UK schools replacing analog clocks with digital ones because students couldn’t read t


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
the dumbing down of society continues......

(WSVN) - Schools in the United Kingdom are removing analog clocks and replacing them with digital ones… because teachers say the students can’t read them.

The Telegraph reports that teachers are now installing digital devices for students taking exams.

“To adults it might seem second nature to use a standard clock face,” said Malcolm Trobe from the Association of School and College Leaders teachers’ union. “The current generation aren’t as good at reading the traditional clock face as older generation.”

Trobe said the decision to replace the clocks comes as a way to help students who are more familiar seeing the time in a digital format.

“Young people find it a bit easier to use a digital clock – and if they’re timing themselves for questions, it might make it less likely that they’ll make mistakes,” Trobe told the BBC.

Teachers began chiming in on social media, saying their schools began switching out the clocks upon realizing that many older teens could not tell time with an analog clock.

corrie fan

Well-known member
Nov 13, 2014
They won't be able to work as mechanics or carpenters because will not be able to learn how to turn a bolt or screw CW to tighten and CCW to loosen.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
They won't be able to work as mechanics or carpenters because will not be able to learn how to turn a bolt or screw CW to tighten and CCW to loosen.
C'mon! Never heard of righty-tighty, lefty-loosey? Lotsa pre-digital clock-users still found that an easier mnemonic than counter-clock-wise.


Sweetie Pie
Feb 23, 2004
Do they even teach cursive in school anymore?

Nope. I have a teenaged relative who was never taught cursive handwriting (a lost art in my opinion - I take pride in having good penmanship.) She also isn't very good at telling the time with a regular clock. The world is definitely changing.

Apparently, some young people/teenagers don't even know how to write their signature.... And don't even get me started on spelling! lol

Mr Deeds

Muff Diver Extraordinaire
Mar 10, 2013
My kids couldnt read an analog clock until I tought them when they were teens


Active member
May 22, 2011
It's a new age people. I've heard about these stories, and the thing about teaching cursive is true. My nephews and nieces were never taught it. It's all about laptops and typing.

Cursive still has benefit though..... it's the best way to chicken scratch notes in important meetings.

You can't bring your laptop all the time, and trying to write notes by printing slow won't cut it.

Never knew about the clock thing though.

If you want a laugh, google the way some classes are taught math. Instead of basic times table material, they go through this absurd way of drawing lines and counting sticks..... supposedly "the Japanese way of doing math".... although I have a hard time believing any kids in Japan draw this shit on a piece of paper.

Johnny Utah

Active member
Jun 9, 2017
Why? It's as useful as learning to use an abacus for math...
Knee jerk reaction. Cursive requires more critical thinking than text font. The fluidity of the characters and how they connect means you may not be able to “read” every letter but you can pick up the rest and context. This requires more thinking than plain text.

About the clocks is only a matter of time. We keep enabling kids and not challenging them or teaching them and would rather make excuses for them like “they no longer need it” without considering the ramifications.

Reading analog means being able to understand fractions, portions and cycles.

Doctor Zoidburg

Prof. of Groinacology PhD
Aug 25, 2004
It is a fucking school, just teach them.

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
Don't we learn time in grade 1 or 2? What the hell is going on in our schools? This is madness

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
I remember them teaching us to tell time. We all had to bring in soup cans to use as a template to draw a circle. And funny enough I remember most of the kids had to bring the soup home when we were done. Myself included.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Knee jerk reaction. Cursive requires more critical thinking than text font. The fluidity of the characters and how they connect means you may not be able to “read” every letter but you can pick up the rest and context. This requires more thinking than plain text.

About the clocks is only a matter of time. We keep enabling kids and not challenging them or teaching them and would rather make excuses for them like “they no longer need it” without considering the ramifications.

Reading analog means being able to understand fractions, portions and cycles.
And a clock with hands that go around is truly an analogue of the Earth that goes around and thus makes the day the clock is now measuring. Hours minutes and seconds had to be 'invented' by carving them out of the daylight, as sundials did, then out of the day-night cycle which that 'carving' made us aware of. An analogue clock isn't just a mecahnical achievement, althought it certainly is that, it's a philosophical one that goes back to the very earliest understanding of humans in their world.

Digital clocks just count. As if humans didn't.


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
I have friends that have kids and they tell me that school isn't what it used to be. There are all kinds of "special" programs to get kids to pass when they're incapable of doing basic academic work, test scores are constantly inflated to push kids through the curriculum, and so on. This dumbing down is occurring at a time when the future appears to belong to those with high tech skills only. When these kids become adults they're going to live in a society more competitive than at any time in modern history. It's becoming pretty clear that the next generation are the new indentured servants.
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