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Gym/fitness rats inside


Active member
Jun 5, 2009


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
Neat idea. Not great for control though, and so you can't really use it for leisure activities. Just a workout.


Active member
Nov 1, 2001
The person who will buy this is a person who likes fitness gimmicks. He/She will use it 3 times a week in the first month. twice a week in the second month. In the third month he/she will regret buying instead of just a regular rowing machine (since they had a bike already). The snickers as they are passed by 10 year olds on BMX bikes will become grating. As the summer days grow shorter he/she will put the machine up for sale on Kijiji in a desperate attempt to sell it before the winter. In the winter, he/she will buy an indoor exercise bike - but not a serious indoor bike, a cheaply made, overpriced one that's got a tablet bolted to a shitty bike - with a subscription service to follow a virtual spin class on a shitty android based proprietary screen which can't do anything else. At the beginning he/she will use 3 times a week in the first month, twice a week in the second month.... etc, etc. In the Spring, it will be put up for sale so that he/she can buy a bike that simulates Cross Country skiing, except it's a BIKE!!


Active member
Nov 1, 2001
Just get a kayak. That bike is a recipe for disaster.I am surprised thar nobody in that video are wearing helmets. Very dangerous.
Not just dangerous, kind of a dumb design. If you want to row, row. If you want to bike, bike. If you went any distance in this thing you'd have to stop every time you wanted to drink because you need both hands to row. If you had to brake hard, or manoeuvre around an obstacle quickly you'd likely crash or the sliding seat would slide forward sending your face right into the handlebars. Also, if you look at the video none of them are rowing with proper form - so after a short ride, you could probably fuck up you lower back. No gears, good for flats only, destined to gather dust in the garage after a couple outings.
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