I am entirely within my rights to tell them to turn off their phones rather than bitch about. If they wanna go on public tirades about it then I’ll respond to their public tirade.Correction - I said two use a second phone and some use an app. I have friends that use their actual phone line because as ive said they know they don't need to get a second phone or use an app. It is not your place to tell an sp what to do with her phone. If you want to be a jerk and call an sp after 3 am especially if she states her hours then you are just a jerk. POINT. BLANK . PERIOD. You've made your point they can turn off their phones if they WANT TO but that is their decision - not YOURS - get over it already !
MODS - can we please close this thread now?? its gone on long enough & it seems like this guy wont stop.
You are getting mad because, as much as it vexes you, I am right. Your arguments are weak...Flipping out doesn’t change it.
Why do you get to decide who can complain and who must be silent? Why do you get to tell me what to do? Feel free to leave...You don’t have to keep posting here.