Identity checks with some MAs and SPs


May 21, 2019
Some MAs require real (registered) phone number / driver license / place of employment for verification. Less demanding ones require references from two sources.

I understand that text apps waste a lot of time with SPs.

Has anyone went with this type of verification?


The Big "O"
Dec 25, 2017
its not text apps and wasting time that these girls worry about. its violence and stalkers. i have no evidence. just a hunch
+1 for this.
I have no evidence either but from what some ladies have shared with me we are not all good clients and most of these bad clients were using text apps. So don't hate on the ladies who won't entertain text app numbers, blame bad clients.


Active member
Sep 16, 2006
I understand the women in this business are doing what is best for them and I'm sure I would do the same in their position. I don't blame them at all given some of the stories that come up from time to time of bad clients. Having said that, from my perspective, I'm not willing to give out my personal information to a stranger. I have run into enough in this business to know that's a bad idea.

If you want to see a lady who requires personal info or references, I suggest you go with references and do not give personal info. If you don't have any references, then I suggest you see other ladies until you do.


Dec 1, 2018
I understand the women in this business are doing what is best for them and I'm sure I would do the same in their position. I don't blame them at all given some of the stories that come up from time to time of bad clients. Having said that, from my perspective, I'm not willing to give out my personal information to a stranger. I have run into enough in this business to know that's a bad idea.

If you want to see a lady who requires personal info or references, I suggest you go with references and do not give personal info. If you don't have any references, then I suggest you see other ladies until you do.
Agreed Sir. There's allot of creeps out there so I understand the girls. If you want to see those kind of girls and you can't etransfer and give out personal info then just use reference or twitter.
Dec 8, 2018
its not text apps and wasting time that these girls worry about. its violence and stalkers. i have no evidence. just a hunch
There's much better ways to reduce safety risks for both sides without personal intrusion being potentially held against you later.

'safety' sometimes I think is more of a smokescreen than the true motivation for requiring this (validation can happen through social media or referral, absolutely zero need for real life information other than potential blackmail imo).

This is a massive risk, would never do it.

This is about the high amount of no shows, or it's just a scam...

No shows happen too often because texting app numbers can be changed without affecting clients much.
Dec 8, 2018
Trust me Wilson, if you were in this line of work you would have a list of clients you never want to see again. And the more new clients you see, the longer your block list will be. I’m sure the girls who screen are not doing it for blackmail lol, I am sure it’s more for “no means no; and if you break any laws during our session I will press charges agaisnt you” or tell your wife, or i have my boi break your kneecap.
- or a negative review about the experience
- or an off color future comment
- or a negative review about someone they know

Screening overall I have no issue with at all; it's requiring driver's license or work information that I find extremely problematic.

Screening by any other means is no problem for some, it just takes a lot longer to do and not as strong of proof, I see that, it's a compromise.

It's only that requiring, verifying, and storing of your personal information is a potentially very dangerous path you don't have to take. Very few ask for this as a single option of validation. If it ever becomes fully legal, I'll reconsider my position on this.

It's a risk tolerance issue for everyone. It only takes once.


May 21, 2019
Have never been asked for this in 30 yrs I have hobbies in Ottawa from an ma
For example, Tara, the indie MA, won't see you without the background check. She has nice features I would love to explore along with a background check I can't agree with.
No critique here, just an observation; no need to comment further.


Active member
Dec 30, 2018
For example, Tara, the indie MA, won't see you without the background check. She has nice features I would love to explore along with a background check I can't agree with.
No critique here, just an observation; no need to comment further.
Hey there! I don’t ask for a ‘background check’ my screening is pretty lax In comparison to many others.
I do ask that if you contact me through a text app (which I still allow) you provide me with a reference from another independent provider. If you contact me through your regular number I still don’t need a reference.

In the last few months the amount of no shows/fake bookings have sky rocketed thanks to text apps. I do this to protect myself from people who have taken advantage of my trust with text apps. I’m not asking for much and am certainly not asking for anyone’s identification, I respect your privacy and discretion. I just want you to show me you are an actual person trying to book me.

Does that make sense?
Hope you understand:)


May 21, 2019
My logic is very straightforward there: a "real" cell number leads to first and last name , corporate directory, clients, facebook page with friends and relatives and if misused, a disaster. Unless of coarse I get a burner.


Well-known member
Apr 6, 2012
Hey there! I don’t ask for a ‘background check’ my screening is pretty lax In comparison to many others.
I do ask that if you contact me through a text app (which I still allow) you provide me with a reference from another independent provider. If you contact me through your regular number I still don’t need a reference.

In the last few months the amount of no shows/fake bookings have sky rocketed thanks to text apps. I do this to protect myself from people who have taken advantage of my trust with text apps. I’m not asking for much and am certainly not asking for anyone’s identification, I respect your privacy and discretion. I just want you to show me you are an actual person trying to book me.

Does that make sense?
Hope you understand:)
Professional and reasonable, as always!


Active member
Dec 30, 2018
My logic is very straightforward there: a "real" cell number leads to first and last name , corporate directory, clients, facebook page with friends and relatives and if misused, a disaster. Unless of coarse I get a burner.
I don’t want to argue with you about your logic about using a proper phone number, I don’t need this to turn into a debate. However, I will ask you this, what is your issue with providing a reference from an established independent provider? At least to those who are opposed to text apps. All we ask is some piece of mind and meet us half way. We are giving you an option. You’re not new to this so why not just send a reference my way and we can have all the fun?


New member
May 9, 2005
I would never want to provide personal information. Way too risky. I do understand the women's perspective though, especially the amount of time wasters they have to put up with.

Is there a good, non-identitying way of pre-paying a session so the ladies are not left holding the bag?


Active member
Mar 7, 2019
Being new to this hobby I was asked extensive screening info from one of the First Ladies I contacted and almost complied since I thought it was standard practice and I thought by doing so would earn me extra services. After reading through this thread I will have to think again.


May 21, 2019
Next time, before seeing an SP/MP I will ask her to fill a form with two references attended within a year, First/Last Name, experience, years in the industry etc. LOL

Sounds like a job application , takes the magic away.

I also aknowledge that ladies should stay safe from all the trouble out there. The middle ground mentioned by Tara is a tolerable solution.


Tamil and proud
May 12, 2014
I just use twitter.

So many MAs working at the major clubs/spas in Ottawa have twitter.

They can easily be a reference for you. I have done so on multiple occasions and they all went smooth.

Ans as always #DBAB and you're good.


New member
Nov 11, 2018
Is this a way of eliminating timewasters?

Government issued id or employment verification?

She has every right to operate her business the way she wants. As clients, we have the same right.

Sure give me your information, I will keep them safe.


Tamil and proud
May 12, 2014

I'd like to know how many book her with these non-negotiable screening procedures.

Speaking of going too far... Like it's legal for guys to buy sex! SMH
Lol, don't be a b***** and you will be good to book.


May 21, 2019
Gov-t issued ID ... You can take this to court along with a used condom and seek $$$ for damages.
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