A Nobel peace prize nominated pedophile who worked for the Clinton campaign!


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
Of course this guy was so disappointed after the election. He fucked young boys because his demons , and it was clearly that fascist Trump's fault. Poor guy. Give him the Nobel prize or he will fuck more.
Are you implying that most pedos are liberals? That is bullshit and you know it... so you're just dishing out partisan nonsense here, right? Fortunately for you, there are plenty of alt right rednecks on Terb, otherwise your business would be decimated by your ugly mind.


Well-known member
Jan 25, 2016
Did you just type "libtards". LOL Isn't that 5 year old alt-right, conspiracy nut speak?


Well-known member
Mar 3, 2017
It is worse if the child molester is liberal, if the child molester is conservative then it is the devil's fault. You might wonder then, why is the devil made me do it not an excuse for liberals, it is because liberals are the devils. So even in cases of convervative pedo, it is the fault of liberals.


Supporting Member
Feb 18, 2010
Are you implying that most pedos are liberals? That is bullshit and you know it... so you're just dishing out partisan nonsense here, right? Fortunately for you, there are plenty of alt right rednecks on Terb, otherwise your business would be decimated by your ugly mind.
And where do you read that nonsense? Because I never said that. Come back from THC land. Say no to drugs! It's not good for you.
Otherwise you are, who called everyone a redneck who has different opinion than you have. There is tons of guys who agree with me , they just don't post comments anymore, because they sick and tired from this liberal screaming chorus on TERB.


I will not post more comments for this thread. My mission is complete.
I know it would be a great day for you, if I never post anything against your sick ideology, but I will. Time to time, I will show your real ugly face for the public. The liberalism is dying. You can lie to yourself how beautiful is this ideology, but you will go down to the toilet sooner or later. I am who I am. I had same opinions years before Trump was elected, I never changed it, and guess what? Still have lots of clients from both sides, but I don't talk with them about politics. I save it for you smarties who live their life here. I wish everyone a wonderful day.:)


Well-known member
Apr 13, 2003
If IRIS is a brand, isn't it risky for that brand to become so politicized that it alienates a significant number of the TERB base?

Jasmine Raine

Well-known member
Jul 28, 2014
If IRIS is a brand, isn't it risky for that brand to become so politicized that it alienates a significant number of the TERB base?
Is she a brand or a person? Maybe... just maybe she can be both.

Also please remember TERB makes up about 10-15% of the actual hobbling community. We never just rely on one place to attract clients. That would make no business sense at all.

Plus, I think she is okay with weeding out the liberal lovers on the board.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Is she a brand or a person? Maybe... just maybe she can be both.

Also please remember TERB makes up about 10-15% of the actual hobbling community. We never just rely on one place to attract clients. That would make no business sense at all.

Plus, I think she is okay with weeding out the liberal lovers on the board.
In which case IRIS the industry brand must bear the business consequences of not separating out the personal brand of IRIS the political-hater. The political mudslinger has already enjoyed whatever benefits Forum participants give the blue-brand of an industry provider.

Hoping others will treat you better than you act yourself is a foolish strategy; from ancient times people all over the world have recognized that if it works at all, it only works the other way around: You must act first, in the way you want them to act towards you.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
And where do you read that nonsense? Because I never said that. Come back from THC land. Say no to drugs! It's not good for you.
Otherwise you are, who called everyone a redneck who has different opinion than you have. There is tons of guys who agree with me , they just don't post comments anymore, because they sick and tired from this liberal screaming chorus on TERB.

I will not post more comments for this thread. My mission is complete.
I know it would be a great day for you, if I never post anything against your sick ideology, but I will. Time to time, I will show your real ugly face for the public. The liberalism is dying. You can lie to yourself how beautiful is this ideology, but you will go down to the toilet sooner or later. I am who I am. I had same opinions years before Trump was elected, I never changed it, and guess what? Still have lots of clients from both sides, but I don't talk with them about politics. I save it for you smarties who live their life here. I wish everyone a wonderful day.:)
Your mission?..... To post stuff about a guy being a pedophile because he worked for the Clinton campaign??

How does this make any sense?

And I can see someone disliking an extreme ideology like Communism or Fascism. Such an ideology is intolerant and victimizes elements of the population on ideological grounds. But liberalism? 35-40% the population votes liberal in most Canadian elections. In the current Ontario election, 20% of the population voted liberal for an unpopular incumbent and 35% voted NDP. Do you really mean you hate 55% of the people around you? Why? Because they're all secret pedophiles?

Are you trolling? Or are you really this weird? And if the latter, isn't it YOU who is the intolerant one?


Feb 16, 2013
If IRIS is a brand, isn't it risky for that brand to become so politicized that it alienates a significant number of the TERB base?
Maybe...But it’s also going to attract the Alt Right terb members who also make up a significant portion of the site.

I’d compare it perhaps to a restaurant that serves Indian food. Not everyone likes Indian food but for those that really do like it they will seek it out...and if there is a large enough group of people in a community that like it the restaurant will be packed and do very well.

Lots of hobbyists have Alt Right political views. If an SP was to put a MAGA sign or a Pepe the Frog pic in her ads I bet she would see an uptick in her biz. Alt Right guys are probably an under-served market group in the escort biz.


Feb 16, 2013
Your mission?..... To post stuff about a guy being a pedophile because he worked for the Clinton campaign??

How does this make any sense?

And I can see someone disliking an extreme ideology like Communism or Fascism. Such an ideology is intolerant and victimizes elements of the population on ideological grounds. But liberalism? 35-40% the population votes liberal in most Canadian elections. In the current Ontario election, 20% of the population voted liberal for an unpopular incumbent and 35% voted NDP. Do you really mean you hate 55% of the people around you? Why? Because they're all secret pedophiles?

Are you trolling? Or are you really this weird? And if the latter, isn't it YOU who is the intolerant one?
I’m surprised Bud Plug, smallcock, or one of the other Alt Right terbites have not jumped into this thread to support an Alt Right sister in need. Apparently this thread is a bridge too far even for those guys.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005

Are you suggesting in your humble opinion that certain Terb providers have intentionally created an online persona specifically designed to attract the the ~35% market on the the further-right while alienating the rest of the market? ...
I could see it happening but I suspect that the OP's motivation is far more plain (and ugly).


serial onanist
Feb 1, 2012
Your mission?..... To post stuff about a guy being a pedophile because he worked for the Clinton campaign??
No no nooo, you've got her all wrong, my friend. Her mission is to post stuff about a guy in his early 20s who CLAIMS to have been nominated for a nobel prize, a guy of whom there is ONE MOTHERFUCKING PHOTO of him at a Democrat political function (from which you'd have to be a fool and a communist not to infer that he is not only a high ranked party insider, but he;s personally Hillary Clinton's best friend), and who has recently been charged with pedophilia related crimes. It's all really quite simple and I don't understand why you are all accusing her of trying to push some sort of agenda, you censorious, politically correct, SJW, freedom-hating, death-camp-loving libtard!

...the saddest part of all this is that right out of the gate some mouth breather in this thread replies with a comment trying to legitimize pizzage, without noting that it is PRECISELY this kind of rhetoric that led to a crazy motherfucker going into the pizzeria in question and firing off an assault rifle. https://www.cnn.com/2017/06/22/politics/pizzagate-sentencing/index.html But really, it's those silly libtards that that can't take the truth bombs coming from the enlightened citizens. MAinstream media is all fake, and consipracy theories are all real, the more absurd the better.

(also, fuck this world)


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
At least my weirdness may be attributed to drugs.... Iris is just naturally insane.
Last edited:


Well-known member
Jan 25, 2016
What's it to you?
I'd rather not have this forum turn in to an alt-right circle jerk but mods take a read of some of the posts over the last year or so. It's going that way pretty quickly. Most threads are quickly starting to devolve in to reddit styled extreme right BS.

May want to have a look at it...or not. Your call.


Feb 16, 2013
I'd rather not have this forum turn in to an alt-right circle jerk but mods take a read of some of the posts over the last year or so. It's going that way pretty quickly. Most threads are quickly starting to devolve in to reddit styled extreme right BS.

May want to have a look at it...or not. Your call.
I think this is why the Mods prefer these threads stay in the Politics forum. I’m surprised this one has not been moved.
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