John McCain Dead at 81


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
He was all of the good things and bad things people have mentioned.

But when he CHOSE Sarah Palin as his running mate.........?!?!?

Jasmine Raine

Well-known member
Jul 28, 2014
I'm sure parents watching their 4 year olds die of cancer sucks too. He was 81 ffs and died, we don't get to choose how we die. Why is it so sad like most are saying.

Anyone that has been to an old person's funeral know it's not a sad event, often it ends suffering .
That's your opinion. I think death is sad because of how it affects people. Including those left behind. It is not just about the single person. I am sure his family are quite sad about this. I know they are in fact. I have read some of their tweets about it. They are not happy. They are sad. I ya e the capacity to feel for other.

Glad for you though. That you have your death on lock and that means you won't be having a funeral and everyone will be happy you are gone. Whatever works for you. This isn't about you though so moving on with the thread now ....


New member
Feb 19, 2017
RIP .. That all I can says. I will not speak ill will of a dead man!
And I will not shed a single tear for this politicans and will not feel any sympathy for him at all !

So RIP . May he meet God and answer for all his sins and good deed he done and the May God have mercy on his soul and pass judgements on what he accomplished and what he done.

Figures someone who thinks you "meet god" when you pass is a fan of the orange orangutan.

Btw, drumpf, the draft dodging, cheating-on-pregnant-wife, used car salesman, microdick pussy doesn't deserve to lick McCains boots.


Feb 16, 2013
All of the negative comments in this thread are tasteless and unnecessary.


Mar 27, 2016
These guys never stop, the guy was 81 years old.

Chechen Leader Critical of McCain Calls His Death "Will of Allah" (this is the guy that has concentration camps for gays in his country)

Head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, spoke about the death of US Senator John McCain, who is known for his harsh criticism of Russia. The politician stated his position via his Telegram channel. “It's the will of Allah,” the Republic head shared his opinion with the subscribers, adding that McCain was distinguished by “an incomprehensible hostility towards Russia.” “He did not like the very fact of its existence,” Kadyrov wrote.

81-year-old US Senator John Sidney McCain died of a severe form of cancer. The politician was known as the presidential candidate in the 2008 election, as well as a supporter of tough foreign policy and sanctions against Russia. He had fought with an aggressive form of brain cancer for several years. However, shortly before his death, the senator’s family said that he had refused treatment.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
All of the negative comments in this thread are tasteless and unnecessary.
Why, people should be held accountable for what they did and their legacy should not be sugar coated. Do we say Hitler or Mao or Stalin were "patriots" lol Of course John McCains crimes were not as extreme as those. But his blind patriotism led to death and misery for millions of people.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Apparently in the comments forum on Breitbart or however you spell that the Trump fans are celebrating.


Well-known member
While captured he had the chance to go free due to some fanagaling...he chose to honor his fellow prisoners by saying;ve been here longer than me you go...and he stayed behind
how many of you who have bashed him would have stayed and how many of you would have saved your own ass???


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
While captured he had the chance to go free due to some fanagaling...he chose to honor his fellow prisoners by saying;ve been here longer than me you go...and he stayed behind
how many of you who have bashed him would have stayed and how many of you would have saved your own ass???
His father was an admiral, he know he was too valuable a pawn. He did have a strong sense of comradeship, and to a degree a sense of honor, but only for fellow americans. On the whole he did a lot of harm to millions. Just because he occasionally showed a sense of honor does not absolve him.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
He was a war hero, except to the innocent Vietnamese he killed from the countless bombs he dropped on them


Feb 16, 2013
Why, people should be held accountable for what they did and their legacy should not be sugar coated. Do we say Hitler or Mao or Stalin were "patriots" lol Of course John McCains crimes were not as extreme as those. But his blind patriotism led to death and misery for millions of people.
There’s an appropriate time to objectively examine a man’s legacy. There’s also a time to show respect for a man’s passing.

I did not agree with everything McCain thought and did...but I can still find it within myself to express a simple RIP at his passing. Some people seem to be in a rush to piss on the man’s grave before he’s even in it.


Well-known member
His father was an admiral, he know he was too valuable a pawn. He did have a strong sense of comradeship, and to a degree a sense of honor, but only for fellow americans. On the whole he did a lot of harm to millions. Just because he occasionally showed a sense of honor does not absolve him.
Absolution comes from above...he followed any good soldier I agree with that ..HELL NO...but it is what it is...what he didnt have to do was stay behind and subject himself to more beatings..but his sense of honor was unwavering...
The debate about his legacy can/will go on for a long time..he had no problem saying he was wrong...when he was...he had no problem going against the republican machine when he felt he had to...
THAT will be his legacy


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
I didn't agree with many of his policies, but we honestly need more politicians like him in the world: someone who does what he believes is right, whether it falls on party lines or not. A politician who still has a shred of honor, and doesn't pander to special interests in order to further his own success. A person who took his responsibility to the people seriously.

I'm more sad about his passing than I thought I would be, tbh.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
He and Secretary Kerry where the two Senators who shepherded normalization of U.S. relations with Vietnam. It is peculiar that the Vietnamese Government has honored him in death, and you posted the above.
They just wanted to sell them coca cola and airplanes. Sure its great he did that, but his support of war and use of military force to me was pretty disgusting. I guess he had to get comfortable with killing people, but he never stopped when he was in command.


Feb 16, 2013
It was JFK who got the U.S. into Vietnam. That's his legacy, not John McCain's.
I believe the US involvement actually started under Truman...although it indeed escalated under JFK.
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