TRANS-AGE: Pedophile Charged With Abusing 3 Girls Says He's A 9-Year-Old Trapped In..


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Men and women express 6500 genes differently

Appeared in BioNews 899
At least 6,500 genes are expressed at different levels in male or female body tissues, finds a new study.

'The basic genome is nearly the same in all of us, but it is utilized differently across the body and among individuals,' said Dr Moran Gershoni, who carried out the study, published in BMC Biology, with Professor Shmuel Pietrokovski at the Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel.

Using data from the GTEx project – a large study of human gene expression in different organs and body tissues from nearly 550 adult donors – the researchers investigated the expression levels of 20,000 different genes, and sorted their findings by sex and tissue.

Of the genes they studied, close to 6500 had an expression level that was biased towards one sex or the other in at least one tissue type. For example, genes related to hair growth were expressed more highly in men's skin cells than women's, while genes related to fat storage were expressed more highly in women.

Interestingly, they found that genes with a higher sex-specific expression bias accumulated mutations at a much higher rate than genes with a similar expression level between the sexes.

'The more a gene was specific to one sex, the less selection we saw on the gene,' said Dr Gershoni.

Differential gene expression between the sexes could explain why certain mutations can persist in the population, and the authors speculate that this could help researchers understand why rates of infertility between couples are so high. For example, women can pass on mutations that might be highly detrimental to male fertility, as they do not hinder female reproduction.

'Paradoxically, sex-linked genes are those in which harmful mutations are more likely to be passed down, including those that impair fertility,' said Professor Pietrokovski.

Their findings also identified potential differences in disease onset and response to drug treatment between the sexes. It is hoped that these findings could aid disease research and treatment in the future.

Notably, the expression of one gene, called NPPB, was found to decline in women with age, which the researchers suggest might play a role in the increased risk of heart disease found in post-menopausal women.

They also found that genes for certain enzymes in the liver, which are known to regulate drug metabolism, were expressed more highly in women than men. This provides a degree of evidence for the differences observed in drug processing between men and women, they suggest.

'The study also emphasizes the need for a better understanding of the differences between men and women in the genes that cause disease or respond to treatments,' said Professor Pietrokovski.



Feb 23, 2017
I don't see too many 9-year-olds going around assaulting others. So the argument is loopy. Just distracting from the facts.


Well-known member
Jun 20, 2011
west gta
I said it before and I'll say it again. Their are two genders. Male and female. Everything else is either a psychological disorder or a perversion.
Obv a trans person has a psych disorder
What is strange is instead of helping people we are wrong to talk about it


New member
Jan 4, 2012
This guy is a lying sick fuck who is using nowadays hot topic excuse to get out of serious jail time/getting raped and/or killed in prison


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
This guy is a lying sick fuck who is using nowadays hot topic excuse to get out of serious jail time/getting raped and/or killed in prison
Yeah, I doubt his defense will take him far. We haven't reached that level of stupidity yet, have we?


Jun 19, 2013
...Man's Body

I said it before and I'll say it again. Their are two genders. Male and female. Everything else is either a psychological disorder or a perversion.
You also don’t know how to spell “there” and posted an article from “”

I’m taking your ability to assess as-per DSM-5, and your well laid out treatise on gender with the requisite grain of salt.

To my knowledge, trans-ageism isn’t recognized within the medical community, and like trans-species type-stories, they are really just lighting rods for kooks and the tinfoil hat brigade looking for the magical key needed to somehow undermine the international trans-conspiracy.

Joseph Roman is an (alleged) pedophile. Whether he had some form of body dysmorphic disorder is an aside. Seems like a stretch if he’s reaching for an NCR defence, but I’m not a judge or a psychologist...

Interesting that the original Chicago Tribune article doesn’t even contain the word “trans.”


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
I don't see too many 9-year-olds going around assaulting others. So the argument is loopy. Just distracting from the facts.
And will get thrown out of court. At best he's hoping for a psych defence.

But don't let reality stop the paranoia about trans people.


Committee Member
Oct 29, 2002
You have to feel sorry for this fellow. Imagine being trapped in a full grown mans body, but in reality you are a 9 year old girl.

This generation is learning how to live their lives as to who they really are. People need to be judged not on the outside, but who they are on the inside. Fortunately our politicians (at least in Canada) are supportive of this initiative.

I am sure we will see more of these cases as people will learn to face their transgender/generational challenges.

We are lucky to have such pioneers in government like Justin Trudeau and Kathleen Wynn who will usher in this new wave of empathy that will help society realize that the murder and /or sexual abuse of children should be part of the healing process for these people.

Tomorrow is going to be a better day.


Jun 19, 2013
You have to feel sorry for this fellow. Imagine being trapped in a full grown mans body, but in reality you are a 9 year old girl.

This generation is learning how to live their lives as to who they really are. People need to be judged not on the outside, but who they are on the inside. Fortunately our politicians (at least in Canada) are supportive of this initiative.

I am sure we will see more of these cases as people will learn to face their transgender/generational challenges.

We are lucky to have such pioneers in government like Justin Trudeau and Kathleen Wynn who will usher in this new wave of empathy that will help society realize that the murder and /or sexual abuse of children should be part of the healing process for these people.

Tomorrow is going to be a better day.
I try to stay savvy on this stuff, as it comes up when I’m in town. Have I missed something?

Has Wynn or Trudeau actually indicated support or even recognition of these “I’m a ________ trapped in a grown man’s body” type-stories? (Where blank refers to anything other than gender or sex). They tend to show up in incredibly dubious “news sources” and when MSM covers it, they tend to do so with the care you’d apply to any story focusing on some form of poor mental health.

With certainty, they (Wynn and Trudeau, pre-election Trump, WHO, CMA, AMA... ) have been supportive of the trans-community and say they’re supportive of mental healthcare funding, but the only people who seem to chime in on these ‘trans-whatever’ stories are DailyWire readers and the likes.

Equating this story to any story related to a transgender person is just stupid and transparently transphobic. if you can’t tel! The difference between a transperson and whatever a “trans-ageist” person is, you may need to get an MRI and should defintiely stop eating lead paint ASAP.
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