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What about true love, Does it still exsist ?


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
I had real true love once, unfortunately she died when we were both quite young (early 20s) and although Ive had many relationships since Ive never found that true love again. So, Im sure it exists, just not for me, anymore.
Recapturing the magic of puppy love is virtually impossible. It's an innocence and perspective thing.


The Chiseler
Jan 4, 2008
Can love come with a prenup?


Well-known member
Oct 6, 2006
Love is vulnerability of the heart.
It is not Lust.
It is not conditional nor controlling, nor is it attachment.
It does not disappear as soon as someone does not meet your expectations etc.
Humans can definitely come close, have self justified and non objective inventions of it while shoulder deep in sin, but can they really achieve it on their own, without help from a higher power?
If you only love one person, your family alone etc and not everyone else at the same intensity, don't treat all like you would like to be treated, quickly notice the mote in others eyes before noticing the plank in your own eyes, etc it is not love.


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
don't listen to the jaded men on here who, by their comments, seem to have no clue what true love is like. it definitely exists :) there are so many lovely, compassionate people in the world and it's really not that hard to find love when you are open to it. the guys who post the most on here are like the worst representative sample to ask about love. they've gotten way too used to the quick and easy route of paying for short-term companionship, and their view of women in general seem to be coloured by their experiences of bought romance. the men i know who may have paid for sex at times but are generally still able to sustain real relationships with women will be better people to talk to about love.

first of all, if you want to find love, you have to be a loveable person. it takes a lot of humbleness and openness. contrary to what this industry may have conditioned some men to believe, it does not take a lot of money. it does take some vulnerability and it also requires investment on both sides. you can usually tell early on whether someone is ready for commitment or not, and if they're not in the same space as you, you really should not be wasting your time. one of my best guy friends right now is one of the cutest, sweetest guys i know and he really wants to be in love with the right girl, but he keeps getting exploited by these wishy-washy, emotionally immature girls who are chasing after other (imo, less desirable, and less emotionally available) men while they keep using him for his emotional availability. don't be like him! find a girl who's worth the investment. there's a bazillion girls in this city. it's not like there's only 'one true love' out there for each person either. there's always opportunity for love to develop if two people are willing to put in the work to cultivate it.

love is amazing. and the best thing about it is that you're not limited to only loving one person at a time either. i believe that it's fully possible to be able to provide love to several people at once, if that's your thing, and everyone else is on board. these days, you can find a lot of people who are open to practicing ethical non-monogamy. it really feels like you can truly have it all in this life.
LOL!!! The fact that you wrote this is a clear proof that love is a delusion driven by our evolutionary need to procreate. Like I, a dirty, dirty john, you're a subject to the same fates and furies which means that you can't have it all. But, that you will discover later in life.


Well-known member
Nov 6, 2010
Does love exsist .......I don't know.I really don't.
I think people get infatuated confused with love.
Can't say I have ever been "in love" with a women.Maybe it's because I have no desire to be married or have kids,never have and never will.Maybe it's things that happen in your life where you say "what's the point"?
Everyone has their own view of the meaning of love.


Well-known member
Oct 6, 2006
don't listen to the jaded men on here who, by their comments, seem to have no clue what true love is like. it definitely exists :) there are so many lovely, compassionate people in the world and it's really not that hard to find love when you are open to it. the guys who post the most on here are like the worst representative sample to ask about love. they've gotten way too used to the quick and easy route of paying for short-term companionship, and their view of women in general seem to be coloured by their experiences of bought romance. the men i know who may have paid for sex at times but are generally still able to sustain real relationships with women will be better people to talk to about love.

first of all, if you want to find love, you have to be a loveable person. it takes a lot of humbleness and openness. contrary to what this industry may have conditioned some men to believe, it does not take a lot of money. it does take some vulnerability and it also requires investment on both sides. you can usually tell early on whether someone is ready for commitment or not, and if they're not in the same space as you, you really should not be wasting your time. one of my best guy friends right now is one of the cutest, sweetest guys i know and he really wants to be in love with the right girl, but he keeps getting exploited by these wishy-washy, emotionally immature girls who are chasing after other (imo, less desirable, and less emotionally available) men while they keep using him for his emotional availability. don't be like him! find a girl who's worth the investment. there's a bazillion girls in this city. it's not like there's only 'one true love' out there for each person either. there's always opportunity for love to develop if two people are willing to put in the work to cultivate it.

love is amazing. and the best thing about it is that you're not limited to only loving one person at a time either. i believe that it's fully possible to be able to provide love to several people at once, if that's your thing, and everyone else is on board. these days, you can find a lot of people who are open to practicing ethical non-monogamy. it really feels like you can truly have it all in this life.
You just described Lust and Conditional love in a nutshell.
We live in a "Nothing from nothing leaves nothing, You gotta have something if you wanna be with me." world.
The bad thing is we live in a world of users who want to bring nothing to the table, while the used delude themselves out of desperation in chasing the elusive.

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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
You just described Lust and Conditional love in a nutshell.
We live in a "Nothing from nothing leaves nothing, You gotta have something if you wanna be with me." world.
The bad thing is we live in a world of users who want to bring nothing to the table, while the used delude themselves out of desperation in chasing the elusive.
In majority of circles yea, but not all circles. You will eventually find people who don’t expect anything from from you and are in your life because you share a connection and resonate with their being and there is a natural force of attraction and harmony between your relationship. There are a lot of people who live their life giving and living without expectations, you just choose to ignore these people and this way of life to support the vision of your biased world. If you are not ready for these type of people because you don’t have this mindset and openness, what makes you think you will attract this type of person into your life. You will be toxic to these unconditioned people just by the fact that you can’t see life beyond your own perspectives and closed mind.

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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
LOL!!! The fact that you wrote this is a clear proof that love is a delusion driven by our evolutionary need to procreate. Like I, a dirty, dirty john, you're a subject to the same fates and furies which means that you can't have it all. But, that you will discover later in life.
You sound like a scared person running from your life because you can’t handle pain. Pain is the best teacher to figure out your self and purpose. If you don’t have your shit in order you will not attract quality people with the similar values. You will end up jaded, scared and lonely and running from yourself always knowing that you ran from life and love because you fear the pain of revealing your core self and opening your heart to others.

What they call this on the streets is weak sauce.

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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
don't listen to the jaded men on here who, by their comments, seem to have no clue what true love is like. it definitely exists :) there are so many lovely, compassionate people in the world and it's really not that hard to find love when you are open to it. the guys who post the most on here are like the worst representative sample to ask about love. they've gotten way too used to the quick and easy route of paying for short-term companionship, and their view of women in general seem to be coloured by their experiences of bought romance. the men i know who may have paid for sex at times but are generally still able to sustain real relationships with women will be better people to talk to about love.

first of all, if you want to find love, you have to be a loveable person. it takes a lot of humbleness and openness. contrary to what this industry may have conditioned some men to believe, it does not take a lot of money. it does take some vulnerability and it also requires investment on both sides. you can usually tell early on whether someone is ready for commitment or not, and if they're not in the same space as you, you really should not be wasting your time. one of my best guy friends right now is one of the cutest, sweetest guys i know and he really wants to be in love with the right girl, but he keeps getting exploited by these wishy-washy, emotionally immature girls who are chasing after other (imo, less desirable, and less emotionally available) men while they keep using him for his emotional availability. don't be like him! find a girl who's worth the investment. there's a bazillion girls in this city. it's not like there's only 'one true love' out there for each person either. there's always opportunity for love to develop if two people are willing to put in the work to cultivate it.

love is amazing. and the best thing about it is that you're not limited to only loving one person at a time either. i believe that it's fully possible to be able to provide love to several people at once, if that's your thing, and everyone else is on board. these days, you can find a lot of people who are open to practicing ethical non-monogamy. it really feels like you can truly have it all in this life.
Great outlook and amazing response. <3

There are different forms of love as defined such as and some come with some conditions. Life is better enjoyed experiencing these different forms and being open to these experiences which will inevitably come with some pain as well. But pain comes with this territory and is good for you if you choose to look at it from this perspective and can offer the best insight into our self provided we are conscious enough to benefit and learn from it.

As for the true love I don’t think anyone can define it for you but yourself and what it means for you and yes I believe in it.

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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
Well people like definition, a self guide, program, list of do’s and don’t, and like others to tell them rather than putting in the effort to do it themselves and figure it out on their own. Like religion on spirituality lol

But yeah I agree with what you are saying.

Nobody can define love but yourself. Look a people like Bonnie and Clyde.

You can only define what love means to you and find meaning in it through your experiences. It doesn’t really matter what others think or say. There is guidance to allow you to see, to help you understand, however it is your own interpretation and feeling of it that matters.

We need to stop oeroetuating the idea that you need to 'love yourself' or be a certain kind of 'loveable' to experience love. It's the conspiracy theory of self help gururs and has no basis in real science.

Psychologists have actually studied how people develop relationships and they have found that if you were not loved well in childhood, you had abusive parents or bad experiences with peer/friends, you don't have the basic skills to love yourself. and you can't learn to do that in adulthood without someone loving you. Saying 'you have to love yourself' is simply pseudo-science that shames people for having a history of abuse, Everyone needs love to learn how to love themselves and others. And everyone deserves love. Full stop.

I love Rupaul and I have nothing against self-help 'gurus' but love can only be learned from love. If you can't love yourself, you still deserve to be loved by someone else.


The Chiseler
Jan 4, 2008
You just described Lust and Conditional love in a nutshell.
We live in a "Nothing from nothing leaves nothing, You gotta have something if you wanna be with me." world.
The bad thing is we live in a world of users who want to bring nothing to the table, while the used delude themselves out of desperation in chasing the elusive.
Put some music to this and it can be a hit song.


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
You sound like a scared person running from your life because you can’t handle pain. Pain is the best teacher to figure out your self and purpose. If you don’t have your shit in order you will not attract quality people with the similar values. You will end up jaded, scared and lonely and running from yourself always knowing that you ran from life and love because you fear the pain of revealing your core self and opening your heart to others.

What they call this on the streets is weak sauce.
Wtf??? Projecting much? I don't know you, but I'd say that you're a strawmen slayer.


Well-known member
Jan 17, 2017
True love will always exist. Always.

It’s just very hard to find and even easier to keep. It requires vulnerability and opening yourself up and many if not most are afraid of doing this and will cut and run when faced with this.

Today it’s even harder since there are so many options all the time and most people are looking for “easy love”. True love isn’t easy. It requires work, compromise, sacrifice and perseverance.


Well-known member
Jun 11, 2013
I think the love yourself thing is more about learning how to recognise healthy love. And to be able to embrace being/given love because you are then able to take ideas like worth out of the equation entirely.

We need to stop oeroetuating the idea that you need to 'love yourself' or be a certain kind of 'loveable' to experience love. It's the conspiracy theory of self help gururs and has no basis in real science.

Psychologists have actually studied how people develop relationships and they have found that if you were not loved well in childhood, you had abusive parents or bad experiences with peer/friends, you don't have the basic skills to love yourself. and you can't learn to do that in adulthood without someone loving you. Saying 'you have to love yourself' is simply pseudo-science that shames people for having a history of abuse, Everyone needs love to learn how to love themselves and others. And everyone deserves love. Full stop.

I love Rupaul and I have nothing against self-help 'gurus' but love can only be learned from love. If you can't love yourself, you still deserve to be loved by someone else.

Johnny Utah

Active member
Jun 9, 2017
We need to stop oeroetuating the idea that you need to 'love yourself' or be a certain kind of 'loveable' to experience love. It's the conspiracy theory of self help gururs and has no basis in real science.

Psychologists have actually studied how people develop relationships and they have found that if you were not loved well in childhood, you had abusive parents or bad experiences with peer/friends, you don't have the basic skills to love yourself. and you can't learn to do that in adulthood without someone loving you. Saying 'you have to love yourself' is simply pseudo-science that shames people for having a history of abuse, Everyone needs love to learn how to love themselves and others. And everyone deserves love. Full stop.

I love Rupaul and I have nothing against self-help 'gurus' but love can only be learned from love. If you can't love yourself, you still deserve to be loved by someone else.
Wow. I never thought of it like that. Well written.

I think it is positive to love and accept yourself but you are correct, you can still receive and learn love from somebody else who can model it for you.

But I believe that a sufficiently damaged person, myself perhaps, would throw it away somehow. Some just think that we are not worthy nor deserve such a thing. Almost like it’s too pure and good and a self fulfilling prophecy would be created and our actions directly and indirectly ruin it.

I have been in love but misconstrued it....lust and other things where you go crazy, never again.

Currently I feel that I love an sp but it’s not the clinical definition of love but one of lust, eros, and ludus. It’s not really real but real enough in the moment; like a drug.

Love in the conventional sense still exists but seems harder to find. Even Disney is changing its message in time with the changes in this world.

John Henry

Active member
Apr 10, 2011
You sound like a scared person running from your life because you can’t handle pain. Pain is the best teacher to figure out your self and purpose. If you don’t have your shit in order you will not attract quality people with the similar values. You will end up jaded, scared and lonely and running from yourself always knowing that you ran from life and love because you fear the pain of revealing your core self and opening your heart to others.

What they call this on the streets is weak sauce.
Really .... jaded , scared , lonely and running from your self . What a crock . Things I guess aren't working out for you . You run to MPA's to get satisfied . The love of your life is not giving you what you need . You seek companionship from other women because you are lonely even though you have a wife and your wife just doesn't cut it anymore . Is that why you see these ladies .

Why don't you make yourself a stronger better person and tell your wife what you are doing . Open your heart to her . Don't be afraid of revealing your self core . It will make you a better man in the long run getting hurt and hurting someone . You're the last person to talk about or give advice about true love .

On the streets it's called a man with no backbone .


Oct 17, 2010
Each wife is my true love.

This forum probably has the lowest percentage of people who romantically fall in love and stick with it.
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