Toronto Escorts

New Alert system to work on cell phones but what if you get an alert at 3am???


Asian Picasso
Jan 11, 2014
They should have an actual warning system like they have when the annual "purge" happens (for those who are not aware, I am making reference to the Purge movies). That way "everyone" will take notice. Screw those who place the importance of watching their favorite tv show over the welfare of a child or safety of the public. WTF is wrong with people today. Life is full of inconveniences and disturbances. If you don't like them move to areas where contact with others is non-existent.


Area 51 Escapee
Apr 15, 2003
Stuck in Lodi again
They should have an actual warning system like they have when the annual "purge" happens (for those who are not aware, I am making reference to the Purge movies). That way "everyone" will take notice. Screw those who place the importance of watching their favorite tv show over the welfare of a child or safety of the public. WTF is wrong with people today. Life is full of inconveniences and disturbances. If you don't like them move to areas where contact with others is non-existent.
There used to be "air raid" or some kind of warning sirens in many places, installed during the Cuban missile crisis I believe. I remember them testing them here, but they have all been removed now.


Well-known member
Jun 20, 2011
west gta
I guess potentially dying is a small price to pay for some peace and quiet at night right? Those pesky forest fires, earthquakes, ballistic missiles, nuclear plant meltdowns, and Godzilla attacks.
Most of the alerts are spam / garbage
Read the actual page

I could care less about an Amber Alert or any one of the useless info texts they plan to send

REALLY!!! These alarms are not for telling you a snow storm is coming but serious life threatening situations that require serious attention such as evacuations. Perhaps the O.P. thought it was things like amber alerts for a rise in potential terror threats or child missing. Noooo only serious immediate situations threatening public safety.

Actually Amber Alerts and Severe Weather warnings are both included
Shows what you know
So anytime it gets cold (-10) or hot (35) you get a warning

There was a weather warning just this week due to high winds


Well-known member
Jun 20, 2011
west gta
Is it as simple switching your phone to silent to avoid alerts?
Don't sweat it many phones actually do not even support this garbage

You can also break support quite easily (although this is illegal and we should never encourage it etc etc before thought police get me)


Active member
Jul 17, 2014
They can send all the 3am alerts they want. I sleep too soundly to hear them anyway.

If it's the second coming well.......I doubt I'm on that list.


CB Fan
Dec 27, 2001
I did. But strangely someone else I know with the same phone from the same provider didn't get any alerts.


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
anybody here get that amber alert this morning?
I got it, all 3 as well. Amber Alert in English, then French then cancelled.

Anyone know where Copenhagen Road in Gorham Township is? There's no Gorham Township and two Copenhagen Roads on Google Maps.


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
I got the alert on my phone today but it only gives a description - no photos. Very little to go on.


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
Thunder Bay area
Now how would the general public know that? If you search Google Maps Gorham Township, nothing comes up. Try Gorham ON and it shows a location north of Thunder Bay but 28 kms from Copenhagen Road in Shuniah ON and nowhere near Copenhagen Road in Mississauga.

If they want to get this right, could it hurt to be more specific regarding the location. It should also be regional. What are the people of Toronto to do about an Amber Alert 1,400 kms away?

I got the alert on my phone today but it only gives a description - no photos. Very little to go on.
Basically, if you're in Toronto, keep your eyes peeled for silver car with a loud exhaust near Thunder Bay. :rolleyes:


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario

East Gorham is a local services board for the unincorporated geographic townships of Gorham[3][4] and Jacques[5][6] in Thunder Bay District, Ontario, Canada.[7]

The area is counted as part of Unorganized Thunder Bay District in Statistics Canada census data.

The elections for the board for the period October 1, 2014 to September 30, 2015, held on September 13, 2014, had the result of Shelley Tuomi as Chair and John Guarasci, Jim Parkes, Dennis Thibodeau, Pat Williams as Board Members.[needs update][8]

The community of Lappe is at the southern border of the board's jurisdiction at the junction of Ontario Highway 589 and Ontario Highway 591. Ontario Highway 589 continues north through Gorham and Jacques townships and then further on its way to its northern terminus at Dog Lake.


Well-known member
Mar 24, 2015
I did. But strangely someone else I know with the same phone from the same provider didn't get any alerts.
That’s a strange one.
I got the alert. Read it.
Wondering why I got an alert for a domestic kidnaping near Thunder Bay.
I checked around my apt. Nope, not hiding here. 2nd alarm I jumped out of my seat cause phone was right beside me.
Same alarm showed up on tv. I was on CTV at the time.
I wonder if it was supposed to be regional, or province wide? Does the person sending the alarm know? Who decided to send it?
And, did sending the amber alert lead to saving the little boy or the arrest of Grammy ?

Keebler Elf

The Original Elf
Aug 31, 2001
The Keebler Factory
Apparently you only get the alerts if you're on an LTE network. If you're at home on your WIFI you probably won't get it.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
I got that VERY amber alert 3 times today, even after I shut it off after the first one.

Can cops not find a way to turn down the volume a bit??
Toronto Escorts