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Officials: Explosive Device Found in NY Mailbox at Home of George Soros


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
The idiot went 0 for 13 with his bomb attempts. That means he either sucks so bad at making bombs, or he was just trying to scare people.

Either way, his attempts were harmless
Admit that you got the "FAKE" allegation all wrong!!

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
Admit that you got the "FAKE" allegation all wrong!!
I already answered that. Wait till the trial is concluded.

Remember the FBI will always charge as severe as they can in the hope of getting a plea deal.
I suspect thats whats going on here

Bud Plug

Sexual Appliance
Aug 17, 2001
I already answered that. Wait till the trial is concluded.

Remember the FBI will always charge as severe as they can in the hope of getting a plea deal.
I suspect thats whats going on here
Beaver still doesn't understand that these bombs were not assembled in a way that they could function. Sure, they contained some materials that could be used to create an explosion, but they lacked a triggering mechanism. It's so simple, but beyond Beaver's comprehension. Every one of them. Non-functioning. What does he think "fake" means? If I assembled a car, filled the tank with gas, but didn't install a motor, is it a real car, or a fake car? LOL!

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
Beaver still doesn't understand that these bombs were not assembled in a way that they could function. Sure, they contained some materials that could be used to create an explosion, but they lacked a triggering mechanism. It's so simple, but beyond Beaver's comprehension. Every one of them. Non-functioning. What does he think "fake" means? If I assembled a car, filled the tank with gas, but didn't install a motor, is it a real car, or a fake car? LOL!
The guy went 0 for 13 (and there might still be more "bombs" in the mail).

He's gotta be the worst bomb-maker I have ever seen. I dont even think ISIS wants to recruit him :biggrin1:


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
I knew you wouldn't get it. Here we go again, working on your comprehension. Yes, he said the words "the bombs were not a hoax". Then he explained what he meant by that (the part that never sinks in with you). What he was referring to is the fact that they contained materials that could be used to cause an explosion. What he DIDN'T say is that any of the bombs included a viable triggering mechanism needed to initiate an explosion.

Get it yet? These were not viable functioning bombs. They were assemblies that looked like bombs, had many of the components of bombs, but were not assembled so as to function as bombs. They weren't all even assembled the same way. The CNN bomb had an electronic timer attached to the pipe that was not wired to any triggering mechanism. Do you not see what a farce that is?
You seem to not comprehend what I said. I said these bombs were not a hoax, hence they are not fake, as they have the potential to cause serious damage including death. But you go on at a tangent as you are in a world of your own. Soon we will see you come up wth your Conspiracy Theory BS that you seem to drift into. Again if they are not a hoax, then they are definitely not a "FARCE" if the CIA have stated that they have the potential to cause serious damage including a loss of life. Why are they asking the public to still be vigilant?? Any spark can trigger off these devices as they have explosive chemicals in them. This criminal mentioned that he did not intend to harm anyone. But the Investigators are still pursuing them as potentially damaging devices. Maybe you buy Cesar Sayoc's version of evidence!!


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Guy qualifies as a terrorist. Why? Because his actions caused terror in a section of the populace for POLITUCAL purposes.

It's that simple. Charge him, try him, hell let him plead insanity then use every legal means to tuck him into a nice asylum and so loaded on lithium his only care in the world is a colouring book and Pizza Friday.v

But there is no mitigating his intent.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
I already answered that. Wait till the trial is concluded.

Remember the FBI will always charge as severe as they can in the hope of getting a plea deal.
I suspect thats whats going on here
When it has explosive materials in there, and even a spark can cause them to detonate if they are exposed to it, there is NO WAY that it will be considered to be "FAKE". So you got that wrong when even his Mother's home is now being searched!!


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Guy qualifies as a terrorist. Why? Because his actions caused terror in a section of the populace for POLITUCAL purposes.

It's that simple. Charge him, try him, hell let him plead insanity then use every legal means to tuck him into a nice asylum and so loaded on lithium his only care in the world is a colouring book and Pizza Friday.v

But there is no mitigating his intent.

He'll never sustain an insanity plea. He's going to the Big House. For life. Probably solitary confinement. 23 hours a day sitting in a 6' cell with fluorescent lighting and nothing to do and crap to eat and nothing to think about or look forward to. Until you die.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Beaver still doesn't understand that these bombs were not assembled in a way that they could function. Sure, they contained some materials that could be used to create an explosion, but they lacked a triggering mechanism. It's so simple, but beyond Beaver's comprehension. Every one of them. Non-functioning. What does he think "fake" means? If I assembled a car, filled the tank with gas, but didn't install a motor, is it a real car, or a fake car? LOL!
Plugged you just cannot comprehend that intentional mailing of a very flammable and explosive material is considered to be a serious crime as it has the potential to cause very serious damage and death. When you add up the crimes, it is considered to be an act of Domestic Terrorism and when that amounts to around 48 years in prison, a "HOAX", a "FAKE" or "FARCICAL" attempt will in no way get you a serious charge that can jail you for that long!!


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011

He'll never sustain an insanity plea. He's going to the Big House. For life. Probably solitary confinement. 23 hours a day sitting in a 6' cell with fluorescent lighting and nothing to do and crap to eat and nothing to think about or look forward to. Until you die.
Sounds good to me.

Bud Plug

Sexual Appliance
Aug 17, 2001
Plugged you just cannot comprehend that intentional mailing of a very flammable and explosive material is considered to be a serious crime as it has the potential to cause very serious damage and death. When you add up the crimes, it is considered to be an act of Domestic Terrorism and when that amounts to around 48 years in prison, a "HOAX", a "FAKE" or "FARCICAL" attempt will in no way get you a serious charge that can jail you for that long!!
Here you are on a tangent. I didn't say it wasn't a serious crime to send fake bombs in the mail. It is. What you can't get your head around is that they were non-functioning bombs. It's also a crime to pull a fake replica gun on someone and threaten them, but impossible to kill them with one.

Maybe the bombs aren't the only thing that's not functional?

Bud Plug

Sexual Appliance
Aug 17, 2001
When it has explosive materials in there, and even a spark can cause them to detonate if they are exposed to it, there is NO WAY that it will be considered to be "FAKE". So you got that wrong when even his Mother's home is now being searched!!
I suppose his Mother's home is being searched because the FBI are looking for bomb making supplies and equipment and/or, perhaps, functional bombs that he had yet to mail out.

Do you know why these pipe bombs use a triggering mechanism? Because they DON'T BLOW UP without them!


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Cripes I just read his bio. This guy seemed destined to lose it in the end. A total failure in life.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
I like how Lefties always say you can't judge one Islamic terrorist act by painting the entire religion with one bad brush, and yet here they are trying their hardest to paint all Trump supporters as <fill in the blank>.

The hypocrisy is hilarious :biggrin1:

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
Cripes I just read his bio. This guy seemed destined to lose it in the end. A total failure in life
Oagre says he's just a loner with mental illness. He doesnt represent the vast majority of Trump supporters
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