Ashley Madison

Boycotting French/Québécois providers due to many subpar services?


Active member
Mar 13, 2016
Mod, please close this BS thread. As for some of you flakes, as Mocha your due diligence and you'll be better off.


May 7, 2008
And as a fan of Isabelle, I can certainly say that she doesn't need a "pimp"....her service and personality speak for itself and knows no borders!!
Merci Cheri XX
I wasn't referring to someone that has a good reputation I am french québécoise myself .I was referring to comment on bad sessions ...If a client go see a lady as some mentioned &some mentioned she refused to do this and that it may be because she does have a pimp and it's not up to her to work plus she wasn't aware that it was agreed.Many ladies that entered the business to those conditions don't know the laws & at time language barrier become an issue They believe that it's illegal for them to work .
As why I think more pimps in Quebec I simply remember working in many stripclubs in ontario i was approached by some of them thinking I would need them as I was from Quebec
Is it because of the language barrier ..I don't know

Isabelle en aucun cas je te pointais je suis québécoise moi aussi avec une bonne réputation au Canada et au Etats-unis et en Europe .Cest sure que un "tread" comme celui ci est insultant pour ceux qui ce donne 100%.
J'ai lu le tread parce que je trouvais surprenant que l'on se fasse boycotte parce que l'on est québécoises
Je crois juste que les temps ont changé ...Avant le 3/4preferrait booke avec une québécoise francophone car ils savaient que plus que la moyenne étaient ouverte d'esprit,chaleureuse et chaude avec des bon reviews.
Aujourd'hui disons qu'il me semble beaucoup ont commencé pour les mauvaise raisons et ont leur a pas montré que le succès ,une bonne réputation et être à l'attention du client est la clé pour être occupé.Je crois qu'il y a beaucoup de filles pimpe du Québec et leur pimp voyage avec eux .

Josephine Grey

Well-known member
Oct 2, 2017
I wasn't referring to someone that has a good reputation I am french québécoise myself .I was referring to comment on bad sessions ...If a client go see a lady as some mentioned &some mentioned she refused to do this and that it may be because she does have a pimp and it's not up to her to work plus she wasn't aware that it was agreed.Many ladies that entered the business to those conditions don't know the laws & at time language barrier become an issue They believe that it's illegal for them to work .
As why I think more pimps in Quebec I simply remember working in many stripclubs in ontario i was approached by some of them thinking I would need them as I was from Quebec
Is it because of the language barrier ..I don't know

Isabelle en aucun cas je te pointais je suis québécoise moi aussi avec une bonne réputation au Canada et au Etats-unis et en Europe .Cest sure que un "tread" comme celui ci est insultant pour ceux qui ce donne 100%.
J'ai lu le tread parce que je trouvais surprenant que l'on se fasse boycotte parce que l'on est québécoises
Je crois juste que les temps ont changé ...Avant le 3/4preferrait booke avec une québécoise francophone car ils savaient que plus que la moyenne étaient ouverte d'esprit,chaleureuse et chaude avec des bon reviews.
Aujourd'hui disons qu'il me semble beaucoup ont commencé pour les mauvaise raisons et ont leur a pas montré que le succès ,une bonne réputation et être à l'attention du client est la clé pour être occupé.Je crois qu'il y a beaucoup de filles pimpe du Québec et leur pimp voyage avec eux .
Je ne me suis pas sentie visée, ne t'inquiète pas. :) Je pense que dans ce genre de thread il est facile de déraper et de généraliser. J'ai demandé une explication pour éviter que les membres prennent ce genre d'information pour acquis.

Il est vrai et triste qu'il s'agit d'une réalité à laquelle beaucoup de filles de l'industrie sont confrontées. Je pense cependant que le ratio de filles entretenues est le même chez les québécoises que chez les ontariennes. La seule différence c'est qu'avec les filles locales, on ne les voient pas. :)
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New member
Aug 20, 2006
I can confirm that victoriajolie gives A++++ service. Probably one of the best Ottawa has ever seen.


Active member
Mar 13, 2016
but...what???...french quebecoise are supposed to be the worst experiences....(irony)...


Active member
Mar 27, 2017
What I really like is that Victoria Jolie isn't advertising herself with every post. :fish:)(don't know what the emoji is but I thought it was cute).

Josephine Grey

Well-known member
Oct 2, 2017
What I really like is that Victoria Jolie isn't advertising herself with every post. :fish:)(don't know what the emoji is but I thought it was cute).
I took off my signature. Not sure if that was directed towards me but if so, my sincere apologies it wasn't my intention.

Josephine Grey

Well-known member
Oct 2, 2017
Do as you wish Isabelle, no apologies needed.
In all honesty, we're maybe just not used to ladies in blue around here and, IMO, with you being a paying member you've earned the right to having a signature.
Hope you have a change of heart and decide to grace our city again in the future.
Will try to come again soon, but booking Will be for reputable Members of the boards only. I Will try September.


Active member
Mar 13, 2016
Will try to come again soon, but booking Will be for reputable Members of the boards only. I Will try September.
I never thought of your signature block as some kind of advertisement just as mine at my work place is not, it merely states who i am, my title and where i work. As Roam said, you've earned the right to put up whatever you like. If someone doesn't like it, they don't have to look at it right?


Will try to come again soon, but booking Will be for reputable Members of the boards only. I Will try September.
Looking forward to the visit Isabelle. As for the signature, it's your account so its your choice. It didn't bother me one bit.


Active member
Mar 27, 2017
Omg would you gentleman please get off your high horse, if only for a second. I never addressed any one person in particular. Isabelle chose to respond, and in a very courteous manner I might add. And then along come the cowboys defending her honour. No one disrespected her. Stop trying to make everything into an issue. My comment merely stated that there are women here that do provide all of their contact info after every post, and for me that comes off as an advertisement. I simply pointed out that Victoria Jolie didn't do that. Which I simply prefer. So gentlemen, please stop making something out of nothing. No wonder so many members don't share their thoughts on here. Better to just lurk and watch y'all jump on everyone else for expressing a thought. And before the comments flood in, please note I'm on vacation so I won't be responding. Feel free to pm and I'll get back to ya.
Have a great day.


Active member
Mar 27, 2017
How your name wasn't mentioned yet you felt/feel targeted is the same as Isabelle felt targeted without you mentioning hers.

Enjoy your holidays.
You're kidding right? Go back and read again. I don't come on here to play word games and I am just going to refuse to get caught up in the unavoidable drama some of the members work hard to create. Made a comment. Isabelle responded without offence. I'm leaving it at that. If you want to continue psychoanalyzing everything then go ahead but you'll be speaking to dead air. Again, enjoy a fabulous week.
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