Yes, your waitress makes more than you do.
Yes, your waitress makes more than you do.
$100k/year works out to $2k/week. An SP can make that in a day or two. Or more realistically a couple of clients per day over a 5 day period.The 100K/ year sp is a more difficult grind, but is possible. They have a smaller clientele.
Haha what?I can understand servers earning $100,000 a year in fine dining restaurants. But if you consider some of these low end buffet restaurants, it seems highly unlikely that that the tips will attract even 1/3 that amount. Most customers think that as they are serving themselves, then the tips should only be worth around 10% maximum. Many customers did not tip at all if they were ticked off with the service in these restaurants. Off course fast food servers make practically nothing in terms of tips.
I know that when my son worked at a restaurant, he made fairly decent tips as a waiter, but occasionally he had to work in the Takeout / Pickup Section, and he hated it as he made absolutely nothing from tips. At times some customers who paid by cash, and when the change from it amounted to a few pennies, that is all that the customer would drop into the "Tip Box".
If one would work out the details, try this out for size, as an example. The waiter works at an upscale steakhouse. The average bill would be $200 per table, a conservative estimate. Hence, the average tip at 15% would be $30. If the waiter handles an average of 12 tables a night, perhaps fewer on the weekdays and more on the weekends, he will receive $1800 in tips on an average 5 day week. His wages for 30 hours per week at $12.20 hourly would be $366. Hence total remuneration would be $2166 weekly. Over 50 weeks, this would be $108300.Misleading article with no stats. But it's NP, so that should have bee expected.
I use the ten rule. $10 or 10%, whichever is lower.