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Street knockout collection


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
Jesus, some of those were brutal. If some of those people didn't suffer serious concussions from the punches, they certainly would from striking their head on the ground. You can suffer a serious, lifelong head injury, even death from one of those blows. One of my parent's friends fell and hit his head on the curb. He just about died and was in the hospital for months. Still has lasting injuries.

Look at NHL players, Auston Matthews for example. He was out with a head injury for a couple weeks last season after a minor collision with his teammate. And he was wearing a helmet!

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
Jesus, some of those were brutal. If some of those people didn't suffer serious concussions from the punches, they certainly would from striking their head on the ground. You can suffer a serious, lifelong head injury, even death from one of those blows. One of my parent's friends fell and hit his head on the curb. He just about died and was in the hospital for months. Still has lasting injuries.

Look at NHL players, Auston Matthews for example. He was out with a head injury for a couple weeks last season after a minor collision with his teammate. And he was wearing a helmet!
Very true.

A buddy of mine from high school got into a fight in a Buffalo NY nightclub. The guy he hit fell awkward and hit his head on a curb and died from it. He was convicted in court and wound up spending 12 years in prison on a manslaughter charge. All that because he spilled his drink on the guy by accident.

Not worth it


Well-known member
May 3, 2014
That is the problem w age...younger kherg knew he could kick the crap out of 99% of anyone who came along (but he was not the type to go looking though, would rather have a laugh than pick a fight, but working class upbringing in 2 countries meant it was unavoidable)...and most of the youthful violence was more ritualized (challenges met after school, etc., again a very working class means of settling disputes. There were rules too, and woe to the lad who pulled hair, kicked, suckered, low blowed, bit, etc). Bar-age occasionally involved the "step outside" but usually a thrown drink or other infraction led to a more spontaneous hockey fight kinda start with stuff flying everywhere, which occasionally spread to the barroom donnybrooks). But you get to an age where you realize it is stupid to do this. And then realize that if you are forced to do this, your ability to do so in your 50s no longer matches your confidence as in your 20s or 30s. Thus your body no longer allows you to fight fair but if, god forbid, you had to go the biff now then only fight to win by any means (cuz I'd never start one but only if set upon). Attack the vitals, use any available weapon, disable and get out fast, krav style. But the best course of action is to walk away whenever possible.


Well-known member
May 15, 2018
This shit is why you should never get in a street fight. Now, I’m a big dude and I look like an extra from a 90s mafia movie, I also did Sanshou and Muay Thai for years before I had to stop due to injuries (basically my doctor told me to stop or I’d be walking with a cane by the time I was 35), so people generally don’t bother me and I can take care of myself. That said, street fights scare the hell out of me. The dude who owned the gym I used to train at was a huge Jamaican dude with a very legit BJJ black belt. He got into a fight outside of a bar a few years back, the guy tackled him, he pulled guard, and the guy picked him up and slammed his head into a fire hydrant. Luckily avoided major injury, but he had a concussion and had to get a ton of stitches. And this is a very big, strong guy who’s a trained fighter.

Street fights usually don’t come down to size or skill, it’s usually who’s willing to go the farthest. If you’re the kind of guy who’s gonna knock someone down, then help them up and buy them a beer, and he’s the kind of guy who will pull a knife and stab you, you’re gonna have a bad time. Honestly, if you’re ever in a situation where someone gets in your face, just walk away. Even if you think it makes you look like a pussy or whatever. Just leave. It’s never worth it. You have no idea what this other person might do, you don’t know if they have a weapon, or a bunch of buddies nearby, you don’t know if they’re willing to kill or severely injure another person. There are just so many ways stuff like this can go very, very badly. Even from a legal standpoint, I know a guy who got into a bar fight, punched the guy once, the guy fell and hit his head and died, and this dude wound up getting manslaughter and 5 years in prison. I don’t care how much of a tough guy you think you are, take my advice on this one; just don’t do it.

Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
My father put me through Judo so I could develop an appetite and learn how to defend myself. I was a scrawny kid, getting the shit kicked out of me by local bullies. The last fight I got into was the worst, against an aspiring hockey player. I split his lip and shattered his braces, he broke my nose. It was a slobberknocker and I was never challenged again. Typical working class.

His friend came to me and asked if I wanted to continue the feud, I said no. Since no one was crazy enough to challenge him, we became friends. Years later a barroom brawl broke out at The Woodshed. He was drunk and I didn't want to see him get hit with a beer bottle. So I hustled him out of there and drove him home. He said thanks and apologized for throwing a basketball at my head which caused the fight in the first place. He made it to the OHL but not the NHL.

Funny thing is I never had a concussion until the car accident.

Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
Bruce Lee came late to Judo, he got pinned by Gene Lebell and asked him for instruction. He never used it in his films, he said it was very effective but not showy enough. I can't stand Steven Seagal as a human being but he did figure out how to use it in films.

A demonstration not a spar.



Well-known member
May 15, 2018
Judo is very legit. I did do a few classes, my gym had a few seminars from some Dagestani judo/sambo master whose name escapes me at the moment (and I doubt I could spell it anyway). Judo guys are strong. I sparred with a guy with a judo background and I clinched with him, and the dude tossed me on my head like it was nothing. I’d love to get into judo, but I think my body is just too broken at this point.


Well-known member
Apr 8, 2004
This shit is why you should never get in a street fight. Now, I’m a big dude and I look like an extra from a 90s mafia movie, I also did Sanshou and Muay Thai for years before I had to stop due to injuries (basically my doctor told me to stop or I’d be walking with a cane by the time I was 35), so people generally don’t bother me and I can take care of myself. That said, street fights scare the hell out of me. The dude who owned the gym I used to train at was a huge Jamaican dude with a very legit BJJ black belt. He got into a fight outside of a bar a few years back, the guy tackled him, he pulled guard, and the guy picked him up and slammed his head into a fire hydrant. Luckily avoided major injury, but he had a concussion and had to get a ton of stitches. And this is a very big, strong guy who’s a trained fighter.

Street fights usually don’t come down to size or skill, it’s usually who’s willing to go the farthest. If you’re the kind of guy who’s gonna knock someone down, then help them up and buy them a beer, and he’s the kind of guy who will pull a knife and stab you, you’re gonna have a bad time. Honestly, if you’re ever in a situation where someone gets in your face, just walk away. Even if you think it makes you look like a pussy or whatever. Just leave. It’s never worth it. You have no idea what this other person might do, you don’t know if they have a weapon, or a bunch of buddies nearby, you don’t know if they’re willing to kill or severely injure another person. There are just so many ways stuff like this can go very, very badly. Even from a legal standpoint, I know a guy who got into a bar fight, punched the guy once, the guy fell and hit his head and died, and this dude wound up getting manslaughter and 5 years in prison. I don’t care how much of a tough guy you think you are, take my advice on this one; just don’t do it.
Well said. You win by walking away (never mind your ego), otherwise it's a lose-lose situation.
Winning the fight and going to jail is arguably as bad as losing the fight.

Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
Judo is very legit. I did do a few classes, my gym had a few seminars from some Dagestani judo/sambo master whose name escapes me at the moment (and I doubt I could spell it anyway). Judo guys are strong. I sparred with a guy with a judo background and I clinched with him, and the dude tossed me on my head like it was nothing. I’d love to get into judo, but I think my body is just too broken at this point.
I was an undersized runt when my father enrolled me in Judo. It was very hard! Our Sensei Rawl Furman was a stickler for the basics, he wouldn't consider teaching unless we did our calisthenics and ran around the neighbourhood in our gi. Fitness and humility were important to him - he conducted smelly classes.

I wonder if he's still in the game, must be pushing 70 by now.

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