This is likely old news to this site but I went to see this young lady last night, and she defied my expectations. As someone whose favourite way to finish by far is a BBBJCIM (well, other than BBFS, which obviously isn’t an option with an SP), I had originally written her off because of her restrictions. But after staring at the pics on her website a few times, I figured I would take the chance and I’m really happy I did.
First of all, she’s a knockout. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but when it comes to my personal type, she meets it at 100%. The petite frame, the perky little breasts, the soft skin, the inviting eyes, the nose piercing, the dark curly hair and toothy grin. When she answered the door, I tried to act very casual about the whole thing, but internally I was freaking out because I was literally inches away from the girl of my fantasies since puberty. I wonder if she could tell or if I kept it together.
After my quick shower, we had a bit of chat about our backgrounds, where she revealed her warm personality and giggly attitude. In addition to being gorgeous, she’s comforting and very clever. If she has a boyfriend in her regular life, I hope he knows he’s the luckiest dude in the world.
Then we quickly moved to some light kissing and caressing which was delightful. On another day, this foreplay might have lasted for a while, but my anticipation of being inside her was driving me crazy, so I chose to be a selfish lover, going at it in several positions for quite a bit of time. She felt amazing, was responsive, and was also completely accommodating to my requests. The only breaks were to switch condoms, to get a little CBJ, and for some DATY, the latter of which was splendid. She tasted so good, and had the perfect set of lips on her cute body, that I only stopped when I did because she said she was getting too sensitive.
After I finished a third time on her tight belly, I rolled over and called it quits despite my raging hard-on. Again, outside I tried to act relaxed, satisfied and exhausted, but internally I was thinking “I want to keep fucking you until sunrise but I can’t afford it.”
The only minus to the experience was that while the kissing was nice, I would say that she was hesitant to do a lot of it, but that seems to be a common issue with almost every SP I have seen so far, and I can understand why my desire for tons of DFK isn’t something that most girls would find comfortable with on a first visit.
There’s a lot of talk about the term “GFE” and exactly what it means, but to me, this was the ultimate GFE. Before this visit, I thought what all I ever wanted out of escorts was the experience of an anonymous hot girl talking dirty and acting like she was desperate for my dick. This encounter was more like the experience of an out-of-my-league cute girl surprisingly deciding to take me home from the bar, and the warm feelings that encounter provides. I fell asleep that night smelling like her perfume and I can’t imagine a better conclusion.
Thanks, Vanessa, for an unforgettable night. I hope to see her again sometime, but if for some reason I don’t, I think she’s a sweetheart and wish her nothing but the best for the future.