Conservative MP Lisa Raitt tweeted that she was “concerned” about the prime minister’s and justice minister’s decisions to weigh in.
Mr Selfie sent a condolence PM to family,
Really a PM gets involved in a local rural robber attempt and a killing took place in self defense .
WHY, because there playing the race card ,
all organized indigenous groups are at court and after for the news cameras , voicing injustice ,
they made no mention of 22 rifle loaded in SUV ,this poor indigenous lad ,truly missed understood, why he and his gang where on private property, etc.
, Mr Selfie , former part time drama teacher and snow board coach , has spoken out again . He is either handing out billions of taxpayers borrowed money when traveling world wide , OR writing big checks here in Canada,
hell we have to even pay for his 200 k plus family vacation .
Cant wait till the Fed Elections ,then I'm spending a lot of my cash, to help rid this country of this narcissistic jerk , God only knows , what our long term Debt will be before this socialist is gone.