Ashley Madison

Is there some people on Terb that are still looking for safe services ?


Aug 29, 2017
Hey Terb people ,
I am debating if I should renew my name in blue ( paying advertisers) here on Terb ..
After a couple of months looking around and reading the threads , I noticed that most of Terbites are looking for Bbbj , 69 , Bbfs , Cim ect ...
Maybe it changed since I first started in the industry, but it seems like Terb became a must go for the ones that are looking for unprotected services ... I might be wrong but that is mostly what I see lately ...
Maybe the ones that are more a «**fit**» for my safe sessions are simply not posting or commenting on Terb anymore ?
So my question is : Is it still a popular practice to be safe here on terb so i should start advertising here again ?
Is terb is not fit for my business anymore ?



Apr 18, 2013
Hey Terb people ,
I am debating if I should renew my name in blue ( paying advertisers) here on Terb ..
After a couple of months looking around and reading the threads , I noticed that most of Terbites are looking for Bbbj , 69 , Bbfs , Cim ect ...
Maybe it changed since I first started in the industry, but it seems like Terb became a must go for the ones that are looking for unprotected services ... I might be wrong but that is mostly what I see lately ...
Maybe the ones that are more a «**fit**» for my safe sessions are simply not posting or commenting on Terb anymore ?
So my question is : Is it still a popular practice to be safe here on terb so i should start advertising here again ?
Is terb is not fit for my business anymore ?

I'm not entirely certain on your accuracy that most are looking for bbfs but, with respect to the other items you mentioned, I, for one, will only see providers for natural oral. I don't see providers who use dental dams or who will only perform cbj. As for fs, it absolutely is a MUST for me that it is covered. Any offer for bare fs results in me leaving immediately. For the record, I have left a few appointments for that reason.


Well-known member
all safe services is becoming more of a niche service these days...but those requesting it are out there
as long as you are upfront with your service level and dont offer services you have no intention of honoring just to get clients to your should still garner clients

good luck



Active member
Jan 8, 2008
I think there are plenty of people that are comfortable with safe services. Personally, I’m not one that cares for someone’s laundry list of what they do. Generally, if there is a level of passion and ideally some great kissing I’m happy. If not, I still am thankful for the experience but likely don’t repeat.


Well-known member
Jan 25, 2016
Wow. Everything I read on terb is always condemning bbfs. The other activities, not sure. As the others have said it depends on the person what they want so it’s hard to say if the entire board is moving in one direction.


Active member
Oct 2, 2014
I generally seek bbbj. I have found very few providers or anyone for that matter, that give a cbj that feels great due to the lack of sensitivity. For safe services, there are way more providers, and I have one I luv, so I am never looking beyond her for all safe services.


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2009
I am very surprised if Terbites are looking for BBFS but bbbj has become the norm although maybe not with cim or cimsw. I think people in this hobby are risk takers (a lot are married and are taking risk seeing an sp) and get a thrill from getting bbbj as it is a bit transgressive. Of course, it just feels better too. I don't see things being too different whether you are advertising here or other places. Maybe you should stick with our MA services?


Active member
Jul 20, 2006
all safe services is becoming more of a niche service these days...but those requesting it are out there
as long as you are upfront with your service level and dont offer services you have no intention of honoring just to get clients to your should still garner clients

good luck

I agree with the quoted statement. I think a lot of clients likely have at least one activity that has some some element of risk (kissing, bbbj, daty, etc..) which is important to them. For me it is kissing, I usually find it difficult (but not impossible) to find the session satisfying without it. I have from time to time gone with a provider who offers only safe services but don't do it often anymore. I don''t think this is specifically a problem with Terb but across the industry in general. I also think that most guys here are pretty familiar with the industry and may seek out safe services.


Aug 29, 2017
Hmmm !
Interesting comments ...
Of course I am very transparent with my policies so I am never saying that I will offer a service and not deliver .. Most of the clients I see are not from Terb and most of my clientele are regulars so they already know my limits .. My question was more oriented on my advertisement dilema.. Renewing here or not ?

I wanted to have an idea of what the terb population is more about in the last few years ..
The industry seems to have changed lately so I am looking to see where my advertisement will bring me the kind of clients that fits my services ...

Keep commenting, it helps me have a bigger picture ;)



Aug 29, 2017
Saying most clients are looking for bbfs here on terb is a gross generalization and frankly quite inflammatory.
Hey poolasaurus ,
I didn’t write “most clients are looking for bbfs “ I said most people on Terb are looking for unsafe services like bbfs , bbbj , daty or cim.. (I forgot to include Dfk , but some of you guys mentioned it as well )
As an exemple if you are looking in the 411 section for Ottawa , the 3rd thread is bbbj deepthroat and this is not the only exemple .. I notice that those services are becoming very popular on Terb.. I think that everyone has the right to offer or look for those services and I am not judging anyone , to each their own limits and if both client and provider are comfortable, I don’t see why not .. In my case , I am only offering safe services so I wonder if this board offers me what I am looking for .. That’s my dilema right now .. Should I or should I not renew my participation for advertising here ...

I think most of the members that post a comment so far had great arguments and it gives me food for thoughts..
Now the goal is not to start a debate on is it popular or not .. I think we already established that those services are in fact popular here .. Some more than others .. I think that after reading the commets bbfs is the less popular..

This is actually the exact point of my thread .. To have the clients point of view on the topic ..
I also specified “I might be wrong” in my initial post so correct me if I am wrong ...



Well-known member
Apr 19, 2018
Hey poolasaurus ,
I didn’t write “most clients are looking for bbfs “ I said most people on Terb are looking for unsafe services like bbfs , bbbj , daty or cim.. (I forgot to include Dfk , but some of you guys mentioned it as well )
As an exemple if you are looking in the 411 section for Ottawa , the 3rd thread is bbbj deepthroat and this is not the only exemple .. I notice that those services are becoming very popular on Terb.. I think that everyone has the right to offer or look for those services and I am not judging anyone , to each their own limits and if both client and provider are comfortable, I don’t see why not .. In my case , I am only offering safe services so I wonder if this board offers me what I am looking for .. That’s my dilema right now .. Should I or should I not renew my participation for advertising here ...

I think most of the members that post a comment so far had great arguments and it gives me food for thoughts..
Now the goal is not to start a debate on is it popular or not .. I think we already established that those services are in fact popular here .. Some more than others .. I think that after reading the commets bbfs is the less popular..

This is actually the exact point of my thread .. To have the clients point of view on the topic ..
I also specified “I might be wrong” in my initial post so correct me if I am wrong ...

I think the issue here is that you lumped bbfs in with other, generally accepted practices. BBFS is a no no, we're not even allowed to identify providers who allow it. The rest are standard options. You're of course right that none of them are safe, and it's a bit silly to go for uncovered BJs while being horrified by bbfs, but I think that's how a lot of people here feel.

Personally, I fall into the safe services only category with the exception of DFK. I shouldn't do that either, I suppose.


Feb 2, 2011
I dont know if advertising on terb is worth while ( price wise) since 99 percent of these guys are looking for bbbj or other risky things your not into.. but im sure advertising on leolist clearly stating safe services and what that means( plenty of girls say safe services then offer up bbbj cim) will be worth it.


Aug 29, 2017
Dear Alison,

I'll provide you some feedback that is solely based on my own perspective.

First, let's get the easy one out of the way. You asked to be corrected if you were wrong. Well your "BB-FS" claim is very wrong. If I was you, I would go back and edit all the references to this matter. This board has NEVER been supporting this matter, nor has its members. Conversely, the very few seekers I've seen posting over my 3 years on Terb have been ruthlessly put back in their places.

As for "safe service (no kissing, cbj, dam'ed-daty)" versus "more risky services (dfk, bbbj, daty, cim, sw)", I think men are in this industry because they like FUN sex which I think is more satisfied with dirty sex, and yes this means less safe and more risky. The dam thing is a total turn off and weird as fuck imo. I've never heard of it before being discussed here on Terb and I can't for the life of me understand why a guy would be cool with that sexual act. Most escorts-booking guys find cbj and no kissing very boring and I align with them. I'm sure in the MA world there are more guys that are okay with getting just the safe stuff and none of the fun/dirty/risky stuff.

Side funny story: I texted with an escort yesterday and her initial copy and paste text said "I have very little restrictions". After covering the grounds, her restrictions were: dfk, bb-fs (rightfully so), greek, cim, sw, cof, and bbbj was a maybe. So the services offered were cfs, cob, and cbj (potentially, but I think probably). On top of that, cob came with an upcharge!! So her very little restrictions translated into a very restrictive session. imo escorts that only do cbj and cfs are in the wrong business. But it's their choice/option and it shall be respected.

I'm not sure why you think that Terb has changed to be more towards dfk, bbbj, daty, cim now compared to before. I've been here for 3 years and I haven't seen ANY changes on these matter. Well other than the fact that no one really posts in the Ottawa section anymore. So if anything, it has decreased over the last year, rather than increase as you claim. When I joined Terb there was even a bbbjcimsw list! So I think you're also wrong on this matter. If you noticed that Terb and the industry have changed lately, why didn't you share your perspective in this {THREAD} then?

As for your actual question: Should you pay to be a blue Terb member and is Terb fitted for your safe-business-practice, I will answer no to both. You wrote it yourself, most of your clients are not from Terb and Terb is more focused on dfk, bbbj, daty, cim. It's very transparent that you're looking for more clients during this downfall of the Ottawa scene imo, but you're a very smart girl and quite articulate, I think you've been doing a good job at "indirectly" advertising yourself on Terb in most of your latest posts, such as this one. When you post, you always seem to do the following: hello I'm Alison an Ottawa Provider, I am available, I am looking for clients, and I offer safe services. It's quite a good tactic and I'm sure I'd be doing the exact same thing if I was you. So keep doing you Ali.

That was my un-filtered blunt but respectful feedback girl :)
Thanks for your feedback Bobbiz ,
I think a big part of your reply is actually very true ..
I think a lot of people think that safe services might be boring and it makes sense that they’re looking for more excitement..
I also agree on the fact that having my name in blue here might not be a good idea since I am not offering those services , therefore my niche market’s not here and I should invest where the clients needs meets what I am offering ..

Thanks sweet heart ..


Jul 6, 2015
everyone has a different idea of what is a safe service.

I'm only saying this because even if you use protection and only do what you consider "safe" services there is no guarantee.

You could keep crossing the street for many years without looking both ways and not get hit but be in a parking lot and get hit. You could go one step further and stay home all the time and have a car crash into your living room while your sitting there.

Having said that I wouldn't play russian roulette either so you have to be smart about it and get tested frequently whether you are a provider or client.

Not that my comments answer your question. I enjoy BBBJ but i wouldn't do it with any provider either.

TERB has users that enjoy various degrees of services....some like BJ, some BBBJ and some only go to massage parlors and go as far as a HJ. Hell I was a member for 1-2 years before I started enjoying the scene so for that time period I didn't even go see an MA let alone an SP.


Active member
Jan 8, 2008
I don’t think you should advertise here and in your posts you probably shouldn’t sign off with “kisses”

Jasmine Raine

Well-known member
Jul 28, 2014
I get that your asking but this thread can be perceived as an ad without paying and a slap in the face to TERB in terms of asking if advertising is worth it on their very site. Just pointing that out.

However to answer, early 2000’s is when the change went from all safe to bbbj, cim, etc. It has been that way every since from my understanding.

The board has never been about Bbfs as stated.
Dec 8, 2018
Looks like the mods fixed the inflammatory part, and understand why it ruffled the feathers of some, kinda similar to like when marijuana and heroine are grouped as similar 'drugs'. Oh well, we move on.

Terbites are slandered constantly as being a bunch of pigs at a trough, mainly because of allowing critical reviews of negative experiences, which I'm sure hurts business when you're the one in the cross hairs of the criticism. When criticism is allowed, feathers will always be ruffled and ridiculous and petty Twitter mobs will be formed.

The whole industry is a big risk for all involved; it's just a matter of how much and where you choose to take the risks to balance your satisfaction level and overall safety.

Some do extra forms of vetting before seeing someone, some cross reference and manage detailed lists and search aimlessly through Google for pictures and phone numbers... but some don't.

Some gladly share the personal information in the form of ID or deposit... but some don't.

I think on the issue for Terbites not requesting it or asking about safer services is that 'safe' service is readily available by just not engaging in an offered service. I'm sure not all accept the full compliment of allowed services, you just don't have to search it out like you would for GFE or PSE, it's there by default.

Allison has an impeccable reputation in the industry for being honest and an amazing attitude, she rarely if ever speaks critically of anything. It's apparent that the demand has shifted towards riskier fluid exchange services, and so has the supply in turn. It would just take some sort of newsworthy outbreak for this all to shift again I feel.

Alison: You have a niche in that the service you offer is 'safer' than some others due to your restrictions. That's still extremely important and very marketable to some who need that assurance; but will also be non-starter for others. You can't please everyone.

Like Bobbiz said, you be you Alison, and I hope you do stick around here if you can, because you're hilarious and you have great opinions. Some blue names just go from thread to thread and rain down with negative opinions or add little to the conversation or aren't even in Ottawa and do it anyhow... You always added to the conversation IMO, so I hope you stay.

You certainly have my respect and there will always be a market for fair and honest service, because that's usually the hardest thing to find and the biggest risk we take. :encouragement:


Alison, you have a great rep here, everyone knows your limits and the guys from here that see you should not be asking for anything else. Like any group, there are a few bad seeds that need to be weeded out. Value wise, you probably don't want to advertise here as there are few that prefer CBJ over BBBJ, me being one of them. But I would not let that preference stop me form seeing you and I'm sure many others here are the same. You have enough other great qualities that many guys will forgo the BBBJ to still see you for the other skills you have. Blue member or not, your posts here are appreciated and enjoyed. Don't make a stranger of yourself.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
I get that your asking but this thread can be perceived as an ad without paying and a slap in the face to TERB in terms of asking if advertising is worth it on their very site. Just pointing that out.

However to answer, early 2000’s is when the change went from all safe to bbbj, cim, etc. It has been that way every since from my understanding.

The board has never been about Bbfs as stated.
What Jessica said so I won't repeat it.

Never ever BBFS but in my opinion, if no dfk, daty, bbbj I'd prefer a rubber doll called Gina or my left hand Wanda.
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