Nova Scotia testing out new saliva test to catch drugged up drivers

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
If this RCMP pilot project is successfull it will be adopted by the rest of Canada and thats probably a good thing.
The only thing I dont understand is how can coke make someone a worse driver, shouldnt it make them the best driver on the road??!! :biggrin1:

Nova Scotia RCMP to adopt new screening device for drug-impaired drivers

RCMP officers across the country have a new device to help them catch drug-impaired drivers, and Nova Scotia’s detachment took it for a spin on Monday.

The Dräger DrugTest 5000 is the first machine approved by the federal government for roadside drug testing. It’s a drug screening system that uses saliva to test for seven types of drugs, including cannabis and cocaine.

“It’s equipment that is used to measure oral fluid in drivers suspected in having drugs in their body, and it will tell us a positive or a negative reading as to whether or not they have cocaine or THC in their body,” said Const. Chad Morrison of the Halifax District RCMP on Monday.

The device was first approved for use in Canada in August, but with more RCMP officers being trained on how to administer the test, be prepared to see it become a regular tool in the force’s arsenal to stop impaired drivers


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
Coke makes me feel like the king of the world. So I'd say it would make me a horrible driver in that I would feel invincible.

My question is what is the legal limit for THC and how does one determine how long they need to wait till driving? I typically give myself 2 or more hours after smoking a joint.


Mar 27, 2016
THC stays in your system for up to a month, in urine test. They better have accurate tests.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
Also will a THC impaired charge carry the same weight as a drunk driving charge?? Because that to me is a little harsh.
if I had to choose I'd much rather get in a car with a stoned driver than a drunk driver


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
Anyone know if the test can detect opiates? Because I'll bet there's more people driving around with them in their system than you think.


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
All this is for nothing unless they can actually determine the level of impairment. The mere presence of THC is not enough to secure a conviction.


Active member
Oct 5, 2008
This is garbage. Won’t hold in court

Proving drugs in your system does not mean you are impaired while driving

Blood alcohol level is much easier to measure. Drugs have different half lives and are even fat soluble.

Good luck gubernment. I’ll continue to smoke and drive

|2 /-\ | /|/

Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
This has been a problem in many other countries especially because some people keep failing the tests 12-18hours after taking the weed and are being flagged in the system for doing nothing wrong.

Hopefully the Canadian government does not fuck this up and turn it into a shit storm.

Right now we have a HUGE problem and we don't know how long we need to wait after we smoke weed before we drive. AFAIK government has not set a specific time after we smoke weed and can drive. What if we get into an accident and they make us take a blood test for weed we smoked a week before and then get charged for impaired driving because it shows in our blood.

Does anyone know of there is a time frame in Canada. The info papers that come with the product does not mention the actual time frame.



Active member
Oct 5, 2008
This has been a problem in many other countries especially because some people keep failing the tests 12-18hours after taking the weed and are being flagged in the system for doing nothing wrong.

Hopefully the Canadian government does not fuck this up and turn it into a shit storm.

Right now we have a HUGE problem and we don't know how long we need to wait after we smoke weed before we drive. AFAIK government has not set a specific time after we smoke weed and can drive. What if we get into an accident and they make us take a blood test for weed we smoked a week before and then get charged for impaired driving because it shows in our blood.

Does anyone know of there is a time frame in Canada. The info papers that come with the product does not mention the actual time frame.

This is exactly why these tests won’t hold up. The court cannot prove you were under the influence while driving.. only that you had smoked weed X amount of hours before driving, which is legal now anyway.

The x is what they need to figure out. Machines that test positive 7 days after smoking are a complete joke - and those are the machines OP is referencing

Jasmine Raine

Well-known member
Jul 28, 2014
For a regular user, THC can stay in your bloodstream for 3-4 weeks from your last joint. Sometimes even longer. So I don't see how this test will prove positive based on saliva. I can completely see it failing someone who smoked on Saturday and it now Monday morning.


Well-known member
Oct 6, 2006
I remember a couple years ago around Christmas when they were testing this in Toronto.
It was in testing stages and was voluntary.
They were just taking anonymous samples to send back to the lab.
My brother obliged and we were on our way.


Well-known member
Dec 31, 2017
Also will a THC impaired charge carry the same weight as a drunk driving charge?? Because that to me is a little harsh.
if I had to choose I'd much rather get in a car with a stoned driver than a drunk driver
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