Would life be meaningful if your cock and balls were removed?


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Would your quality of life diminish if your cock and balls were removed? How big of a role does the thought of sex and actual sexual pleasure play in your life?

Physiologically, without your testicles, you'd produce very little testosterone so you would become more feminine in thoughts/behavior.

Would these changes make you suicidal?


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
I just opened this thread to see what tf Canada-Man had posted.... and frankly, it was pretty damn good!

Robert Mugabe

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2017
I think it would make a man potentially much more productive, since all the time, money, and energy exerted to obtain sex could be re-routed to other endeavors. But without sex being a goal, what would compel a man to be productive?
You could always make a fourth for bridge.


Well-known member
Dec 7, 2008
My nephew was very severely injured in Afghanistan and lost them along with both legs. He had to have reconstructive surgery in order to urinate. He suffers from severe depression and has tried suicide. I guess that's an answer in a way.


Well-known member
May 8, 2008
thought Id give my perspective...

during my life time I have had quite a few sexual partners. in my early teens and 20s I was obsessed with vagina. it was a massive driving force and definitely overrode a good portion of my decision making ability.

in my early thirties that drive was still strong however it lacked the vigor I had in my twenties. I began to become more focused on my goals and financial success. vagina was still a priority but lower on the totem.

late thirties, sex became more typical and monotonous. it became a matter of fact and I had the been there done that mentality when it came to a sexual experience. I still enjoyed sex, but the amount of time and energy that I wanted to dedicate to obtaining sex was dropping. my goals and financial success become much more satisfying then sex.

Im in my forties and the drive while still there does not motivate me nearly the same as my 20s. in fact this is probably the best time in my life. the amount of time, energy and money I put forth trying to impress women was truly astonishing to me.

for me sex is like an apple. when I had my very first apple as a child, it was the most delicious thing. as I have enjoyed many apples throughout my life, the apple has become common and lacks the luster of the first time. sex was amazing the first time, but after many encounters its pretty much at the same level as that apple.

while I am not a eunuch, the change in my sex drive has allowed me to improve my life and see past what is at the end of my penis. I wish it happened sooner. the amount I would have accomplished would have been awesome.


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
I wish that were true for me that the urge would subside or disappear. But it's as resilient as ever. I was a horny child (always trying to look up the teacher's skirt) even before I knew what sex was and the obsession has stuck throughout life.

All that has changed is the time/sacrifice I'm willing to put in to obtain it. That's where the hobby comes in. I'm unwilling to chase any woman when I can simply buy sex whenever I choose. Sex is the one thing where delayed gratification is unbearable. Phone tag, dates, hookups, game, have zero appeal and are seen as terribly wasteful when I can focus on productive activities that make me happy. Once I've had sex I can go about my day with a clear mind.

So the lack of a penis and balls could be the greatest or worst thing possible to ever happen. I don't know which side I'd ultimately fall under.
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