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The Nunes memo leaves out critical information, former federal prosecutor says


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Jul 19, 2017
The Nunes memo leaves out critical information, former federal prosecutor says

The Nunes memo leaves out critical information, former federal prosecutor says

By Eric Lutz

Feb. 2, 2018

The controversial memo by Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) alleging misconduct by the FBI and Department of Justice is “legally and logically irrelevant,” a former federal prosecutor said Friday after its release.

“This is advocacy, and not particularly sophisticated advocacy,” Patrick Cotter — now an attorney at Greensfelder, Hemker and Gale — told Mic in an email. “Not impartial legal analysis.”

The four-page memo alleges that the FBI and Department of Justice improperly relied on the salacious dossier compiled by former British spy Christopher Steele to obtain a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant on Carter Page — an aide to the Trump campaign who admitted he met with Kremlin officials in 2016.

The memo accuses Steele of misconduct as part of an effort to prevent Donald Trump from becoming president — and that former FBI Director James Comey, ousted Deputy Director Andrew McCabe and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein all signed off on the allegedly inappropriate Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrants.

Trump fired Comey in May 2017. McCabe announced this week he was resigning his post after months of pressure from Trump. And the president on Friday signaled he may attempt to oust Rosenstein, who is overseeing the Russia investigation.

“You figure that one out,” Trump told reporters after being asked if he was confident in the deputy attorney general.

Trump authorized the release of the memo Friday, hours after tweeting that federal law enforcement leaders have “politicized the sacred investigative process in favor of Democrats and against Republicans.”

But according to Cotter, the memo leaves out information that would be critical to determining if the FISA court ruling was correct.

“What was the complete information presented to the FISA court?” Cotter said. “To leave that out, and to then suggest that some other information should have been given to the court, is facile but legally and logically irrelevant. No one can decide whether the FISA court ruling was correct until they review the whole application. Only then can anyone rationally decide whether the supposed additional information would have been meaningful or necessary.”

Democrats have sought to release a “response memorandum,” but House Republicans have blocked them in what Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee said in a statement Friday afternoon is a “transparent effort to suppress the full truth.”

“The Republican document mischaracterizes highly sensitive classified information that few members of Congress have seen, and which Chairman Nunes himself chose not to review,” the statement said. “The sole purpose of the Republican document is to circle the wagons around the White House and insulate the president.”

Other top Democrats, law enforcement officials and even some Republicans also slammed the decision to release the memo. The FBI was also against its release, saying in a statement earlier this week that key omissions “fundamentally impact the memo’s accuracy.”

But Trump and his allies, including Page himself, already appear to be rallying around the document, which the president reportedly believes could help him undermine special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia probe.

Republicans have been seeking to delegitimize the investigation into Trump by suggesting that it began with the Steele dossier by Fusion GPS. But the New York Times reported in December that the probe was actually spurred by comments campaign aide George Papadopoulos made while intoxicated to an Australian official in 2016 — which the Nunes memo seems to confirm.

“The Page FISA application also mentions information regarding fellow Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos, but there is no evidence of cooperation or conspiracy between Page and Papadopoulos,” the memo reads. “The Papadopoulos information triggered the opening of an FBI counterintelligence investigation in late July 2016.”

Page, who has long been a subject of scrutiny in the Russia investigations, said in a statement Friday that he would be “updating my pending legal action” against the DOJ in light of the memo.

After declassifying the memo, Trump told reporters he considered the contents of the memo “terrible.”

“I think it’s a disgrace,” Trump said. “A lot of people should be ashamed.”

But critics said that there was key information missing from the document, and that its release could endanger federal law enforcement.

“FISA is, by definition, where the nation’s most sensitive investigations are often rooted,” Cotter told Mic. “To expose secret and highly sensitive information, including the names and procedures associated with a FISA surveillance application, for political or public relations purposes, as opposed to after court review and appropriate protections having been put into place, is stunning and unprecedented.”


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
Well, start the leak machine, then. They leak everything else. Here's the thing though, they can't leak it because they don't have anything.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Well, start the leak machine, then. They leak everything else. Here's the thing though, they can't leak it because they don't have anything.
Just a second. You're not suggesting that the FISA judge found probably cause to issue a warrant simply based on the Steele dossier??!!.... How many judges are going to be impressed by a gun for hire, former Brit asset who goes independent and collects stories about Trump hiring call girls to piss in front of him??!!!..... Not many, that's for damn sure!

So there was clearly a TON of other info put in front of the FISA judge to get the successful warrant authorization. So in turn, we can assume that the Feds put reams of other stuff before the judge. If that stuff was procedurally or substantively defective, then you can be sure that brown-noser Nunes would have told you about that shit too. So we assume that it was all proper. Page had been under surveillance since 2013. So we can assume that the FBI had a shit-ton of dirt on him, in addition to the Steel dossier and that the Steele material was the least relevant and weighty material put before the FISA judge.

So the fact that there are no leaks doesn't mean that there is nothing to leak. There is clearly a lot of material to leak and the Dems tried to leak it - legally - in a minority memo, but got voted down by the GOP members of the panel, in what is the most egregious instance of putting party before truth and country that I have ever heard about.

Essentially the GOP is saying: "Doesn't matter shit to us that Russia is now practically running our elections and influencing the way we vote. We're gonna sweep all that under the rug because the Koch's are telling us that they want Trump to stay in office, undistracted - so he can sign more billionaires' tax breaks and repeal more environmental regulations, so the fossil fuel industries can make even more $$$ than we do already."


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Now we've got former CIA director Brennan saying the Trump piss dossier wasn't a factor in the Trump collusion investigation.

Former CIA Director John Brennan said Sunday that the so-called Steele dossier containing allegations about President Trump’s ties to Russia was not a factor in the intelligence community's assessment that Moscow interfered in the 2016 election.

“I was unaware of the provenance of it as well as what was in it. And it did not play any role whatsoever in the intelligence community’s assessment that was done, that was presented to then-President Obama and then-President-elect Trump,” Brennan said on NBC's “Meet The Press.”

I think Nunes will be in big trouble soon.


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
Just a second. You're not suggesting that the FISA judge found probably cause to issue a warrant simply based on the Steele dossier??!!.... How many judges are going to be impressed by a gun for hire, former Brit asset who goes independent and collects stories about Trump hiring call girls to piss in front of him??!!!..... Not many, that's for damn sure!

So there was clearly a TON of other info put in front of the FISA judge to get the successful warrant authorization. So in turn, we can assume that the Feds put reams of other stuff before the judge. If that stuff was procedurally or substantively defective, then you can be sure that brown-noser Nunes would have told you about that shit too. So we assume that it was all proper. Page had been under surveillance since 2013. So we can assume that the FBI had a shit-ton of dirt on him, in addition to the Steel dossier and that the Steele material was the least relevant and weighty material put before the FISA judge.

So the fact that there are no leaks doesn't mean that there is nothing to leak. There is clearly a lot of material to leak and the Dems tried to leak it - legally - in a minority memo, but got voted down by the GOP members of the panel, in what is the most egregious instance of putting party before truth and country that I have ever heard about.

Essentially the GOP is saying: "Doesn't matter shit to us that Russia is now practically running our elections and influencing the way we vote. We're gonna sweep all that under the rug because the Koch's are telling us that they want Trump to stay in office, undistracted - so he can sign more billionaires' tax breaks and repeal more environmental regulations, so the fossil fuel industries can make even more $$$ than we do already."
LOL! I'm not suggesting anything. I'm stating factually that any possible rumors re. Trump have been leaked in the past. Even as high as by the Director of the FBI. If nothing has been leaked, it's reasonable to assume that there's nothing there. But, we will see.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Just a second. You're not suggesting that the FISA judge found probably cause to issue a warrant simply based on the Steele dossier??!!.... How many judges are going to be impressed by a gun for hire, former Brit asset who goes independent and collects stories about Trump hiring call girls to piss in front of him??!!!..... Not many, that's for damn sure!

So there was clearly a TON of other info put in front of the FISA judge to get the successful warrant authorization. So in turn, we can assume that the Feds put reams of other stuff before the judge. If that stuff was procedurally or substantively defective, then you can be sure that brown-noser Nunes would have told you about that shit too. So we assume that it was all proper. Page had been under surveillance since 2013. So we can assume that the FBI had a shit-ton of dirt on him, in addition to the Steel dossier and that the Steele material was the least relevant and weighty material put before the FISA judge.

So the fact that there are no leaks doesn't mean that there is nothing to leak. There is clearly a lot of material to leak and the Dems tried to leak it - legally - in a minority memo, but got voted down by the GOP members of the panel, in what is the most egregious instance of putting party before truth and country that I have ever heard about.

Essentially the GOP is saying: "Doesn't matter shit to us that Russia is now practically running our elections and influencing the way we vote. We're gonna sweep all that under the rug because the Koch's are telling us that they want Trump to stay in office, undistracted - so he can sign more billionaires' tax breaks and repeal more environmental regulations, so the fossil fuel industries can make even more $$$ than we do already."
It hasn't been voted on yet. It is in fact going through the exact same process for release as the first memo.

As well the question is whether the Fisa court erred in this instance. And the only way to regain that trust is to release the full content.

Because we now have them denying the Steele dossier is relevant after so many months of reportage it was. And only the drunk bragging of a peripheral figure as released cause.

They opened this can of worms. Sorry but now the public has a right to know. I even saw civil rights activists are now taking the side of the president because there are questioning the court.

Their word isn't good enough.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
LOL! I'm not suggesting anything. I'm stating factually that any possible rumors re. Trump have been leaked in the past. Even as high as by the Director of the FBI. If nothing has been leaked, it's reasonable to assume that there's nothing there. But, we will see.
Don't confuse the incredible amounts of leaks and book on Trump with a professionally run organization like the FBI, where leaks are very few and very intentional.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
So are you now admitting I'm right and the dossier isn't real?

And Nunes is not in trouble. Give your head a shake.
The Trump piss dossier is real and some parts have been verified and some not.
The piss dossier is still on track to take Trump down due to his incredibly inept work with Nunes and the memo to bring it back into the light.
Without the memo we'd be talking more about Mueller's confessions and interviews, now its all back to the piss dossier.

And wait until this week, if Nunes' memo is found to be wrong on any sections he's in deep shit.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
The Trump piss dossier is real and some parts have been verified and some not.
The piss dossier is still on track to take Trump down due to his incredibly inept work with Nunes and the memo to bring it back into the light.
Without the memo we'd be talking more about Mueller's confessions and interviews, now its all back to the piss dossier.

And wait until this week, if Nunes' memo is found to be wrong on any sections he's in deep shit.
I'm afraid the Dems now disagree with you. They are backtracking and downplaying it's relevance due to the Fisa fiasco.

My prediction as to its relevance is coming true.

And no one is saying a single piece of the memo is wrong. They have all emphasized that. Just that there is more.

And I'm happy to see more.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
I'm afraid the Dems now disagree with you. They are backtracking and downplaying it's relevance due to the Fisa fiasco.

My prediction as to its relevance is coming true.

And no one is saying a single piece of the memo is wrong. They have all emphasized that. Just that there is more.

And I'm happy to see more.
Schiff, Banner and now a host of republicans are coming out and saying that the memo proves nothing.

“I actually don’t think it has any impact on the Russia probe,” Trey Gowdy, the outgoing Republican chairman of the House oversight committee, said on CBS’S Face the Nation.

“The dossier has nothing to do with an email sent by Cambridge Analytica,” Gowdy continued, referring to a data analysis firm that worked with the Trump campaign and has been a target of the special counsel investigation of Russia ties.

“The dossier really has nothing to do with George Papadopoulos’s meeting in Great Britain,” Gowdy said, referring to a meeting between the former Trump adviser and Joseph Mifsud, the Maltese academic who told him Russia was in possession of emails that would be damaging to Clinton.

The FBI? The only reaction I heard was this:
On Friday, FBI Director Christopher Wray sent a video message to those he leads, urging them to “keep calm and tackle hard.”

“You’ve all been through a lot in these past nine months, and I know that’s been unsettling, to say the least. And the past few days haven’t done much to calm those waters,” Wray said. “So I want to make sure that you know where I stand, and what I want us to do.”

Tackle hard.



Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
When when the Dems, intelligence agencies, and media claimed it would be a disaster for national security it was a lie?

They really need to get their stories straight.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
When when the Dems, intelligence agencies, and media claimed it would be a disaster for national security it was a lie?

They really need to get their stories straight.
How would they know what was on the memo?
Nunes wouldn't share it.

Fire Nunes for deliberately lying to protect Trump from the law.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
How would they know what was on the memo?
Nunes wouldn't share it.

Fire Nunes for deliberately lying to protect Trump from the law.
They did know. They voted on it. Beyond that if it's as you claim then why did several Dems and pundits make the news rounds claiming exactly what I said?

And now change it to it means nothing.

And if it is such a national security issue why demand to release more info now?

I'm all for it. Release the totality of the Fisa warrant.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
They did know. They voted on it.
Only the dems on the intel committee voted, and they voted to not release it just as the republicans plus reclused Nunes voted to not publicize the dem memo.

None of the rest of the GOP, dems, Trump, CIA or FBI until the last moment, ever saw the memo.

Fire Nunes for lying to protect Trump from charges.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Only the dems on the intel committee voted, and they voted to not release it just as the republicans plus reclused Nunes voted to not publicize the dem memo.

None of the rest of the GOP, dems, Trump, CIA or FBI until the last moment, ever saw the memo.

Fire Nunes for lying to protect Trump from charges.
Hang on. You said they didn't know it's contents. Schiff did. And he was the one leading the charge on this. In the media.

And the vote for the dem memo hasn't come up yet. I believe it's next week. Its in process.

That's two oops on your part.

There isn't a single lie in the memo. It's factually correct.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Hang on. You said they didn't know it's contents. Schiff did. And he was the one leading the charge on this. In the media.

And the vote for the dem memo hasn't come up yet. I believe it's next week. Its in process.
Schiff did, but he's not allowed to tell the other dems, so its correct to say that the dems don't know.
The intel committee did vote to not publicize the Schiff/dem intel memo already.

Double fail on your end.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Schiff did, but he's not allowed to tell the other dems, so its correct to say that the dems don't know.
The intel committee did vote to not publicize the Schiff/dem intel memo already.

Double fail on your end.
All the ones who voted on it would have.

And they have NOT voted on the release of the Dem memo.

Seriously grow up and look it up.


Mar 12, 2004
Dark, and smells,...

All the ones who voted on it would have.

And they have NOT voted on the release of the Dem memo.

Seriously grow up and look it up.
You do realise you are heading down an unending rat hole,... best to get out now,... and never look back.
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