Garden of Eden Escorts

Newbie, Not sure if I should Jump into this World


New member
Apr 3, 2019
Hey guys,

Been interested in this for a while just recently. No experiences so far. Is it better to go with a more upscale to start, or better to go with a few decent ones to try things out?
One thing that bothers me is I'm very particular about the face, and obviously for protection, most muses don't show for obvious reasons.
Also being so new, there's a lot of unknown unknowns, and I'm not sure I want to continue doing this after my first experience (moral reasons), but I am really interested in trying out despite that.


Active member
Oct 5, 2008
This is not something you can try once. It’s pretty much like heroin, the habit just gets worse and worse lol

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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
This is not something you can try once. It’s pretty much like heroin, the habit just gets worse and worse lol
^this :thumb:

P.S. there is light at the end of that rabbit hole just need to keep digging

|2 /-\ | /|/

Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
Darren, you are asking the wrong crew if you should try this. We are all men of little moral fibre.
Moral is only a matter of perspective. Who are they to control what we do with our bodies and the services we purchase? It’s immoral to impose this control on someone and take away this fundamental right to choose.

Mr Deeds

Muff Diver Extraordinaire
Mar 10, 2013
Dont listen to these guy DZ Ive been doing this for 30 year sand I can get out anytime I want :yield:


Jun 13, 2017
First a caveat.

I'm sure there are many guys who do this occasionally just for fun now and again but it can be very addictive for some, especially if you find you're seeing a calibre of women that you couldn't have sex with in the real world (at least not without considerable effort and money spent in other ways).

So be careful - starting this hobby is like opening pandora's box!

I've had some great experiences myself but I'd be lying if I said there were no regrets.

Since you say you really do want to try this, here are some pointers.

If I had to start over, I would have started with a more upscale lady to start. You are already on TERB, which means you have access to a ton of valuable research material that can help you find someone you like.

Starting with the intention of getting a few 'lower class' SPs under your belt is a good way to burn through a lot of money quick and have lackluster experiences.

Seeing a higher class lady may also reduce some of your feelings about the moral ramifications of hobbying. The vibe I've gotten from the dozens of 'lower class' SPs Ive seen is that they don't get as much enjoyment out of their work as a Mara Valentine or other upscale lady. They're doing it for the wrong reasons, and when you see them it can leave you with a feeling of guilt, as if you exploited someone and made them do something they didn't really want to. It's an easy feeling to encounter if you're not careful, especially if you have moral apprehensions about this.


New member
Jul 13, 2018
Actually to me it gets better and better :whoo:
Agreed! It's been quite a learning experience. In hindsight their are a few things I would have done differently but I've met some really incredible women and I'm looking forward to my next adventure!


New member
Apr 3, 2019
Wow that's a lot of good responses. Thanks guys.
Seems like the consensus is expect to keep it going once you start, and it'll be maybe akin to smoking or something like that to stop.

So be careful - starting this hobby is like opening pandora's box!
This is what is making it super exciting. The ability to just easily get with this caliber of girls I guess.

If I had to start over, I would have started with a more upscale lady to start. You are already on TERB, which means you have access to a ton of valuable research material that can help you find someone you like.

Starting with the intention of getting a few 'lower class' SPs under your belt is a good way to burn through a lot of money quick and have lackluster experiences.
This is what I thought would be the case. Yeah, conceptually definitely seem like going with a good experience from the start is the way to go.

Seeing a higher class lady may also reduce some of your feelings about the moral ramifications of hobbying. The vibe I've gotten from the dozens of 'lower class' SPs Ive seen is that they don't get as much enjoyment out of their work as a Mara Valentine or other upscale lady. They're doing it for the wrong reasons, and when you see them it can leave you with a feeling of guilt, as if you exploited someone and made them do something they didn't really want to. It's an easy feeling to encounter if you're not careful, especially if you have moral apprehensions about this.
Wow. That's good to know.

Actually, just clarification, not too sure that I want to start this, but the desire is so fucking strong. Resistance being scared to never be able to go back, or picking up an expensive habit that might be easily abused.


Aug 19, 2007
Try to find a trusted buddy to go with the first time or so. Many places have more than 1 girl in the same spot. So split. Even later, book back to back appointments. I personally wouldn't necessarily go high end at first. Easier to find a MP with your friend the first time to help break the ice.


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2001
My two cents...

1) Keep the budget low to start, unless you really seriously have money to burn. Most of your issues (nervousness, performance, does the girl like me etc) are the same in a 30 minute session as in a two hour session. If you like her in 30 minutes and want to spend more, by all means spend more.

2) Don't even bother going down on them initially. It amplifies the risk dramatically, and for the most part they're just counting ceiling tiles while you're slaving away. Again, once you start to like someone, do whatever feels right.

3) Remind yourself she's a paid performer. She doesn't really like you "like that". Both of you are human and genuine feelings can develop, but she spends all day convincing guys they're special. You might be, and she might mean it this time... but it's a bit like the waitress giving you a big smile right before you calculate her tip.

4) Consider layering it in with massage, especially if you live and play outside the core. MPAs generally don't provide BBBJ or full service, but again a lot of the vibe is similar, and the girls are on average prettier and it can be way less stress than an SP. Basically you don't have to do anything except lie there and let a pretty girl work your body, and your money can stretch a lot farther.

Also just related to the above...

My own advice is tell NO ONE. Even your "trusted buddy" has or will have a girlfriend and one night they might think it's fun to have an escort together. He might mention that you do it - heck maybe he'd ask you to join. You just can't predict what someone might or might not say to another friend or girlfriend or wife one day down the road.

Oh one more.

You'll catch something eventually. Don't freak out. See a real doctor right away. Pretty much everything goes away with simple treatment, as long as you're honest with yourself and get it treated.

Dutch Oven

Well-known member
Feb 12, 2019
My two cents is that you only live once, and so you might as well try anything that's reasonably safe that you are interested in, rather than forever wonder what the experience would have been like. However, like most things you can do in life, don't let it become an obsession to the exclusion of all of the other interesting, helpful, rejuvenating and/or necessary things there are to do.
Have you ever gotten bit by the "Travel Bug" after a vacation? You know, you start planning your next vaca, before this one is even over? Well, thats what this is like! These ladies are similar to being bitten by the travel bug... except in this case, the lady is trying to help plan a threesome for the next time she rocks your world!

... I predict in one year we'll be reading reviews from you about the three asian sp's that you had come over and the mess you guys made in the hotel room! HAHA!

I was you about 10 years ago.... gonna try it, I said... lol! Im still trying!

Go with a more upscale lady, and give yourself some time with her (~ 2hrs.). Lots of guys on here can point you to a great first time provider!

Feel free to PM me any time. Be glad to help you, without any pressure!
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