5 Ways To Stop Being "The Nice Guy"


Well-known member
May 3, 2014
Anything you have to tell yourself to make it through the day I guess.

Plenty of women do like assholes over nice guys.
Plenty of women even go through the lengths of making up bullshit like how nice guys assume they are owed sex because they are nice to justify slagging on nice guys. If we are to be honest it's either something completely made up, or something a guy thought after being told over and over how awesome he was and how a girl wished all guys could be as nice as him and complaining to the poor bitch about what an asshole her boyfriend is. Gee after being buttered up and praised like that, he thought maybe a girl would be interested in him after being told she was interested in him. What a cunt.
Being nice is all too often not a bare fucking minimum, but hey it must be nice to live in a world without domestic violence, cheating and emotional abuse.
Also I find nice to not only be a bare minimum but an attractive trait. Niceness is hot.

Also if all you bring to the table is nice you are boring. Really? How many of those nice guys that get slagged on are just nice and nothing else. I mean fuck, you might as well start saying all black people are criminals and all Moslems are seconds away from putting on a stap on [bomb] for Allah.

I've known many nice guys, most dudes I hang with would be considered nice and all of them are multi dimensional. If you can't see that, the problem lies with your attitude towards niceness. About the only unidimensional dude I've known was actually a bit of a bitter cunt, not a nice guy. To suggest that nice is all a nice person brings to the table is bigoted.

But again, whatever you have to tell yourself to get through the day.
The late Bill Hicks sang about "Chicks dig jerks" lol...great little tune....


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
wow, you guys are fucking assholes out here.
I think the responses to you were keen and well written. Besides "niceness", perhaps you find honesty to be another distasteful quality in a man. You clearly don't like data.

Don't worry, you're not alone.


A voice of common sense.
Sep 15, 2008
I almost forgot that you can almost always count on "Nice Guys"TM losing their shit when they get called out on their bullshit or when anyone calls bullshit on their precious "friend zone".

As for a lot of the responses I'm seeing in this thread, holy shit, what are a lot of you? 12? Adults should know that human relationships aren't black and white.


A voice of common sense.
Sep 15, 2008
To be honest, there is a lot of really good advice in here.
Unfortunately, as a lot of the guys in this thread are proving, with "Nice Guys"TM it's a case of, "Tell me what I want to hear, not what need to hear."

Edit: Between this, being against anti-vaxxers and thinking that Roosh V. is full of shit, I'm starting to think there might be a rational human being lurking somewhere in Broken Clock Man!
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J Smoove

Active member
Jan 12, 2017
To be honest, there is a lot of really good advice in here.
I agree. It echos a lot of the shit I read and I've found I've been happier since I been following it. Tip 2 doesn't make sense to me tbh. I think it should be replaced by make sure you have other stuff going on cause if you are going to be unavailable for a bit it should productive and purposeful.


Active member
Jun 5, 2009


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2009
If you are looking to internet to find out how to act to attract women you are fucked already... Who in their right mind would adopt behaviours that are not real just to bang a woman? Be yourself, relax and don't be a shallow needy asshole. Of course, if deep down you are a shallow needy asshole then don't date at all and stick with PTP.
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