White House Suspends Access of CNN’s Jim Acosta


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
I hate Trump, but he still the president of the US, and you can hate the man, but you still have to show respect for his office. Acosta was rude, disrespectful, and a big asshole, CNN is no longer a reputivable news channel.

Hope the idiot gets kicked out of WH for good.
Trump has totally disgraced the office and anyone who "respects" that is an idiot.


Well-known member
May 10, 2011
Toronto, ON

The situation started out very civil too, despite Acosta having no interest in election, or relevant questions. Hos opening with 'I'd like to challenge you' set the tone.
Trump was very decent in responding to the "Invasion", and "immigrants" topics, with saying he just had a difference of opinion.

But Acosta resisting a WH aide over a microphone, refusing to surrender it, and sit down so that others could ask questions too was uncalled for.
Trump took a great deal of time out to answer questions. He showed Acosta a great deal of time and patience, allowing Jim to ask many questions.

CNN is notorious for 'losing a satellite feed' when a guest says something they don't like to hear. Trump should allow Acosta to remain, but have a special Microphone that he can shut off at will.
Hmmm, was Trump very decent in the way he treated that black female reporter?


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
Trump is the grandstanding asshole. That performance today was a fucking disgrace. He even assured us he is a good moral leader ! WOW
Doesn't change the fact that Acosta's a grandstanding asshole, sweetie.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Wholeheartedly agree.

He should have been removed by WH security for his aggressive behaviour especially with the intern. I hope his ban is permanent.

Hey, Latinboy. How did all those 100's of buddies of yours in the US vote a couple of days ago? I'm thinking most of them voted Dem.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
I hate Trump, but he still the president of the US, and you can hate the man, but you still have to show respect for his office. Acosta was rude, disrespectful, and a big asshole, CNN is no longer a reputivable news channel.

Hope the idiot gets kicked out of WH for good.

Trump has been stoking it for 2 years. Got the reaction he deserved.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
For starter:

Adolf Hitler speech in Munich at the Hofbräuhaus, August 15, 1920. From Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 16. Jahrg., 4. H. (Oct., 1968), pp. 390-420.

I totally approve of your reading material btw. I have been meaning to memorize all of Hitler's speeches myself.


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
Like what kind of tiki torches are best for marching?
Where to plant the snipers?

Trump called himself a nationalist.
Its fair to ask how that's not a white nationalist.

You guys are just going to be stuck with Fox, the US Pravda.
That’s a profoundly stupid statement, as was the question by PBS.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
That’s a profoundly stupid statement, as was the question by PBS.

LOL. All you Trump guys are so uptight today. I'm just going to watch until one of you fellows seriously melts down and flips out...... and I'm going to make his post my new sig line.

As always, OTB, MAGA!!


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
That’s a profoundly stupid statement, as was the question by PBS.
It is a very fair question.

Nationalism is by definition the support of one group over others. Trump's actions clearly label him as racist and his support of white nationalists as 'nice people' makes the question legit and in need of answering.

And when the White House defends the accusations against CNN with a shoddily edited video from Infowars/Prison Planet, the question becomes 'do you support CNN or white nationalists from infowars'?
Looks like you've made your stand.


Well-known member
Aug 4, 2016
I hate Trump, but he still the president of the US, and you can hate the man, but you still have to show respect for his office. Acosta was rude, disrespectful, and a big asshole, CNN is no longer a reputivable news channel.

Hope the idiot gets kicked out of WH for good.
I feel the same way, Acosta was very rude. Its the way he went about it. He needs to be respectful even if you don't like the guy. Cnn needs to get rid of him.


Sep 19, 2018
Look at it objectively, they pit both sided against each other, they have no respect for Trump voters and give liberals a pass every chance they get, they never talk about Ellison in Minnesota who assaulted 2 women


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Look at it objectively, they pit both sided against each other, they have no respect for Trump voters and give liberals a pass every chance they get, they never talk about Ellison in Minnesota who assaulted 2 women
Wow, 2 women.
But why haven't we talked more about Trump, who is accused by 10 times as many women?
Who do you think is really getting the free pass here?

Why do you respect Trump but not Ellison on this issue?


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
It is a very fair question.

Nationalism is by definition the support of one group over others. Trump's actions clearly label him as racist and his support of white nationalists as 'nice people' makes the question legit and in need of answering.

And when the White House defends the accusations against CNN with a shoddily edited video from Infowars/Prison Planet, the question becomes 'do you support CNN or white nationalists from infowars'?
Looks like you've made your stand.
It’s a silly and ignorant statement.

One is putting the interests of your country as your highest priority (can’t imagine a sensible arguement against this for an elected official) and the other identifying a race as a preference.

Trumps policies have black unemployment at 6.3%, about what all of Canada’s unemployment is. You’ve seen him focus on the failure of Democrats leadership to improve the lives of black Americans.

You idiots are so easily confused....


Active member
Nov 1, 2001
Anybody catch Bone Spur's exchange with the Japanese Reporter? After rudely asking where he's from, Trump muttered: "Oh, say hello to Shinzo for me - I'm sure he's happy about tariffs on his cars".... And then the snowflake turns around and complains about Acosta's conduct? Trump loves to play the perpetual "victim" and his idiotic, braindead base always falls for it.

Oh, and Trump went on with the Japanese reporter with his typical bullshit about Prime Minister "Abbey" being a great friend... LOL - the guy can't even pronounce another leader's name properly.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
It’s a silly and ignorant statement.

One is putting the interests of your country as your highest priority (can’t imagine a sensible arguement against this for an elected official) and the other identifying a race as a preference.
Yes, patriotism is putting your country first and nationalism is putting one group (or race) first.
That's the difference between patriotism and nationalism.


Active member
Nov 1, 2001
onthebottom;6261072 Trumps policies have black unemployment at 6.3% said:
Comparing Black unemployment in the US to Canadian unemployment just because their percentages are similar? LOL!

Let me guess - you're stupid enough to still believe that Trump has created 3X the number of jobs for Black Americans vs Obama?


Sep 20, 2010
Black Americans Are Reentering The Work Force Faster Than Whites

While a strong economy isn't a cure for racism, it sure is doing a lot to help smooth out inequality in the labor market. As economists have taken a closer look at Friday's monthly labor-market update from the BLS, an interesting pattern has emerged that would seem to cut against the idea that only white Americans are benefiting from President Trump's policies.

To wit, Axios pointed out that the employment-to-population ratio for blacks is rising much more quickly than that of whites. Presently, roughly 59% of black Americans are employed, compared with more than 60% for whites.

According to Axios, the rise in black relative employment can be attributed to black Americans being more willing to take relatively lower-paying jobs, while white Americans are typically more inclined to wait for a higher salary. And if unemployed whites truly are holding out for higher-paying jobs, they're in for a wait, because as Deutsche Bank's Torsten Slok pointed out back in August, high-paying jobs have actually been declining throughout 2018 as employers have shifted their hiring to low-wage occupations.
Also, the pay gap between white and black workers remains stubbornly wide. The median weekly earnings for white, full-time workers in September was $907, while African Americans made $683.

But while anecdotal reports are no substitute for cold, hard data, Axios spoke with several black workers in Harlem and found that lower wages didn't deter them from taking another job.

Tray Baynard, who is black, re-entered the workforce 3 weeks ago and took a pay cut. The 27-year-old was hired as a construction worker at World Class Demolition in New York with a salary of $18 an hour, significantly less than the $26 he earned at his previous job. "I'm not getting paid as much, but it's a job so I took it," he said.
Onique Morris, who is also black, accepted a teaching position at New York-based P.S. 79 without shopping around for a better salary.
"I would have taken it no matter what the pay was," said Morris, who is studying for a master's degree in education.
Another black worker, Terrence Riley, left a job at a Carolina Herrera retail shop after two years, and went on to be a production coordinator at Oscar de la Renta. Riley said opportunity outweighed other factors, including pay.
* * *

While black unemployment is at an all time low, a little context paints a more alarming picture. For example, the unemployment rate for whites (3.3%) is roughly half that of blacks. And the black unemployment figure is also distorted by the fact that millions of incarcerated black Americans (and millions more who just aren't looking for work) are excluded from employment figures because they aren't considered participants in the labor market.

In summary, the overall employment picture for black Americans is improving under President Trump (which is perhaps one reason why the president's support among blacks has nearly doubled over the past year) - just not as quickly as the headline numbers would suggest.


Sep 19, 2018
I don't respect Trump I can't stand the guy. I just call out bias when i see it, Trump and treatment of women is terrible, other than Stormy Daniels, she used him just as much as he used her, most of the media is liberal so they attack conservatives on a regular basis. They claim to be impartial, nothing can be farther from the truth, most people are blinded by their own views and follow along like sheep. Don Lemon is the worst, he calls himself a reporter/journalist, he's neither, he's a commentator every night he opens his show with a 10 minute tirade against Trump, no he's not biased, never said a bad word about Hillary, even though she's just as corrupt if not more than Trump.
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