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Court ruling confirms Gardasil vaccine kills people… scientific evidence beyond any..


Well-known member
May 15, 2018
A sketchy link from a blatant anti-vaxxer site is not “scientific evidence beyond any doubt”. Evidence. You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
The administrative court in the story found that one person dies of a heart arrhythmia that could have been caused by an immune response to the vaccine. That finding was based on there being no reasonable doubt that this was the woman's first and only arrhythmia. The judgment your source reported in no way said nor established that "Gardasil™ kills people"


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Seriously, these are extremely dangerous threads that fly in the face of, not only all legitimate research accepted universally beyond reasonable doubt in the science community, but they have been proven to be effective and extremely safe for decades and decades around the globe. Devastating diseases have been eradicated. Only kooks, ignoramuses and people with agendas can't see this and are now endangering us.

IMO, due to the serious nature of this topic and the utter stupidity of the anti-vaxxers, I don't think that it would be inappropriate to treat these threads the same as BBFS threads. They should not be allowed.



Well-known member
May 15, 2018
Seriously, these are extremely dangerous threads that fly in the face of, not only all legitimate research accepted universally beyond reasonable doubt in the science community, but they have been proven to be effective and extremely safe for decades and decades around the globe. Devastating diseases have been eradicated. Only kooks, ignoramuses and people with agendas can't see this and are now endangering us.

IMO, due to the serious nature of this topic and the utter stupidity of the anti-vaxxers, I don't think that it would be inappropriate to treat these threads the same as BBFS threads. They should not be allowed.

I don’t know about that. They’re dangerous and misinformed, yes, but I don’t think we should start banning topics of conversation unless there are really extreme circumstances (as is the case with BBFS threads). I think we should let the kooks and ignoramuses post to their hearts’ content and just mercilessly mock them. Banning people just because we don’t like their opinions is dangerous and leads to the sort of PC thugishness we’re seeing in society today.

Post on, you magnificent idiots!


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
Big Sleazy, do you have children? Do you get them vaccinated?


Well-known member
Jul 7, 2005
Does anyone here know a single person that had any complications to vaccines? And I dont mean fever, aches, pain etc. I mean rea serious side effects.

I hAve met 1000's of people have over 100 acquaintance, over 10 close friends plus huge family. Yet, i have never heard or known of any one. Except for my uncle, just on grandfather side. Who was not vaccinated by his mom. He contracted polio at 4. And lost full use of his legs.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
I don’t know about that. They’re dangerous and misinformed, yes, but I don’t think we should start banning topics of conversation unless there are really extreme circumstances (as is the case with BBFS threads). I think we should let the kooks and ignoramuses post to their hearts’ content and just mercilessly mock them. Banning people just because we don’t like their opinions is dangerous and leads to the sort of PC thugishness we’re seeing in society today.

Post on, you magnificent idiots!
Opinions are one thing. This is plain and simple dead wrong and dangerous.


Dec 8, 2006
Would a moderator kill those ridiculous and dangerous threads about vaccine please?

I'm sure TERB doesn't want to be responsible for a public health crisis by giving an audience to these gossips.


His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
Read the link. Not a single link in the article goes to a serious source. It's basically a circle jerk of pro death cunts.

Think about that over 300 deaths and not a single media report from the big networks, CNN, New York Times, The Economist, hell not even the Daily Mail or the Toronto Sun.

Could be worse, I read one article from Natural News that had links to 3 legit media sources about how the CDC says the flue vaccines doesn't work. All three sources said it does work, but because of virus drift it was less effective but still worth getting. The article had not a single link to the CDC saying anything. Then it went on to tell more lies like how "they" are lying to you about mercury in vaccines because they tested a sample and found some... information I was able to get from the CDC in about 2 minutes from google. Then it went on to misrepresent on a bunch of other things. Everything in that article was an easily provable out right lie, or a lie of extreme misrepresentation.

Seems par for the course for NN.
I remember seeing another article from some pro death source that claimed that there is this problem with epileptics that is made worse with vaccines and sure enough they had a link, to some state epileptic newletter. The link did discuss the problem made *no* mention at all about vaccines. In the entire newsletter the only mention of vaccines was another section telling people they should get the flu shot.

Anti vaxxers have a tendency to either no read their sources or just put sources up that don't back their position assuming [sadly true] that their supporters won't read the sources either.
Like Fathammer who posted a bunch of government links most of which didn't work, a few didn't say anything about vaccines and the 2 that had anything about vaccines showed they were being closely watched and side effects are extremely rare.
Anti Vaxxers lie.

There is one link at the bottom from some court judgement that seems legit but it's really long and filled with legalese so I am not going to read it to try and figure out if it actually says anything about this situation. I doubt Natural News had anyone read it, I sure as hell won't.

But yeah, enough is enough, these people need to be banned from polite society. I mean hell if someone was to go on terb saying we should beat up some [demographic] they would be booted real quick. Big Sleazy is pro death.

OTOH if his tactics are OK with the terb mod community perhaps we should put in our sig lines

"Big Sleazy fucks little children including babies. We have evidence beyond any question."

I mean if he can accuse others of effectively murdering people and the media of covering it up without actual evidence, fair is fair, should we not be allowed to treat him the exact same way he treats others.


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
My ruling confirms Big Sleazy kills unfathomable amounts of brain cells. The science is beyond any doubt!


Well-known member
May 15, 2018
Of course anti-vaxxers lie. It’s essentially a cult. What they do is the exact opposite of science. They already have an outcome in mind that they want, and they build around that. They start with the conclusion and build backwards. That’s completely antithetical to the scientific method. It’s not science, it’s propaganda.

And yeah, I’m pretty sure I heard BS kills homeless men and fucks their corpses. Someone here told me, and you can’t lie on the internet, so I consider that to be evidence beyond any reasonable doubt.


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
Would a moderator kill those ridiculous and dangerous threads about vaccine please?

I'm sure TERB doesn't want to be responsible for a public health crisis by giving an audience to these gossips.
Well, I'm pretty sure it's a small audience on TERB that buys into this BS.

Speaking of BS, has he ever replied to a thread he started? I'm guessing no.

I do wish the Mods would delete these threads. I mean, if I can get banned for simply asking why one of my threads was deleted, surely they can so something about this garbage.
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Well-known member
Jul 7, 2005
Thete is nothing more dangerous than censorship. Never stop letting pepple express what they think. Its their right to have their own opinion.
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