which Israel must give up settlements, which Netanyahu and Israelis say they will never do
b) one state apartheid - continue as they are now with half of the people living under Israeli rule live with zero rights
c) one state equal rights - which basketcase and others here call 'genocide'

Which one do you choose?
When the Palestinian leadership renounces violence then a discussion can begin. Until then they get left behind further and further imo.

And the longer it takes the less bargaining position they have.

You see the only thing they have to offer is a peaceful resolution. Until they do that they have nothing else to offer.

So let them sit behind walls in squalor and feel rightous if they choose.

Knuckle Ball

Well-known member
Oct 15, 2017
When the Palestinian leadership renounces violence then a discussion can begin. Until then they get left behind further and further imo.

And the longer it takes the less bargaining position they have.

You see the only thing they have to offer is a peaceful resolution. Until they do that they have nothing else to offer.

So let them sit behind walls in squalor and feel rightous if they choose.
The problem is, tho, that violence is their only bargaining chip. If they renounce violence with nothing in exchange they have just agreed to a lifetime of oppression. That’s why, as I said earlier, there is a higher standard expected of the Israelis. They are the ones with all the power; the onus is on them to use it wisely and humanely to bring about a lasting peace.

That’s why the allies implemented the Marshall Plan after WWII. It was enlightened self-interest. They learned after WWI what happens when the victor oppressed the vanquished- it comes back to bite you in the ass. The Israelis have not figured this out yet and it’s gonna nite them in the ass too.

Israel only exists because the Western powers decided it would be a good idea. It would behoove them not to forget that. Israel is increasingly alienating itself from its allies. First rule of politics: Do not ever make yourself a political liability to those upon whom you depend.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
You see the only thing they have to offer is a peaceful resolution. Until they do that they have nothing else to offer.
Been there, done that.
Google the Oslo Accords.
All that did was give Israel 20 years of stalling time while they planted half a million more 'settlers' in Palestine.

Got any other plans that might actually work or happen?


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
The problem is, tho, that violence is their only bargaining chip. If they renounce violence with nothing in exchange they have just agreed to a lifetime of oppression. That’s why, as I said earlier, there is a higher standard expected of the Israelis. They are the ones with all the power; the onus is on them to use it wisely and humanely to bring about a lasting peace.

That’s why the allies implemented the Marshall Plan after WWII. It was enlightened self-interest. They learned after WWI what happens when the victor oppressed the vanquished- it comes back to bite you in the ass. The Israelis have not figured this out yet and it’s gonna nite them in the ass too.

Israel only exists because the Western powers decided it would be a good idea. It would behoove them not to forget that. Israel is increasingly alienating itself from its allies. First rule of politics: Do not ever make yourself a political liability to those upon whom you depend.
Violence isn't a bargaining chop. Ask Ghandi. It's an excuse to ignore.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Been there, done that.
Google the Oslo Accords.
All that did was give Israel 20 years of stalling time while they planted half a million more 'settlers' in Palestine.

Got any other plans that might actually work or happen?
Oslo was a piece of crap. The major issue is too many cooks are in the pot.

It should just be Israel and the Palestinian leadership. And that starts with Hamas actually allowing an election. Until then they can suffer.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
The problem is, tho, that violence is their only bargaining chip. If they renounce violence with nothing in exchange they have just agreed to a lifetime of oppression. That’s why, as I said earlier, there is a higher standard expected of the Israelis. They are the ones with all the power; the onus is on them to use it wisely and humanely to bring about a lasting peace.

That’s why the allies implemented the Marshall Plan after WWII. It was enlightened self-interest. They learned after WWI what happens when the victor oppressed the vanquished- it comes back to bite you in the ass. The Israelis have not figured this out yet and it’s gonna nite them in the ass too.

Israel only exists because the Western powers decided it would be a good idea. It would behoove them not to forget that. Israel is increasingly alienating itself from its allies. First rule of politics: Do not ever make yourself a political liability to those upon whom you depend.
Except the Palestinians are not in charge. It's Hamas supported by Iran. They are the real oppressors. Refusing self determination through violence.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Oslo was a piece of crap. The major issue is too many cooks are in the pot.

It should just be Israel and the Palestinian leadership. And that starts with Hamas actually allowing an election. Until then they can suffer.
Oslo shows that Palestinians did everything you wanted them to do but Israel still gave them nothing and instead installed half a million more 'settlers' while colonizing what could have been the two state solution.
So why would Palestinians do that again?
Why should they?

(by the way, I would totally support any kind of two state solution were it to come to pass, but there is zero chance of that as there is not enough contiguous Palestinian land left for a viable state)


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Except the Palestinians are not in charge. It's Hamas supported by Iran. They are the real oppressors. Refusing self determination through violence.
Israel is in charge.
Hamas is stuck in the Gaza Ghetto, where snipers shoot them if they get too close to the fence, Israel controls who and what gets in and have total control.
Israel are the oppressors there, not Hamas (who, by the way, were voted in power and shocked the US/Israel into trying to start a coup against them)

Israel has killed 300 civilian protesters and injured 14,000 over the last year and a bit.
They are the oppressors.


Mar 27, 2016
The fact that the resolution is from 1967 is kinda the point, genius. The Israelis (with the backing of the US) have snubbed their nose at the world community for the past 50+ years.

What were they thinking? Were they figuring we’d all just forget about it after awhile if they just blow through that resolution and ignore it? The Palestinians don’t seem to have forgotten.
You have nothing better to do huh ? LOL Israel is defending themselves against Islamic terrorists and Muslim countries that want them annihilated. The UN is run by Muslim countries that also want Israel and the Jews dead, who else puts Saudi Arabia in charge of the UN commission for women's equality? No normal civilized country gives a fuck of what the UN says. Only Jihadists like you and Frank like to bring it up, but get ridiculed by all the others here..

Knuckle Ball

Well-known member
Oct 15, 2017
Except the Palestinians are not in charge. It's Hamas supported by Iran. They are the real oppressors. Refusing self determination through violence.
Maybe the Israelis could liberate them? Giving them back their land would be a good start.

Knuckle Ball

Well-known member
Oct 15, 2017
You have nothing better to do huh ? LOL Israel is defending themselves against Islamic terrorists and Muslim countries that want them annihilated. The UN is run by Muslim countries that also want Israel and the Jews dead, who else puts Saudi Arabia in charge of the UN commission for women's equality? No normal civilized country gives a fuck of what the UN says. Only Jihadists like you and Frank like to bring it up, but get ridiculed by all the others here..
I know I’m gonna regret this...but...please explain how the UN is controlled by Muslims. As far as I can tell, Muslims have about as much influence at the UN as a rooster with no dick.


Mar 27, 2016
I know I’m gonna regret this...but...please explain how the UN is controlled by Muslims. As far as I can tell, Muslims have about as much influence at the UN as a rooster with no dick.
I didn't say Muslims... clown :rofl: Go look it up...you're trolling..as usual. Go look for Frankie and the other boys of the brother hood.

Knuckle Ball

Well-known member
Oct 15, 2017
I didn't say Muslims... clown :rofl: Go look it up...you're trolling..as usual. Go look for Frankie and the other boys of the brother hood.
You said the UN is run by Muslim countries. I jumped to the conclusion that those Muslim countries are primarily populated by Muslims. My mistake.

Anyway...which Muslim countries have seized control of the UN and how did they pull it off? Or are you just pulling shit out of your ass again? No need to respond; it’s a rhetorical question.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
I would...but somebody shot him.

And in the end he won. The same scan be said if Sadat, the real architect of Peace between Israel and Egypt. But it was worth it.

What's that saying about the Tree of Freedom?


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
So Ghandi was shot and won.
Israel has shot 300 civilian protesters and injured 14,000 over the last year or so.

Who do you think will win there?
The Israelis are winning handily. Perhaps the Palestinians should take note. Instead they send the gullible in for photo ops.
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